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RE: Random Archetype Insights - Plenum - 12-09-2012

(04-06-2012, 11:47 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Oh wow, this is so exciting to witness in actual progression that it make my fire surge.

Plenum, you are sensing something from deep within that is trying to reveal something to you and you are staring it right in the face.

All you have to do is keep the Light on and you will get this. You are hot on the trail and within striking distance. What you have spoken here is absolutely stunning in its explicit expression of the truth waiting to be revealed. This will give you reason to rethink how you look at the left hand path.

thanks for your encouragement Shin'Ar. You are like a giddy teacher seeing their student progress from B-grade to A+ levels. I thank you for your support and enticing words. BigSmile

I guess I am still clutching at the meanings, unfortunately.

- -

meanwhile, in other parts of Tarot Land, I've been drawn quite lovingly to the Alchemist card, which is card 14.

[Image: Wmts1.jpg]

so my current reading of this card is thus:

* the river is intelligent energy. It is an abundant, infinite source right below your feet (ie always within reach)

* the sun, in the background, is the source of this river. The sun is light (ie spirit)

* the angel is the higher self (or magical personality) which pours the water (intelligent energy) from one vessel to another (the two cups)

* the vessels are your body, or someone else's body, or one chakra to another; doesn't matter; it is the directed movement of energy from one part of the creation to another, done in loving fashion.

* the triangle on the chest of the higher self indivates the Perfect Alignement of mind, body, and spirit. An equilateral triangle where all is in balance and harmony, no part functioning higher than another.

this is what Ra has to say about the Alchemist

Quote:81.14 The body is the creature of the mind and is the instrument of manifestation for the fruits of mind and spirit. Therefore, you may see the body as providing the athanor through which the alchemist manifests gold.

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Spaced - 12-09-2012

Wow . . . this kind of knocks my socks off. Remember earlier when you and I were in the chat room and I was complaining about sluggishness, a headache and a generally bad mood? You said I should probably meditate and I took your advice. While meditating I thought of something that I had been thinking about this morning and last night. It's just this one phrase: "An empty cup is full of potential." That led me to think of this card, the Alchemist. I realized that I had been slowly building up these negative thought forms about a few of people: my landlord, my supervisor at work and a couple others. My cup was filling up. After visualising that card in my mind and releasing all those negative intentions and forgiving all those other-selves I felt my headache throb painfully a couple of times and then recede. This also made me think of the relationship between the Alchemist and Death. Were the headache and illness Death Transforming the body to adjust to the change in my Experience? In this case the Alchemist stepped in to end the experiment prematurely, emptying the metaphorical cup so that it was once again empty and ready to receive some new energies to work with.

Anyhow, that's my story. Thanks for sharing your energies with me today plenum. BigSmile

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Shin'Ar - 12-09-2012

(12-09-2012, 02:48 AM)plenum Wrote:
(04-06-2012, 11:47 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Oh wow, this is so exciting to witness in actual progression that it make my fire surge.

Plenum, you are sensing something from deep within that is trying to reveal something to you and you are staring it right in the face.

All you have to do is keep the Light on and you will get this. You are hot on the trail and within striking distance. What you have spoken here is absolutely stunning in its explicit expression of the truth waiting to be revealed. This will give you reason to rethink how you look at the left hand path.

thanks for your encouragement Shin'Ar. You are like a giddy teacher seeing their student progress from B-grade to A+ levels. I thank you for your support and enticing words. BigSmile

I guess I am still clutching at the meanings, unfortunately.

- -

meanwhile, in other parts of Tarot Land, I've been drawn quite lovingly to the Alchemist card, which is card 14.

[Image: Wmts1.jpg]

so my current reading of this card is thus:

* the river is intelligent energy. It is an abundant, infinite source right below your feet (ie always within reach)

* the sun, in the background, is the source of this river. The sun is light (ie spirit)

* the angel is the higher self (or magical personality) which pours the water (intelligent energy) from one vessel to another (the two cups)

* the vessels are your body, or someone else's body, or one chakra to another; doesn't matter; it is the directed movement of energy from one part of the creation to another, done in loving fashion.

* the triangle on the chest of the higher self indivates the Perfect Alignement of mind, body, and spirit. An equilateral triangle where all is in balance and harmony, no part functioning higher than another.

this is what Ra has to say about the Alchemist

Quote:81.14 The body is the creature of the mind and is the instrument of manifestation for the fruits of mind and spirit. Therefore, you may see the body as providing the athanor through which the alchemist manifests gold.

