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A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Science & Technology (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=5) +--- Thread: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis (/showthread.php?tid=18366) |
RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - LeafieGreens - 05-01-2021 (05-01-2021, 07:14 AM)Ymarsakar Wrote: Covid has never been isolated. Something exists, but it is not what humans think it is. This reality reads more intensely than most any current sci-fi stories that are out there. I hope the movie version doesn't suck. Honestly, though, it's pretty wild stuff. Imagine trying to explain this to someone who is still living in 3D. They would think you were insane. That is how thick the veil is. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Ymarsakar - 05-01-2021 Haha. I do explain it. They dont even insult me in 2020. Too much pshocking proofs RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - LeiwoUnion - 05-03-2021 I got huge lesson in wisdom the day when one of my oldest friends said publicly "anyone else getting sick and tired of LU's tinfoil hatting" in our sizeable friend group chat. It wasn't even about any conspiracys perse, just wackzine awareness, and the meaning of love and unity speech. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Ymarsakar - 05-03-2021 "That's conspiracy theorism. American alt-right one to boot." For those that want to use discernment, I would like to point out that this view comes from a conspiracy point of view. Meaning, what you resist persists. Being so against conspiracy theorism, as if that is a bad thing cooked up by the Clowns in Action or federal intelligence agencies, just makes conspiracists more paranoid. Thus creating, in essence, what they are fighting. "It borders on narcissism for a country to think the world is in on a conspiracy to make trump look bad. He does it himself with his twitter account regularly. This pandemic has nothing to do with him except within his nation." So in both cases, this would apply as "selling conspiracy theories". Somewhat off topic, derailments, detunements, and 3d political tribalism backing opinions and personal viewpoints that are not leading to an open Heart. This differs from individual to individual, but the thought is a kind of meme, a virus that replicates in the heart's of men and women. If a planned demic exists, then this would be about reducing the population of the WORLD, due to the Harvest in Progress. This would be due to 6th density negative, 5th density negative, and 4th density negative "agendas". The Earth's Agenda 21 is merely the expression of a higher Dark Divine Will. What the Dark Divine wants, it gets. Just as what the Light/God Divine wants, it gets. This is what it means to have Divine Power, being closer to the Creator/Creation/Source energy. This is not about America. This is not about people's emotional triggers vis a vis Trump or conspiracies. This is in essence, selling conspiracies. Because the best way to sell conspiracy theories is to control both the conspiracists and the anti conspiracists. Red vs Blue. Gladiatorial matches. Thus, no matter who wins, the Earth will be stuck and never harvestable. This is not a human agenda or plan, so no need to theorize it or sell it. (05-03-2021, 07:31 AM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: I got huge lesson in wisdom the day when one of my oldest friends said publicly "anyone else getting sick and tired of LU's tinfoil hatting" in our sizeable friend group chat. It wasn't even about any conspiracys perse, just wackzine awareness, and the meaning of love and unity speech. Yes, they were "selling conspiracy theories", because what they resist persists. People obsessed about racism, talking about white and black skin every single hour of the day, are racists. It does not matter if they repeat 24 times a minute, that they are morally superior. They are racists. Even ConspiRACISTS That is what they have chosen to do and that is what they have become and are, until they CHOOSE AGAIN. The idea planted in the public's mind controlled consciousness is that crazy people wear tinfoil on their heads because the CIA was doing sekret mind control experiments. Monarch and Mk Ultra are real declassified programs, Freedom of Information style. Same with Agenda 21. This stuff is not very well hidden. So the public has a CONSPIRACY THEORY about people who believe in conspiracy theories. THis is how it works. Regardless of if you are victim or victimizer, both are mental states that do not lead to the Open Heart. And so long as humanity fails to graduate to the Open Heart, darkness has a vote in causing more suffering, to get people to choose Again. