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RE: The most negative entity - EvolvingPhoenix - 08-12-2018

(01-27-2018, 11:36 PM)GentleReckoning Wrote: And literally the major point of disconnection is that by simply allowing yourself to enjoy other people's appearance in a non-needy fashion in your day-to-day life that sexual sins disappear.

Considering that that sin is the foundation of almost all religions, it is no wonder.

Is that a part of what Rasputin meant by his "salvation through sin" ideology?

RE: The most negative entity - GentleReckoning - 08-12-2018

Not at all. You'll be able to balance most of your karma just from learning the guitar it appears. And as far as projections, I feel like every healing individual that walks the steps of light then informs all of the higher planes of the love/light being created. Congratulations.

"Is that a part of what Rasputin meant by his "salvation through sin" ideology?"

Essentially. That desire is that which forms the soul in a way, and that achieving desire is then balanced with the work of self-forgiveness.

RE: The most negative entity - EvolvingPhoenix - 08-12-2018

(01-27-2018, 11:36 PM)GentleReckoning Wrote: And literally the major point of disconnection is that by simply allowing yourself to enjoy other people's appearance in a non-needy fashion in your day-to-day life that sexual sins disappear.

Considering that that sin is the foundation of almost all religions, it is no wonder.

Is that a part of what Rasputin meant by his "salvation through sin" ideology?

(01-27-2018, 11:46 PM)GentleReckoning Wrote: For the negative, feeling good, or bad, is not the desire. Any time I meditate, I go to cloud nine almost immediately. It is simply an unrepressing of the child to an extent which makes the collectives subconscious very, very, nervous.

Huh. So maybe negative polarization is a good thing. I've actually been thinking about that. It seems the negative is masculine energies trying to figure out how much of their own will as creators to exert and experiencing negative karmic rebalancing in order to better learn how to do it, is what you're essentially saying. I thought this myself for a bit, but not as refined as you put it. This is why negative entities create these pecking orders. They are recognizing themselves as creator and exploring mainly the distortion of free will as it applies to themselves. As such, it makes sense to them that when they lose a contest of dominance, that it is naturally "right" to them, because since we are all the one and infinite creator, he who has the higher willpower must be exercising their creative free-will as source with more certainty, therefor accepting more RESPONSIBILITY for their creation. This is why so many people willingly enslaved themselves. This is the main appeal I think behind masochism. That, and the idea that in enjoying the pain, one is free from it's ability to inflict suffering.

Huh... I just connected my own previously afforementioned power issues now with my understanding of the negative path by understanding my own unconscious choice the live the illusion of powerlessness. Relinquishing control gives us the illusion of less power and therefor responsibility. Those seeking power are willing to shoulder the responsibility of having it... when a misuse of their power results in an outcome they dislike, polarity is lost because faith in their ability to shoulder the responsibility of creation is lost. Interesting...

(08-12-2018, 02:44 AM)GentleReckoning Wrote: I have no idea what density I am anymore. I'm pretty sure your body operates at all densities simultaneously. It's just how we filter our experience that creates our conscious perception of work at various intensities of light.

Your (admittedly, seeming) focus unity and attempts at balance suggest 6th density to me... I get the feeling of 6th. But who knows?

EDIT: Perhaps you were negative 6th density and you're still learning to balance negative with positive?

Another edit:

Since negative polarity beings lose certainty in their choices as the way they lose polarity, this is why so many are afraid of depolarizing. They're afraid of fucking up. They're afraid of being uncertain. They're afraid of having to go through more karmic bullshit. They're afraid they won't have what it takes unless they do it perfectly. So they close off their hearts until they no longer can avoid what they need to learn to continue to create. At some point, to continue existing, it becomes necessary for them to come full circle and embrace unity/positivity. In a sense, this is like going through 4th density positive after 3rd density: a need to chillax (yes, I just used that word LOL) after eons of basically having a big stick up your ass. A need to learn to be vulnerable again, so you can learn to process all that catalyst you spent so long creating for yourself. And a need to accept the growing power of others not being a threat to your own creation, as ultimately, the catalyst one creates is of highest meaning when it is DIGESTED. A means of learning to co-create with both energies. I have theorized the existence of Twin Flame relationships as being important in the further development of 6th density beings on either path. Perhaps calling in a TF relationship can teach you whatever it is you're trying to learn to balance out? Since the DF has to learn to take back their own power without losing love and the DM has to learn to take a step back and relinquish some degree of control (this is why the DF must lead, I take it) without losing their propensity for creation. So if you're trying to relax and "enjoy the show" perhaps this lack of control can best be healthily adopted in a TF union? After all, the initial "runner phase" will DEFINITELY challenge you to do so. I dunno. Just a thought. Then again, I learned quite a bit from a relationship that was NOT of a TF nature, albeit one with startlingly similar aspects to it in terms of dynamic. So maybe it's not advisable. If you're aware of your need to chill out and digest, perhaps it is unnecessary in such a case.