Let me direct your attention away from your own 'connection' with the card itself, to two other points.

First of all, when you are trying to uncover details of meaning when you are alone with the cards, you are essentially reading yourself. There is no other connection/client part of this process of connection. It is solely between you and the enchanted aspects of the runes on the card.

Secondly, when reading yourself, you are essentially establishing a 'connection' between your field of consciousness and the field of the card. What is shared is not just your interpretation, but also what the card has to offer you as well.

In the Sacred Eye, that sacred space where two fields of consciousness merge, there is never just one experience being shared. It is always two, which become one in the process.

As you so clearly noted in your understanding, there is more than just the symbolism involved, there is also the 'connection' and how that connection affects the other through the process of sharing.

And so, not only are you involved in interpreting the card's intuitive offering, you are also involved in giving something of your own experience to the card.

And it is this fact, in the circumstance of there being a reader and a client, which enables a true reader to enter into that back and forth process in such a way that they can read the experiences and fields of both directions. The reader virtually enters into that sacred space between the two fields where the sharing takes place, and if attuned to that connection, may access information from either field.

In this case where one is alone with the card, as the reader you are now reading your own field and the card's field.

And as I said, because of the runes, and the enchantment, one also has the opportunity to utilize the meaning of the runes and symbols, their reason for being there and their message, as an advanced degree of reading the fields involved.

You can feel the card's influence, and interpret that influence, but, if you can also interpret the symbols as well, the degree of understanding which you will realize will be greatly increased.

Now with that in mind Plenum, let me ask you a couple questions about what you are actually seeing, rather than just feeling.

first question-

Consider the cards adjacent to this one and their correlations. I call these cards The Reaper and The Darkness.

The Reaper speaks to reincarnation and the cycle of life and death.

The Darkness speaks to the choices one has as it embarks on that cycle, where it can either ascend via this process, or remain trapped in the process with no actual degree of ascending into higher being/self.

Both speak to many further and succeeding dynamics of their initial representations.

So leading up to Card 14/The Alchemist, which I call The Ascended Master, we see reincarnation and following it we see the result of the cycle of reincarnation without actually evolving.

What does the order of the cards speak to you regarding Alchemy/balance?

Second Question-

If you can realize the cards speak to an ascension of understanding into higher being, you can also realize that path/direction must also play an important aspect of the message behind the cards. One cannot have ascension without movement toward a direction.

Note the feet. One on the Earth and one in the water. Which one is at rest and which is the one on which the master seems poised to make the next step?

Yes, there is always the balancing of the two, riding both fences, but there is also always direction/procession. The masters know how to achieve that balance essential for living the experience, but they also know that higher being is realized on a certain path.

There is Divine Design, and living within that Design the Alchemist is limited to the laws of that Design. Gravity is one of those natural laws of Design.

Any pagan will tell you that what is found in the chalice is not one element, but the balanced mixture of all of the elements. And in this card it is being poured from the left hand to the right hand. What this higher being has to offer is its balanced concoction and it is being offered to the right hand path as an opportunity to rise further, and to ascend higher. That which is created in left hand understanding is now offered to the still learning right hand.

Again we see the connection/blending of two fields in the divine design of balancing for the purpose of ascending higher, designated by the triangle of ascension seen between the two.

What does this blending speak to you about the cycle of reincarnation which the adjacent cards have been depicting?

Third question-

If you were the one depicted in the card and turned to look toward the sun, The Spirit/Source/Goal/, on which side do you see the path leading directly toward it?

Does it originate in the Earth place of balanced footing, or the Water point of balance?

The left hand path on which the Ascended One is poised to continue, leads back to the Earth and physical experience, while the actual left hand path extends from the right foot placement and goes directly toward the Light.

Water is always the sign of The All and the sign of God's connection with the physical.

The Earth is always associated directly with matter and the physical form of creation.

But why then is the Ascended One poised to follow the left hand path toward The physical rather than the spiritual?

And why does the left hand path leading to The Light/Source originate in the waters rather than the Earth from where all right hand path wanderers should be exiting onto that left hand path from?

When you can understand the reasons for that symbolism, you will, also have a better 'connection' and be further enchanted/enabled to read what the cards have to share with you.

Two cups. One spirit and one matter. Blending and balancing the two manifests in the state of being of the balancer.

There is always the need for balance to achieve a direction toward higher being.

A direction which does not tend toward higher being/state of being, manifests as imbalance and the continuation of the cycle from life to death, never acquiring a pure state of either.

