Law of Attraction as Viewed Thru the Law of One - Printable Version

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RE: Law of Attraction as Viewed Thru the Law of One - Monica - 08-26-2009

Cool! I love it!

I too have noticed that the actual manifestation doesn't always quite match the initial vision, but is often better!

RE: Law of Attraction as Viewed Thru the Law of One - Turtle - 08-28-2009

Hey's been a wile since I posted, and I've been enjoying the threads that I have been watching from the background. I really feel the need to post on this one though...

I have 2 incidents I can speak of where I practiced the law of attraction, and found surprising results. Then I will speak about what I've come to believe about this law.

First incident, I tried attracting to myself the jackpot winning lotto ticket. Lol, big surprise there right? I went through days of and days of contemplating my true desires behind wanting the money, what I would do with it, and how I could justify a higher reason for trying to attract it to myself. To make a long story short, when the winning numbers were revealed (it was a powerball play of 222 million!), I was shocked, not because I won, but because someone in my state of florida won the ticket along with one other winner in another state. The odds of anyone winning at all are RIDICULOUSLY high, and even more slim that a winner would be from my state. I felt like I somehow brought the "winning energies" to my state/area.

****I DO NOT want to get into talking about the morals/beliefs of trying to attract large sums of money, I feel I've learned a lot from my experience, just putting this here as an example of possibility****

The second incident, was much more recently, like last week. I decided I would just concentrate on 2 things...a woman in a blue dress, and the image of a blue colored heart. These 2 images were my "test" to see if the lotto experience wasn't just some coincidental lesson, but rather a misguided focus of energy like I believe it was. I focused on a woman in a blue dress and the blue heart, in the same session, for maybe like a minute or so each....The next day, as I went about my business, I kept on noticing different women wearing blue skirts or shirts, but no full on dress. I thought, hmm, maybe i didn't focus enough in the meditation, but oh well....Later that same day I went to barnes and noble, and I saw a woman wearing a full dress, with blue and white stripes...I thought, close enough, whatever, AND THEN, right after seeing her, I just happened to turn my eyes to a book on a shelf that had a blue colored heart made of post it notes on the cover (a picture, not actual post its).

Since those 2 sightings happened at pretty much the same time, I knew I had something going on here.

I think if we use this law for negligible things like my blue dressed woman and blue heart, we will either get minor results or nothing..and if we use it for things that are not in harmony with our path and the guidance from above, we simply won't get them or possibly attract a harsh lesson, depending on the intent and intensity of the thoughts we focus on. I do believe we have this co-creative power to attract, within strict limits, to ENHANCE the path we are called to, not to sidestep to other "desirable" things.

And lastly, I have come to believe that we should not use the law of attraction with intents of HOW or WHEN something should manifest into our life, but just that whatever it is will manifest at the proper time and in the proper way for our growth. We rarely understand with a precognitive sense how something should occur to us for growth...mainly in retrospect do we understand how an event went down and what kind of benefit we got from it spiritually. Godspeed to you all, and attract with love and grace!


RE: Law of Attraction as Viewed Thru the Law of One - godexpressing - 08-29-2009

I just got my copy of 101: The Choice (love it!). There is a discussion of polarity as it relates to magnetism. Iron is not magnetic until it becomes polarized. I see the Law of Attraction as polarization. Unfortunately, the Law of Attraction is being widely promoted as a tool of greed. Abundance and prosperity is promoted as the aquisition of material wealth and power. I believe that people are unwittingly using affirmations and denials to increase their negative polarity rather than their positive.

As I see the LOO, our goal is to increase our positive polarity so that we attract experiences of love, oneness and forgiveness into our lives. To me, that is the correct use of the Law of Attraction.

light and love