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Anders - 05-03-2021 Service to self Overlord: Execute order 6666! STS minion: What is that, my lord? STSO: You fool! Haven't you read HR6666? STS minion: No, what's that? STSO: Never let a good crisis go to waste, especially one we ourselves have created. Mhauahahahhah RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Ymarsakar - 05-06-2021 https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/bulletin-atomic-scientists-opens-wuhan-virus-pandoras-box The general mass consensus has begun to realize something serious and earth shattering is going on. This isn't some minority of a minority, studying the Law of One. This is... well, everyone ON Earth (and maybe off and under Earth too) thinking about this. This has gone way past the critical mass of the 100th monkey effect or herd immunity. The public knows this is a bio weapon, that Corona was intended as a weapon to cull humanity which means the waxine was created before in a lab too. This is the End Game. This Bio Weapon Wuhan lab work is exactly what I was referring to as Atlantean DNA based technology. They are using human and animal and aborted or not aborted fetus cells, to CREATE LIFE in the form of some type of viral bio weapon that spreads information to cells so that cells SELF DESTRUCT and communicate to other cells (and humans) to also SELF DESTRUCT. This is not very refined Atlantean DNA manipulation technology, but it is getting there . Second stage is permanent mind control slavery in which nanites (viruses) and rnA recombinant viruses (HIV) is used to reform the neurological map of the human brain, thus causing a replacement for the indigo and crown chakra signals. The AI signal vs the Organic/God Signal. They weren't supposed to do this this soon. I often link the Era and Hidden Hand links, but... I don't actually tell anyone which parts are true or not. I leave that up to their imagination. So what people don't seem to immediatel realize is that Heyl-El's venusian power line group that created this entire dark vs light duality, is doing the job given to them by the Divine Counsels. They serve as the opponent, the OPFOR, the adversary, to provide catalyst. The Divine Counsel knows about this because they allow it to happen. So it doesn't matter who freaks out about this, because nobody asked you for your vote about it. These decisions are made at a far higher level than an individual soul's group consensus. What people are tested on is how far they can progress with this opponent, this catalyst, in 2020/2021 and so on. This is the Harvest, literally. This is not about some stupid human nation vs another stupid human tribal Ego concept. This is not about some human run conspiracy or corporation. You aren't up against lower or higher density foes. You are up against God or Source's plan essentially .Good luck fighting that. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Black Dragon - 05-06-2021 "Remember always, however, that you do not really destroy the Principle of Rhythm, for that is indestructible. You simply overcome one law by counter-balancing it with another and thus maintain an equilibrium. The laws of balance and counter-balance are in operation on the mental as well as on the physical planes, and an understanding of these laws enables one to seem to overthrow laws, whereas he is merely exerting a counterbalance." "Nothing escapes the Principle of Cause and Effect, but there are many Planes of Causation, and one may use the laws of the higher to overcome the laws of the lower."--The Kybalion. "Using Your Spiritual Momentum In judo, you use your opponent's momentum against him. At some point in your spiritual battle, the enemy will rise up and charge at you. This is when you can use spiritual momentum by moving in the opposite spirit and watch him fall." That one is from an interesting Christian blog I stumbled upon searching certain types of quotes. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Ymarsakar - 05-07-2021 This strategy perfectly simulates an element of internal martial arts. Instead of fighting the darkness opponent, I withdraw and create space, allowing them to fill that space which is no longer me. They are aggressive and advance, then over extend, at that point I return their energies and add a little bit of it, closing the space, taking it away, and preventing them from escaping as they don't have the space to do so. Space is the physical airspace between the bodies. The more air space, the less quick reactions need to be. The closer they are to me, the faster I can feel their intentions and couinter it. Their preferred method of using eye sight is less effective compared to the nerve impulses of feeling/aura at that close range. They fall and are defeated as a result of falling into a space that they thouight they were charging into. They were mrely charging into a trap and their energies caused the pendulum to swing back harder. Their time is up. It is white's turn now. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Patrick - 05-07-2021 Well, if you guys don't mind it too much. I'll let you fight that fight. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Ymarsakar - 05-07-2021 So long as you live on Earth, Patrick, you are involved in the campaign one way or another. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - meadow-foreigner - 05-07-2021 Suggestions are suggestions. To literally take away any human being's full Free Will is undoable as it would mean a regression of evolution, something that doesn't occur in either negative or positive interests of their striving towards perfection.