In virtually all of these cards you will see obvious and adamant direction.

So again, ask yourself WHY does this card seem to suggest that the Ascended One is poised to walk the left hand path, but back toward The earth again rather than The Light.

THIS is the true 'meaning' of that Card, which is also represented by the vine which I spoke to you about, and the sowing of seeds and the return to the Earth of material according to natural Design.

By gravity/Design the mixture falls from one cup into the other. From one field into another, and from The Other into The One.

Every element has its natural place, spirit and earth.

Every concoction has its consequences, the blend of each.

And no element is immovable nor stale in its natural state. All proceed in one direction or another as vibrating energy.

Dust to dust my friend, dust to dust.

"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that you cannot do the things that you would." -Gal. 5:16

Jesus was trying to tell His followers something which was later misinterpreted to support religious laws of institution.

His true message was that there are two paths. One leads to higher being and the other returns to the lower. To get to one a particular direction must be taken, and one way does not lead directly to the other.

This card reveals that the left hand path followed to achieve higher being is sometimes made up of decisions to return to the material realm, and that balance is a continuing process of being, even in ascended levels/degrees of state of being.

This card is the Ascended One, Master of Balance/Alchemist Supreme, deliberately choosing to return to earth and continue in the cycle, depriving itself of further ascension, and why? Because it is always working to balance Divine Design, and also, chooses to be that 'divine/higher connection' between higher and lower, the ascended and those ascending, spirit and matter.

This is The Goddess/matter/descendent, being that which It is, a process of being. Not The One nor The Other, bu the Divine Process 'in between'.

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Plenum - 12-13-2012

so this card happens to be the Judgement archetype:

[Image: FYoI7.jpg]

which I suspect I have written about a lot before lol.

my current summary of my position is this:

"I hear the illuminated calling"

this is the calling of the spirit, the Transformation by the Spirit to be exact.

this calling is from the place of the eternal, the untouched, the less distorted.

it's trumpet call makes its way into the ear of our reality, and we cannot help but be amazed, dazed by its clarity and assurance.

is this the voice of god? the voice of the void?

it certainly sounds unlike any that I have heard before.

let us follow, let us awaken from the Sarcophagus, let us be ressurected on this new day.

where hither do I go?

I follow the Call my friend.

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Ankh - 12-19-2012

I had a 5 minutes break at my work. I was but trying to breath and relax. I was very, very tired. Suddenly I felt a gentle activation of my violet ray and instreamings into that ray, showing me beautiful images and visions, incoming with understandings beyond words.

I saw images of a male and a female. They had a relationship based on respectful, loving unity with each other. There were instreaming understandings at the same time, that the male was the conscious mind and the female was the unconscious mind. This had to do with Archetypes.

As a relationship between a man and a woman, working together, would be on the positive path, there was a deepest respect between these two. They were mates, completely accepted by each other, and their union was one with one another.

There were more instreamings and understandings.

I know this "call". This call is the call towards studies, seeking. A pull towards the mystery, the unknown, and the exciting journey towards the great Logos.

Later, when I had some time for myself again, I found myself sitting in front of the screen, yearning to see the Archetypes. There was no doubt about what image, or the Archetype, that was in focus, that was "calling". It is Archetype Six, or Lovers, or Two Paths, or Transformation of the Mind.

When starting to read about this Archetype, the activation of the violet ray was almost immediate, and very, very intense. The instreamings activated my entire being, from top and all the way down to my knees. I felt how something inside of me set itself free, how this "someone" is yearning to make that flight towards the Logos, but is most of time restricted by the rules, which govern the evolution, the growth. It is a bird that has been caged, but longs and yearns to spread the wings and begin the flight towards infinity.

I saw a ship, heading towards its destination. But the destination is the unknown, guided by a starmap. And it is night. All that was perceived was sparkling in infinite magic. The starmap, the stars themselves guiding the ship, were the Archetypes. The vast ocean was the creation. The night was space, or the Infinite, Mysterious One. And the ship was me, both the vehicle, and the one who sleeps, who dreams, is moved and unmoved, moves and unmoves, steers and being steered...

So this was my "call", to wake up and look at the stars again...