It leads me to wonder... cause on one hand, if it were truly what the doctor ordered, wouldn't you be experiencing it? On the other hand, I haven't had a QHHT session and now I endeavor manifesting the right QHHT session for myself in order to better heal whatever karmic issue I'm healing. I feel it would be best... but if it were truly what were best, would I need to ask for it? But then, wouldn't that concept apply to manifestation magic in general? So maybe throwing it out there for the universe is a way of helping the universe help you? I dunno... I'm still trying to figure it out. Sorry if this comes off as rambling. I am still figuring it out myself and I guess I'm at a point where talking about it with others helps to bring me more clarity, even though I have too little clarity to come off as authoritative by any means. So it all just kind of seems rather non-sequitur or unfocused, but still helps create better focus. So I'm just throwing ideas out there, seeing how they make sense to me after being externalized.

Edit #3:

Still, perhaps watching another so closely... well, you, digest your catalyst is the best way for a divinely masculine energy to learn how to properly digest it oneself? Again, why the DF chases (and therefore leads in the process of self-empowerment in a positive manner) and the DM runs (in order to challenge the DF into a position of leadership which would better help understand the meaning created from the catalyst as it relates to your whole self?) you know, like balancing creative with receptive energies? Yin and yang? If you're struggling to balance out the yang energy with yin, perhaps that's a way to facilitate the process, basically? In your case prolly not necessary, but I guess I'm just exploring how this dynamic relates to what I'm learning.

As of yet a process not employed in my case either, but an interesting concept nonetheless.

Again, sorry for more rambling...

RE: The most negative entity - ada - 08-12-2018

In my opinion, the veil, and free will, are not concepts and ideas we can fully understand in this particular density and plane of existence.

That is not to say that wisdom does not exist.

Instead, in such a creation where one cannot fully comprehend what and why is happening, free will is created / present.

Even the sincerest of judgement, towards self or other self, an object, or an event, can be both poles at same existence.

Every mind/body/spirit complex may be negative and positive, at the same time, it may polarize and/or transition, anywhere in creation. In theory.

Infinity is present within every single particle of light/love and love/life.

Nonetheless, very interesting thoughts and teach/learn learn/teachings.

RE: The most negative entity - GentleReckoning - 08-12-2018

It is simply creation ordered along spiritual gravity along with material or worldly gravity. One is positive to the small eyes. The other is positive to the big eye.

If we become overly polarized, then there will be massive push-back. If we maintain equilibrium, then we will be celebrated. If those of the world become further polarized there will be massive push-back. (kind of already experiencing this as planetary habitat destruction)

From our plane, only the first 7 are solid. Work in the higher planes is all projected beyond the veil. Then I would assume through the death and rebirth process summed and returned.

RE: The most negative entity - ada - 08-12-2018

I believe planetary habitat destruction is directly related to bellicosity, not solely, but very much so.

RE: The most negative entity - EvolvingPhoenix - 08-12-2018

Yeah, I don't remember Ra saying that their further polarization resulted in planetary destruction. Something tells me that ain't right.

Then again...

I think I remember once hearing that Lemuria and Atlantis had overly abundant femine and masculine energies respectively. If this is true, that suggests you're onto something then...

RE: The most negative entity - ada - 08-12-2018

As GentleReckoning had said, balance.

RE: The most negative entity - ada - 08-12-2018

EvolvingPheonix, where exactly have you read about 'Twin Flames'?


Did a search on l/l website, stumbled upon this.

Quote:S: Yes, Latwii, I have a question. What can you tell me, if anything, of the phenomenon known as twin souls?

I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. We find that this term and others among your peoples has become somewhat overworked, shall we say. There are among those who seek the truth many concepts which fascinate the mind. The very seeking of truth opens new vistas and presents the mind with information and experience of such a revolutionary nature, shall we say, that often it is difficult for the seeker to discern those concepts which have merit from those which merely attract attention. The concept of the twin soul, soul mate, and twin flame or twin ray is a concept which has some basis in what you may call fact, but which offers little of value in the seeker’s experience. Though there are entities who have from the great reaches of time and space as you know them come into the earth planes as groups and even as a type of mate, there is, in our humble opinion an overemphasis upon such a phenomenon to the point where the searching for one’s, shall we say, other half becomes a replacement for the searching for truth. Therefore may we say that such phenomena do exist, yet are quite insignificant when viewed in relations to the purpose for such incarnation.

RE: The most negative entity - EvolvingPhoenix - 08-12-2018

(08-12-2018, 11:47 AM)blossom Wrote: EvolvingPheonix, where exactly have you read about 'Twin Flames'?


Did a search on l/l website, stumbled upon this.