• The negative usually try to deceive other beings so the other-Self voluntarily forfeits their Free Will. There's a major drawback to this: the negative overseers are ever-increasingly accountable for the beings they subjugate, for they become extensions of the negative hive. Such a centralization tactic is logistically terrible, for it dampens the dominated individuals' Creative potential, thus effectively reducing the net total output potential of the negative system. Furthermore, the dominated individuals might, out of their own volition, break the domination at any time, thus effectively begetting for the negative system ever-increasing counter-measures of possible uprisings up to the point of the system's collapse due to the unfeasibility of control; not to mention the ideological dispute against the positive systems. • The positive also suggest things for individuals to do, as they also have to play by the rules of Free Will. Inasmuch as they don't impose or dominate, they also tip the scales to their path throughout various means of warfare tactics. There's also a major drawback to this: the positive overseers are ever-increasingly accountable for the beings they don't convince because they then may become prey for the negative system. Furthermore, the positively polarized individuals might, out of their own volition, serve the negative path under the framing of righteousness, thus effectively begetting for the positive system ever-increasing counter-measures of possible anticipations up to the point of the system's collapse due to exhaustion of resources; not to mention the ideological dispute against the negative systems. • The balanced present things for individuals to choose from, as they play by the rules of Free Will. Inasmuch as they don't interfere or subtract, they are also part of a larger social system, and therefore also influenced by the social arrangement. There's also a tradeoff to this: both the positive and negative overseers can either benefit or not from their path, and because Earth's current social arrangement is heavily biased by negative emotions, they are often considered as negative by the positive and vice-versa. Furthermore, the balanced polarized individuals might, out of their own volition, serve either the positive or the negative path, under the framing of the interest of the Self, thus fueling the social system with tools for both polarizations. Both positive and negative paths intend to reach perfection. The ends are the same, the means are different. Earth's already made Its Choice: the planetary harvest is positive.
There's already a formed and established 4D Earth because 4D transcends the notion of 3D linear time. Whilst the positive strive to ensure the maximization of positively polarized individuals under its banner, the negative strive for the same, under its own banner.
Today's common individual is often unpolarized due to their lack of knowledge and consciousness about the Spiritual laws that govern 3D life, and thus is often played by both positive and negative beings, often unaware of it. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - anicolai - 06-16-2021 Interesting thread.... I got my second shot of the Pfizer vaccine a couple of months ago. Yeah I felt like crap for a couple of days, and then it went away, and I have been fine ever since. No brain fog. No unexplainable weird behavior. My sleep cycles are normal. I drive without issues. Still enjoy my job and am punctual, and am even improving in what I do. My relationship with the Creator grows deeper every day. I do not live in fear, because this body is on loan. No matter what it is or where it came from, the virus clearly is having a profound effect on humanity now, and it will be something that will be in the "books" generations from now, like the Black Plague is for us. The only thing that concerns me is that my actions match what is in my heart, and that is Love. Amy RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Ming the Merciful - 07-09-2021 (06-16-2021, 08:41 AM)anicolai Wrote: Interesting thread.... I am the opposite, and defied the Establishment and refused the injections. Funnily enough, today I got a text message on my cell phone, announcing I could attend the local clinic and receive the latest "Flu" injection. Really? The "Wolf in Sheep clothing"? Then I ask the question, (Generally), just how "Awake" are you? Are you strong enough in your beliefs in the "Law of One", (and the "Awakening"), that you would defy the Establishment. Proof is increasing every day that the "Covid-19" pandemic is a conspiracy, which was sanctioned by the Elite to decrease the population with a fake virus. If we believe in truth and justice and unity between Humanity, then we also have to defeat those forces that ultimately want to destroy us. By defying the Establishment we are standing-up for our freedom. Do you want to live under a Totalitarian State and a loss of your freedoms? Because it is coming. Supposedly, within the next weeks the Lockdown will be lifted. That will only be a guise for a forthcoming stricter Lockdown at the end of this year, and into next year. I recommend that everybody go to the David Icke Website and view some of his videos, and make your own decision. https://freeworldnews.tv/watch?id=60e8370407b31c5028e6ffd1 Here is the link. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Patrick - 07-09-2021 It's rare that I get to say this, but I am actually quite proud of how my government handled it. I never thought I would live long enough to see a higher up governing body actually do the right thing repeatedly for so long. I'm a bit astonished still. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - tadeus - 07-10-2021 (06-22-2020, 07:32 AM)wisdom seeker Wrote: Document available : joytigoel.com The link results in Quote:success 0 It's the same calling the main page https://joytigoel.com/ RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - greywolf - 07-20-2021 In my view the main effort of the STS is now in the area of digital currency, there is a group pressuring the BoE to start issuing it using ecological arguments. If a government issued digital currency is the only legal tender, then the only means of exchange outside the control system is physical barter (however it's also in the nature of STS to be fighting and nullifying itself without a big boss on top). For the covid crisis I myself see several astrological reasons, and it has undermined confidence in establishments too. It is probably the case, that the role of each as sub-Creator of reality will increasingly become enhanced as the journey into 4D progresses (so violent movies and TV series may be another STS angle). One might also consider, that some conspiracy theorists may actually be foils. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Diana - 07-20-2021 (07-20-2021, 07:37 AM)greywolf Wrote: For the covid crisis I myself see several astrological reasons, and it has undermined confidence in establishments too. .. I'd be interested to hear about the astrological markers and dynamics relevant to this issue. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - greywolf - 07-20-2021 (07-20-2021, 10:55 AM)Diana Wrote:(07-20-2021, 07:37 AM)greywolf Wrote: For the covid crisis I myself see several astrological reasons, and it has undermined confidence in establishments too. .. Unfortunately I must invoke the "Law of Confusion" on this issue (there is something generally held to be true relating to astrological eras, that I consider to be a "useful fiction" in these times of increasing self expression and belief projection). RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Diana - 07-20-2021 (07-20-2021, 01:14 PM)greywolf Wrote:(07-20-2021, 10:55 AM)Diana Wrote:(07-20-2021, 07:37 AM)greywolf Wrote: For the covid crisis I myself see several astrological reasons, and it has undermined confidence in establishments too. .. Okay, no problem. I do know astrology to a certain extent, so I wasn't looking for prophecy or anything like that, or for you to tell me what is going to happen. I was more looking to what planet is where or outer-planet squares causing challenges, etc. But I guess I can look it up myself. I just haven't had time in the last couple of years to get into it due to business, and it is interesting to hear others' ideas. ![]() RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Margan - 07-22-2021 I will chime in here, if I may On astrology websites I have numerous times seen referenced the Pluto-Saturn conjunction as symbolic for the whole covid pandemic. This occurred on the exact day of january 12, 2020, shortly before the outbreak in the western countries. Pluto-Saturn conjunction in general refers to massive changes in society, upheavals, power structures being challenged. Saturn means restrictions, scarcity, "blockade" (and if you think lockdown, you are spot on imo) , Pluto (collective) fears and trauma, "root chakra", ( fear of ) death, survival etc. Both signs were in the earthy sign of Capricorn so you may interpret it has to do with physical matter, the body etc. I think it explains quite well what happened. Interesting fact - at the beginning of world war II, Pluto was square Saturn, which is also a difficult aspect similar to the Pluto conj Saturn we saw last year. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Margan - 07-22-2021 Btw Bill Gates also has Saturn square Pluto in his birthchart, just saying ![]() I find it kinda funny that he is a Scorpio lol. What does a scorpio do? it stings. How are vaccinations being administered? well you sting people with a syringe. Very fitting that he should be attracted to that.... RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - pat19989 - 07-22-2021 (07-22-2021, 02:10 PM)Margan Wrote: Btw Bill Gates also has Saturn square Pluto in his birthchart, just saying ![]() ![]() RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Margan - 07-22-2021 (07-22-2021, 02:18 PM)pat19989 Wrote:(07-22-2021, 02:10 PM)Margan Wrote: Btw Bill Gates also has Saturn square Pluto in his birthchart, just saying Add to that a typical scorpio tendency towards obsessive behavior, and you can easily imagine him mumbling "MUST VACCINATE 7 BILLION HUMANS....." RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Eddie - 07-24-2021 Relevant articles: Real Endgame https://www.the-scientist.com/features/the-surgisphere-scandal-what-went-wrong--67955 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/03/covid-19-surgisphere-who-world-health-organization-hydroxychloroquine https://theculturechronicles.com/index.php/2021/06/28/there-is-a-sizable-portion-of-the-population-which-seems-unusually-sensitive-to-modern-propaganda-these-high-responders-are-not-only-coerced-by-propaganda-but-rabidly-evangelize-that-message-in/ RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Patrick - 07-24-2021 (07-24-2021, 07:52 AM)Eddie Wrote: Real Endgame This one is a done deal here in Québec. Already announced for this fall. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Eddie - 07-24-2021 (07-24-2021, 08:35 AM)Patrick Wrote:(07-24-2021, 07:52 AM)Eddie Wrote: Real Endgame You should revolt. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Patrick - 07-24-2021 Dear Eddie, this is just gardening. We harvest what we have collectively sowed. Revolt is not the best way to sow something new in my opinion. I think we are already collectively sowing seeds of love and they will flourish with time. We just have to keep steady for the time being. RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Diana - 07-24-2021 (07-24-2021, 11:02 AM)Patrick Wrote: Dear Eddie, this is just gardening. We harvest what we have collectively sowed. Revolt is not the best way to sow something new in my opinion. I think we are already collectively sowing seeds of love and they will flourish with time. We just have to keep steady for the time being. In practical terms, what would you suggest for someone like me, who is not going to get vaccinated but wants to travel again? RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Ming the Merciful - 07-24-2021 (07-24-2021, 11:02 AM)Patrick Wrote: Dear Eddie, this is just gardening. We harvest what we have collectively sowed. Revolt is not the best way to sow something new in my opinion. I think we are already collectively sowing seeds of love and they will flourish with time. We just have to keep steady for the time being. Patrick my friend. Sometimes Revolution is a good event. We may need a Revolution to regain a sense of normality. Do you want the world to continue the way it is for the next ten, twenty, fifty years? We cannot remain in Lockdown forever. Eventually, (and in some places it is happening now). People are beginning to revolt. Vive le Revolution. If the world is to move forward to the next Density, there has to be an end to injustice and inequality, and sharing the resources. It may need a Revolution, (worldwide), to do it. Are you for the evolution of Humanity, or against it? RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Patrick - 07-24-2021 (07-24-2021, 04:23 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote:(07-24-2021, 11:02 AM)Patrick Wrote: Dear Eddie, this is just gardening. We harvest what we have collectively sowed. Revolt is not the best way to sow something new in my opinion. I think we are already collectively sowing seeds of love and they will flourish with time. We just have to keep steady for the time being. I think we can revolt with an explosion of Love. It's all in the little things. For example, if you work at a restaurant and ask people for proof of vaccination and then someone does not have it, you smile and let them pass. You were asked to check for proof and you did, but you made the choice of not caring about the result of that check. If instead, by revolution you mean a minority trying to overtake the majority, then I don't think that is helpful. This of course is based on my belief that the majority of the population agrees with the decision of the government. In the case of the French Revolution, the great majority very much did not agree with the decisions of the government. That is another matter... |