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Spaced - 12-21-2012

I was listening to this song today and I think it has to do with the Chariot archetype:

girl you are a groove
you're like the planets when you move
see the winter' coming
in a two finned caddy
gonna walk upon the waters
go oooo yea

girl you gotta cook
you got the chariot by the hook
i'm riding in the rain
got my blue suede shoes
gonna give up all my pain
and go ooooo yea

baby you know who you are
baby you know who you are
don't you know who you are

standing on your porch
you wear your pleasure like a torch
hiding in the road
like a paolini toad
gonna give up all my load
and go oooo yea


Maybe I'm just grasping at straws, but in any case I'm loving this song right now. BigSmile

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Plenum - 12-21-2012

thanks Spaced. The archetypes mean what you want them to mean; that is their beauty.

if they speak, then you have been spoken to.


RE: Random Archetype Insights - Spaced - 03-01-2013

While I was meditating last night I was thinking about whether I would really be willing to give up all my worldly attachments should the need arise. Suddenly I saw an image of myself walking through the wilderness with all my belongings tied up in a bundle on the end of a stick. Seeing that made me feel SO GOOD! I was so free! Then all of the sudden my vision was filled with a big crocodile's head and I realized "Oh, I am working with the Fool archetype." So there I was at the edge of a river with this crocodile threatening me and blocking my forward movement. So what did I do? I stepped on the croc's head shutting it's mouth and used it's body as a bridge to cross the river Tongue

To me this seemed to mean that those things which seem most threatening to us are sometimes exactly what we need to move forward and that the loss of possessions and attachment can be extremely freeing.

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Spaced - 03-12-2013

I saw this painting today and it made me think of Judgment.

[Image: xUtnGAz.jpg?1]

I find it very beautiful.

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Ankh - 03-12-2013

(03-01-2013, 02:33 PM)Spaced Wrote: While I was meditating last night I was thinking about whether I would really be willing to give up all my worldly attachments should the need arise. Suddenly I saw an image of myself walking through the wilderness with all my belongings tied up in a bundle on the end of a stick. Seeing that made me feel SO GOOD! I was so free! Then all of the sudden my vision was filled with a big crocodile's head and I realized "Oh, I am working with the Fool archetype." So there I was at the edge of a river with this crocodile threatening me and blocking my forward movement. So what did I do? I stepped on the croc's head shutting it's mouth and used it's body as a bridge to cross the river Tongue

To me this seemed to mean that those things which seem most threatening to us are sometimes exactly what we need to move forward and that the loss of possessions and attachment can be extremely freeing.

So you made *the* choice, huh? Lucky you!! :p

Thank you for sharing!

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Ankh - 03-14-2013

There is something with the dream that I recently had about the unconscious mind appreciating the courting of the conscious mind, but an element in that dream was that "she" gave me a feeling of revealing "herself" to me about how "she" actually is.

I can't quite put it in words yet, as it is just in concepts in my mind, but I feel that there was a significance to the ankh "she" is wearing on "her" chest; that is has to do with how "she" was presenting "herself" to me about how "she" is.

I know that She is all things, and She is the one who perceives the catalyst, not the conscious part; but there was an element of Her knowing, at the same time, exactly who she really is; something that conscious mind never does until it becomes ennobled.

The understanding that She gave me was about seeing parts of the mind that the conscious element never does, and it made me to look into the image of Her. My attention was instantly drawn to the ankh on Her chest. It feels like this ankh is related to that emotion she let me to have in that dream. And the quote that fits with all this is:

Ra, 94.26 Wrote:The cross formed by the living limbs of the image signifies that which is the nature of mind/body/spirit complexes in manifestation within your illusion.

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Meerie - 04-07-2013

(03-29-2012, 10:42 AM)plenum Wrote: new question:

this is regards the relationship between the Moon and the Sun.

The Moon, to me, represents a certain level of apprehension and misunderstanding. In the faint light of moon, things can be easily mistaken for another thing; uncertainty seems to be the order of the day.

this Experience of the Spirit is then strengthened by faith so that the Full Light of the Sun can then enter the entity, and reveal things in bright colors (their true nature).

is this how these two archetypes interact/progress?

to me the moon is the unconscious, and the sun the conscious mind. They are interdependent. The moon is the night, the dream state, feelings and emotions, the female principle, or yin, the sun is the day, and conscious, masculine or yang, active principle.
Lol I just read what the questioner asks here (67.28) and it pretty much sums up my thoughts on the two:
Thank you very much. I have a statement here that I will have you comment on for accuracy or inaccuracy. In general, the archetypical mind is a representation of facets of the One Infinite Creation. The Father archetype corresponds to the male or positive aspect of electromagnetic energy and is active, creative, and radiant as is our local sun. The Mother archetype corresponds to the female or negative aspect of electromagnetic energy and is receptive or magnetic as is our Earth as it receives the sun’s rays and brings forth life via third-density fertility.

which ties in with their function in astrology ... in the birthchart the sun can be seen as the father, and the moon as the mother.