Quote:S: Yes, Latwii, I have a question. What can you tell me, if anything, of the phenomenon known as twin souls?

I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. We find that this term and others among your peoples has become somewhat overworked, shall we say. There are among those who seek the truth many concepts which fascinate the mind. The very seeking of truth opens new vistas and presents the mind with information and experience of such a revolutionary nature, shall we say, that often it is difficult for the seeker to discern those concepts which have merit from those which merely attract attention. The concept of the twin soul, soul mate, and twin flame or twin ray is a concept which has some basis in what you may call fact, but which offers little of value in the seeker’s experience. Though there are entities who have from the great reaches of time and space as you know them come into the earth planes as groups and even as a type of mate, there is, in our humble opinion an overemphasis upon such a phenomenon to the point where the searching for one’s, shall we say, other half becomes a replacement for the searching for truth. Therefore may we say that such phenomena do exist, yet are quite insignificant when viewed in relations to the purpose for such incarnation.

So the TF phenomenon has a purpose, but is so specialized in it's purpose that for the majority of people, it serves as distraction rather than as a useful tool for learn/teaching and/or teach/learning?

Also, I think I first learned of it from Infinite Waters, an then from an ex-friend who stopped talking to me after their best friend friend dumped me. I dunno WHY this person felt the nee to mutually friend dump me, as I had done NOTHING to them and was CONTINuinG to do nothing to THEM. Their choice to punish me for my wrongs against their friend were quite unnecessary. Nothing of positive value was gained from said punishment, except the understanding of just how shitty it is. Still, this person exposed me to the concept as they themselves (supposedly) have a TF.

RE: The most negative entity - ada - 08-12-2018

Quote:Therefore may we say that such phenomena do exist, yet are quite insignificant when viewed in relations to the purpose for such incarnation.

RE: The most negative entity - Infinite Unity - 08-12-2018

(08-12-2018, 09:36 AM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote:
(01-27-2018, 06:28 PM)GentleReckoning Wrote: Is simply the individual which can cause the greatest change in the future. This is because when we create we pull not with just our physical body, but our emotional body, and our mental body as well. (all the way up to the top of course) If it is translatable to the physical plane, it will be.

In this way the demon hunter always becomes the greatest negative entity. The demon hunter then learns how to defeat his/her demon and becomes a paladin. When the paladin encounters paradox, then the paladin moves towards the scientist. As soon as the scientist understands social dynamics and power structures, then the scientist becomes king. And you can of course get people to call you God. This is just God's light (truth or pure masculine energy) transferring into the physical as by connecting more to your true self you create more and more of your reality to balance. As your reality increases in volume, then you learn how to tune dissonance out more and more. Eventually, you simply become totally alien to the timeline you exist in, as it is rare that teachers are not actively sought and encouraged. Instead the confusion caused by being ruled primarily by TV programming causes the projection of all your subconscious or programmed aspects can be rooted out before the true self comes out.

Once this happens, you create massive dissonance between yourself and your environment. This manifests as projecting zombie like or asleep features onto them. Garr certainly made comments alluding to this, and Don eventually projected so much paranoia (as the group became more and more impactful or negative to the local environment as vibration IS location based). Eventually you just manifest 'bad luck' and are disempowered to the extent that you become the hermit. It is at this point that the 40 days in the wilderness happens as it was called in the religion called christian.

If the individual feels supported enough by his/her environment, this can happen as a test of faith or a climb to a mountain top. For me it was fairly typical in that I simply manifested distance from all societal relationships. And then your final sins are brought before you. Mine were typical in that I wanted to be a savior. However, Jesus had warned me not to try to save people locked by seals and symbols. Instead, stick your arm under the fabric as it were, and beseech God directly.

If you ARE righteous, you will attract energy to your cause. And if you prefer love over fear, what you will create will be colored by that energy. And if you can sense cords and energies, then you will know you for you, and will be able to easily tell when you are misaligned. Men are more attuned to the physical, while women soul of course. So in times like these men will attune to soul as a feat of strength so as to learn/teach other men. Meanwhile, women, more connected to soul, willfully support greater density in their archetypal roles. This is why, of course, so many women are breaking their archetypal role in dress, demeanor, and relational perspective. This is also why so many spiritual seekers give up the physical in their search of soul as they realize at a deep level that all action does is create learning, and that there is value in simply enjoying what one is digesting in leu of excessive catalyst of any kind.

This dispels some of the confusion.

