Approx. One year from now, about these times - Printable Version

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RE: Approx. One year from now, about these times - The seeker - 03-01-2011

(02-28-2011, 02:13 PM)kycahi Wrote: After ignoring these fora for a few months, I dove back in very recently and read many posts expressing dismay and frustration at the state of things. I wanted to counter those posts if possible, so maybe sharpened my attention to things going on.

What's been happening in the very recent times gives hope to me:
  • The Middle East has young people peacefully expressing a desire for change from autocratic rule
  • The Oscars showed, to me, a greener (ray) atmosphere among the participants (in interviews as well as the big show)
  • An Israeli guy edited a YouTube music video out of a Qaddafi rant and young Arabs embrace its humor
  • Al Qaeda is losing relevance
Perhaps I'm wearing rose-colored glasses, as plenty is still unfortunate in the world, but I choose to see the planet's 4D rubbing off on more people. Maybe all of this positivity is from Wanderers themselves, but the behavior seems to be gaining visibility. I hope it's contagious.

"The 4D train is now arriving; prepare to board, please!"
This really resonates with me friend.

RE: Approx. One year from now, about these times - Lavazza - 03-01-2011

I especially liked the article about Al Qaeda losing relevance. There was also a spot about that on NPR this morning.

RE: Approx. One year from now, about these times - AnthroHeart - 03-02-2011

Fascinating posts Unity. It is a topic that is close to me.

RE: Approx. One year from now, about these times - Ocean - 03-02-2011

i see more positive stuff, maybe i'm wearing those glasses too.

RE: Approx. One year from now, about these times - Aaron - 03-04-2011

I think now is probably the best time to put on glasses of a somewhat rose-colored tint!! Who knows, maybe all the wonderful coming world changes being brought about as 4D approaches are only gonna be visible to people with those glasses on... Tongue

RE: Approx. One year from now, about these times - irpsit - 03-26-2011

4D is born somewhere around and between late 2011 and late 2012.

This is manifested physically except the quarantined time lateral, in which we are.

I think manifestation is becoming way easier and faster. Green ray energy (love, service) is increasing.

Earth changes are gradually occurring. As well as societal changes.

I think, this will be more intense around one and two years from now. What shall be our intentions for personal and collective creation?