And I had a dream yesterday, which I think was connected with the strength card (my avatar) which is sort of my life card.
I was with my brother and he had this wild animal in his room and he was perfectly relaxed around it.. I remember feeling a bit uneasy and thinking "what if he unleashes his wild animal-ness again" and finally leaving.
Maybe that was my animus showing me that there is nothing to be afraid of in the "beast"

an interesting experience - julieannepalmer - 04-24-2013

Greetings wondrous sisters and brothers!
The beginning of this year has had me a bit off balance, amazing work and insights, along with confusion, feeling blah. I felt that I was definitely expanding spiritually and was called to the Archetypes. I opened to the Matrix of Spirit. As the year unfolded I found myself going through the entire Spirit Archetypes one by one, as time went by I realized that I was literally “going through the Spirit Archetypes”. This was awesome, as I was able to focus on the image of the archetype, the different aspects, of the particular elements involved, as I was experiencing all the stuff that was happening in my life. Some archetypes were quick, some took weeks before I wentt to the next. I had them out on a table that I pass a hundred times a day. When I turned to the Experience of Spirit it was like I was flying. Has anyone else done this? I am going to begin the Body archetypes now and see what that is like.
Love and Light Julieanne.
Also, whoever suggested “The Treatise on the Cosmic Fire” many, many thanks. What an amazing read!

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Ankh - 05-05-2013

When she is telling stories:

A while ago I woke up in the middle of the night and was completely awake consciously, but what happened next is that the unconscious mind started to tell stories in a very clear way about the self. It was like a dialogue between her, the unconscious mind, and him, the Magician, the conscious mind. And "I", the observer of this dialogue, was quiet and listening (perhaps this "observer" was the Significator of the Mind, the Hierophant, who was interested in this dialogue?).

The dialogue between these two in that alternative state of mind was something like: she said something true about myself, and the Magician replied more often than not: "Nooooo! That's not true!" To which she replied: "Yes, it is. Look!" And then she showed me situations from my life where it was clear cut that it was indeed true. The Magician then felt it and understood, no matter how inconvenient it was, or how much he *didn't* want to see or understand it. This procedure repeated about many aspects of my self. This continued for about 3-4 hours.

4 weeks ago now, I made *the* Choice, and I experienced that Archetype in my own personal and unique way; here too Significator played a little role or part of this process. It was He who made the Choice, in a second.

So, now I am trying to grasp the Transformation of the Mind Archetype. But as Ra says: "The conscious entity holds both and will turn itself one way or the other or, potentially, backwards and forwards, rocking first one way then the other and not achieving the transformation." So, this is a process that takes place and time for me now... The conscious entity will turn itself one way ot the other, backwards and forwards, rocking one way then the other...

What this Archetype is about for me is: "The right-hand and left-hand transformations of the mind may be seen to differ by *the attitude of the conscious mind towards its own resources as well as the resources of other-selves*." I understand this to be the core of this Archetype.

The unconscious mind has many stories to tell about the self, which Magician does *not* want to listen to. He has determined and firm opinions about what is appropriate and what's not, and every time she is trying to tell him something which is in conflict with this, he is not listening.

One can compare it perhaps to a situation where we meet a very challenging person for instance who is prejudiced or in some other way very limited, and very difficult to listen to, who is challenging. And we want to tell this person about the opposite of what he is telling us, how this person is wrong etc, but s/he does *not* want to listen. His/hers mind is already set. And this is something I experience now is happening in regards to this Archetype of the transformation of the mind.

She, the unconscious mind, has many stories to tell about the self, and these stories are not something that Magician always wants to hear. An instant reaction to stories which are inconvenient is to turn my back on them, dismissing them as being "not true". But they are... And here is where patience and love comes into the picture. In order for her to tell stories in an honest way and reveal herself, the Magician needs to be quiet and patiently *listen*, letting her to tell everything without interrupting her.

This can also be seen in a relationship between two mates perhaps, where a mate in order to be completely understood, needs to be listened to without judgement, interruption, and with greatest interest and respect; *a genuine desire to be understood*. If the mate who is listening doing it without jumping into conclusions, assumptions and interruptions, the other mate gets a chance to tell everything, especially if shown interest and respect.

And she can't be tricked or forced in any way, if following the positive path. When she removes her veil and starts telling stories, as soon as the Magician interrupts her in *any* way, she puts on the veil again and gets quiet. Only with patience and total silence and genuine interest she reveals herself.

Her light is very bright though, and can sometimes be indeed too bright, or intensive to be in.

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Plenum - 05-09-2013

I had previously conceived of the Enchantress archetype as being the dipole of attraction/avoidance. Both of these actions being a distortion of physical existence as it is.

but in the last few weeks, I have come to see the operation of the Enchantress as being even more subtle.

quite often, as a response to the impulse of Avoidance, one simultaneously creates an Attraction to something else, essentially creating a Distraction response.

it is almost as though, 'I don't want to deal with this', so to blot it out of my mind, and 'avoid' it fully, I will become 'attracted' to this, and fill my attention with it.

and so something like alcholism or other addictions or addictive behaviours can be seen as this Distraction Response.

it is attraction driven by avoidance.

and when queried, one will deny to their heart of hearts that there is any avoidance going on, as well as any attraction going on - 'I am not an addict. I can stop anytime'. To a lesser degree, all forms of distraction would seem to be based on this mechanism.

The Enchantress holds the position of being the Experience of the Body; and how much of our physical reality is based on this ongoing avoidance/attraction/distraction?

peace out

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Plenum - 05-12-2013

The Chariot:

this is the card:

[Image: yyxEc9O.jpg]

and this is what Ra offers on it:

Quote:79.41 Questioner: Would the Conqueror or Chariot then represent the culmination of the action of the first six archetypes into a conquering of the mental processes, even possibly removing the veil?

Ra: I am Ra. This is most perceptive. The Archetype Seven is one difficult to enunciate. We may call it the Path, the Way, or the Great Way of the Mind. Its foundation is a reflection and substantial summary of Archetypes One through Six.

One may also see the Way of the Mind as showing the kingdom or fruits of appropriate travel through the mind in that the mind continues to move as majestically through the material it conceives of as a chariot drawn by royal lions or steeds.

my own reading of this archetype is that it represents the level of vibration or 'quality' of a mind.

throughout the Ra material, it is constantly empahsised that the Creation appears in divisions or stratifications of 7. And that these '7's' become progressively more finely divided. For eg, there are '7 densities' and in each density (like our 3rd density) there are 7 sub-densities, and in each subdensity, there are 7 sub-sub-densities. Same goes for the chakra system. There are 7 energy centres, and in each chakra there are 7 sublevels if one is able to read energy that finely. And the division goes on.

The point being, that between each of these 'sub-levels' there is a certain resistance factor to moving up to a higher sub-level. These 'resistances' are based on understandings of the self that may be obtained through reflection of one's experience. One then 'graduates' or moves through these levels when one is ready, and vibrationally able to handle that 'higher state'.

The Chariot here, being the Great Way of the Mind represents the environment in which the mind archetypes function and exist. It is not a process that is 'activated', but rather it is the encompassing factor of what the mind 'does'.

and what the mind does is progressively move through different levels of what I term 'experiential banding'; when one is finished and done with one experience, and one is sick of playing with a toy or something, then the 'chariot' can 'move one' into a different level of experience.

and so people who like the same things cluster together and talk their interests; their mind vibing or vibrating at the same experiential banding. And as I'm sure you've experienced in your lifetime, when you change interests sometimes you can't hang out with your former buddies; not because you no longer like what you did, or that you dislike those people anymore, but because you are in a different experiential space now.

your bodies may be in the same location, but the chariot has taken your mind to a different sub-level.

so that's my current understanding of what this archetype represents.

peace Smile

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Plenum - 05-14-2013

(05-09-2013, 04:53 AM)plenum Wrote: I had previously conceived of the Enchantress archetype as being the dipole of attraction/avoidance. Both of these actions being a distortion of physical existence as it is.

but in the last few weeks, I have come to see the operation of the Enchantress as being even more subtle.

quite often, as a response to the impulse of Avoidance, one simultaneously creates an Attraction to something else, essentially creating a Distraction response.

it is almost as though, 'I don't want to deal with this', so to blot it out of my mind, and 'avoid' it fully, I will become 'attracted' to this, and fill my attention with it.

and so something like alcholism or other addictions or addictive behaviours can be seen as this Distraction Response.

it is attraction driven by avoidance.

and when queried, one will deny to their heart of hearts that there is any avoidance going on, as well as any attraction going on - 'I am not an addict. I can stop anytime'. To a lesser degree, all forms of distraction would seem to be based on this mechanism.

The Enchantress holds the position of being the Experience of the Body; and how much of our physical reality is based on this ongoing avoidance/attraction/distraction?

peace out

I have considered the emotion of 'nolstalgia' and what it might be.

my conclusion currently is that it is related to this "attraction driven by avoidance" mechanism.

what is nolstalgia?

it is a longing for a past, in which things were 'better' and 'nicer'. That 'past' is approved or accepted by the self. In contrast, the present moment is less 'nice' or less 'acceptable' (ie a form a rejection). So nolstalgia is a comparison of the present to the past in which the past wins out. ie, I don't like the now, don't want to be here.

through avoiding the present, one creates an attraction to the past. ie attraction driven by avoidance.

the same mechanism could apply to someone who overly looks forward to the future or future expectations. The future, in this case, is more 'attractive' and 'acceptable' than the present. Ie things are sh*t now, but will be better sometime soon.

again, attraction driven by avoidance.

lack of 'acceptance' is what drives all these processes Smile

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Confused - 05-14-2013

(05-14-2013, 02:47 AM)plenum Wrote: lack of 'acceptance' is what drives all these processes Smile

Ironically, at the same time, it is the lack of acceptance (or complacency?) of the present situation that can drive the impetus for work in order to effectuate a better outcome. For e.g., burning the midnight oil in order to get that long pending Accounting degree, so that a more moneyed (and/or other attractive attributes) job can come along the way. May be it is acceptance of reality; but with a burning desire to better the situation.

Quote:44.15 Questioner: Well, does the left-hand path of this represent the service-to-self path more and the right-hand path the service-to-others?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full query of this working.

This is incorrect. These stations are relationships. Each path has these relationships offered. The intent of the practitioner in working with these powerful concepts determines the polarity of the working. The tools are the tools.

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Plenum - 05-14-2013

yah, I understand what you are saying Confused.

I think the term 'acceptance' has many applicabilities.

for eg, in one sense, 'acceptance' is used by some people to mean 'tolerate a difficult situation', 'to make do', to be passive in the face of aggression.

when Ra uses this term, I think they are referring to a different side of acceptance; just like when they use 'love' it is different from the common use of love as in - 'I love chocolate!" or "I love that tv show!".

acceptance here probably implies something more along the lines of someone like an addict 'acknowledging' their situation, like you said 'their reality', and from there, one can make the necessary balancing adjustments to be more aligned with a 'healthy life', if that is what the individual is seeking.

I mean, we all have blockages, how many of us are really willing to 'acknowledge', 'accept them', and begin the hard task of processing and working with them?

I guess that's what I was trying to say above about the Avoidance Mechanism. It is an avoidance of looking oneself straight in the face, seeing the pimples and blemishes, seeing the divisive acts that one has been a part of ... by avoiding that, there cannot be the healing stage of acceptance and forgiveness of self.

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Confused - 05-14-2013

(05-14-2013, 09:12 AM)plenum Wrote: I guess that's what I was trying to say above about the Avoidance Mechanism. It is an avoidance of looking oneself straight in the face, seeing the pimples and blemishes, seeing the divisive acts that one has been a part of ... by avoiding that, there cannot be the healing stage of acceptance and forgiveness of self.

plenum, I have wondered for sometime, now. The 3D Venusians (i.e., the Ra folks) created the system of the Tarot [88.13-88.16] as their form of refined peek into the archetypical mind. I wonder what we on Earth will offer, as our body politic of novelty, to evolution under the matrix of the archetypical mind, with respect to our Solar galaxy (using Ra's term). May be a synthesized understanding, like Ra's tarot, will surface when the experiences of the earth planetary sphere are distilled whenever the 3D phase will roll out to offer opportunity for a dawning new age, i.e., 4D.

I have a feeling that that synthesis will involve a lot of deliberative essays on the vexations of acceptance and control, and by extension, on forgiveness. Earth's history has been a relentless caravan surrounding these core issues in the most vivid form, in terms of the evolutionary history of planets within the Solar system that have experienced 3D before (like Venus, Maldek and Mars), in my opinion. Of course, that is purely only a conjecture.

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Ankh - 05-14-2013

(05-14-2013, 09:39 AM)Confused Wrote: The 3D Venusians (i.e., the Ra folks) created the system of the Tarot [88.13-88.16] as their form of refined peek into the archetypical mind. I wonder what we on Earth will offer, as our body politic of novelty, to evolution under the matrix of the archetypical mind, with respect to our Solar galaxy (using Ra's term).

Look at this planet. Look at our advanced health care system and all that we know about the body for instance. Look at our machines, and how fast and far they can take us. Look at our knowledge about science and the way we have built our life here, on this planet.

Yeah, sure, there are civilizations that have really advanced science and stuff, like those tree people for instance, who came here and took Charlie Dickson onboard, but they used their mind.

We used our opposable thumbs and speach. THUMBS and SPEECH, people. That's just awesome - imo. Smile

(And there are probably a lot of negative stuff that one can say about our science, machines, health care system and our knowledge about the body, especially if compared to civilizations like Ra. But I'm proud of people here. BigSmile)

RE: Random Archetype Insights - Plenum - 05-15-2013

Alchemist Card (archetype 14)

this is Ra's thoughts on this card:

Quote:81.14 Ra: I am Ra. This is less than completely correct as the Great Way of the Body must be seen, as are all the archetypes of the body, to be a mirror image of the thrust of the activity of the mind. The body is the creature of the mind and is the instrument of manifestation for the fruits of mind and spirit. Therefore, you may see the body as providing the athanor through which the alchemist manifests gold.

my understanding of this archetype is that it represents the translation from a potential to a kinetic, ie the process by which intelligent infinity is 'manifested' or presented into reality as intelligent energy.

again, as with the Chariot card which I wrote about earlier, the Alkhemist is a 'Great Way' card, and depicts the environment in which the body operates. The body is about manifested movement (activity), the kinetic from which the ideas and ideations of the mind and spirit may find expression.

and again, as in parallel with the Chariot card, this 'environment' is dynamic, and the 'body' may manifest more gold or fruit than at other times. Ie, the energetic processes of the body may fluctuate and also be optimised with correct understanding of the processes/functions involved.

a greater functioning body or Alchemist has a greater ability to bring intelligent energy into being from its current access to its accessible visions of intelligent infinity.

ie the more 'unity' you have in mind and spirit, the greater this will be mirrored in lived life (the body, the physical).

RE: The Moon is Love - ChickenInSpace - 07-10-2013

Moderator Note: This post and the 19 that follow it were originally posted in response to Adonai One's assertion that the central concept of the Experience of the Spirit, the Moon, is love.

Adonai One Wrote:The Moon is Love.

I dunno. To me the moon signifies the mirroring of ourselves, be it light or dark. It's part of our 'prison' and has a represenative in the pituitary gland (as opposed as the pineal is a representative for the sun).

The 'normal' dog on left is mirrored with the feral, to balance light and darkness. The new moon in the full moon tells me the balance is flowing.

The scorpion should, imo, signify the hidden dangers of letting the moon rule your being.

These are very minute observations but the card just speaks duality and mirroring to me.

RE: The Moon is Love - Adonai One - 07-10-2013

And love is learned through duality.

Is not getting to know the shadow the very act of love? Is not catalyst of the spirit what enables the experience known as love?

If there were no duality, love would be the default state and thus love would need no name and no archetype.

However, I could be wrong. Feel free to give me an alternative name.

RE: The Moon is Love - ChickenInSpace - 07-10-2013

Then you may as well call it experience, because it is also gained through duality.

Heck simple 'Duality' would suffice as name since duality is a concept in itself.

RE: The Moon is Love - Adonai One - 07-10-2013

But that doesn't put it in terms of human experience and does nothing for the aspiring seeker. I think it's time we become less abstract. Heh.

And duality is a product of free will. It is in every card. It would not be accurate to call it that.

RE: The Moon is Love - ChickenInSpace - 07-10-2013

I know, that's why I pointed out the 'blandness' of naming for this because it very well applies to 'Love' too. Any and all concepts will be present in every card to a certain degree but it's the aspect of card which 'sticks out' that governs the specific configuration.

RE: The Moon is Love - Adonai One - 07-10-2013

This contention may seem a little aloof but would it not be fitting that Love is the center of the "spirit" and is tied to the center of every set? Just as the heart chakra is the center of the body?

Again, this does not follow as a rational argument. Haha. But it seems far too fitting.

RE: The Moon is Love - Rake - 07-10-2013

The moon is symbolic of the unconscious mind in accordance with Jungian psychology.

RE: The Moon is Love - Adonai One - 07-10-2013

And is not desiring to get to know the unconscious mind in all things the very essence of love?

It's time we define these cards. Esoteric language had its season. :p