I think this is what I'm doing lately. Just enjoying what I digest instead of creating excessive catalyst. When I talked to you on the phone, I remember you saying I was creating too much catalyst for myself. I thought of it as basically taking my sorry, deeply scarred and wounded body while it was healing and putting it through a giant meat grinder only to pull myself out of said meat grinder. I remember praying that I felt I had finally had my ass whooped enough and was ready to heal from it all. Once I had gotten through my dark night of the soul (I'm either out or almost out) I learned to just enjoy and put faith in my higher self. I am CONFIDENT that a life of creation as you've mentioned is heading my way, but for right now, I have lovingly asked my ego to chill out a bit and my higher self to help me out in specific ways. I still must learn guitar, but my job right now is to find a way to relax and HAVE FUN. I think just healing from my dark night of the soul and having fun and being present is currently my task. Once I'm creating, I can fulfill the change inducing role I know I'm meant to create.

I think I may have had power/authority in a past life and abused it or something. Maybe gotten people killed. As I reflect on my irrational fears regarding playing guitar (For a bit, it took immense willpower to overcome anxiety around simple A  chord, E chord and D chord transitioning and that little lead guitar line from "Born in the USA" Easy as hell, but will major fear/anxiety causing massive yellow ray and sacral blockages) I come to the conclusion that I DEEPLY fear power, which comes with responsibility. I project power/authority issues onto others and have been dealing with them my whole life (possible/probable karmic readjustment/rebalancing?) and always feared being like those people. I realize now that I cannot escape from the responsibility of having power, as I have potential and therefor, power. Just not control. So I am just as responsible at my smallest as I am at my largest. Yet I still have found myself struggling. Listened to a "past life healing" vid on YT for 2 hours. Felt better. Practiced much more comfortably. Possible placebo effect? Maybe. Possibly worked? Also maybe.

Either way, I say it's just part of the rhythmic flow of things. You go through the process and then you take a break and relax. Maybe that's why 4th density is so comfortable and slow. People are recovering from 3rd density and need to just take it easy for a bit.

As for putting your hand under the veil and beseeching God directly...

I've been focusing heavily on manifestation practices lately and I've been pretty ambitious. I, in a moment of joy and intense visualization, envisioned many things to come for humanity, mentally pulling myself into the timeline where humanity develops a theme of inspiration as service: Inspiring each other, ourselves and all around us into infinity. I also worked on manifesting a reality wherein people take better care of their planet, treat animals better, come into their own creatively, and make the world physically beautiful (According, admittedly to MY preferences) And where people start leading each other and taking responsibility for their own power. Yet another reason why I must learn this lesson myself first, so I can help get the ball rolling.

And so I wonder... is this more along the lines of what Jesus/Sananda meant when talking about beseeching God directly? I was inspired by a video on YT where Sandanda's channeled message said we can affect great change by practices such as these that are visible as light from the etheric perspective and we are VERY MUCH being witnessed the universe as we do so. So is this more what it looks like?

Or am I misunderstanding?

Think massive energy/huge light source that is recognizable as a rising sun. These entities witness this and begin working magicly to strengthen/magnify the light/energy. I believe your tangible thoughts are along the right lines of accessing and opening up the gateway if your balanced/undistorted minimally.

RE: The most negative entity - EvolvingPhoenix - 08-12-2018

(08-12-2018, 12:00 PM)blossom Wrote:
Quote:Therefore may we say that such phenomena do exist, yet are quite insignificant when viewed in relations to the purpose for such incarnation.

So in other words, even if you have a TF relationship, it's not a big deal and just a small part of your incarnation?

If that is so, your soul still chose to use it, so it must serve SOME important purpose.

My interest in it is that it seems to me to be related to balancing feminine and masculine energy, which I believe is part of my mission on Earth (my family has an overabundance of yin energy and part of my service/karmic lesson is to properly learn to balance it with yang energy)

so my interest is in relation to understanding more about yin/yang balancing dynamics and what they imply about the larger picture. Still, it seems Q'uo believes they're not heavily significant to the process. Or is it that he believes that the process itself is underemphasized and the purpose for the said incarnation is therefor subverted? Or both?

RE: The most negative entity - ada - 08-12-2018

Who knows?

RE: The most negative entity - loostudent - 08-12-2018

Quote:31.7 ▶ Questioner: Thank you. In the material earlier you mentioned “magnetic attraction.” Could you define and expand upon that term?

Ra: I am Ra. We used the term to indicate that in your bisexual natures there is that which is of polarity. This polarity may be seen to be variable according to the, shall we say, male/female polarization of each entity, be each entity biologically male or female. Thus you may see the magnetism when two entities with the appropriate balance, male/female versus female/male polarity, meeting and thus feeling the attraction which polarized forces will exert, one upon the other.

This is the strength of the bisexual mechanism. It does not take an act of will to decide to feel attraction for one who is oppositely polarized sexually. It will occur in an inevitable sense giving the free flow of energy a proper, shall we say, avenue. This avenue may be blocked by some distortion towards a belief/condition which states to the entity that this attraction is not desired. However, the basic mechanism functions as simply as would, shall we say, the magnet and the iron.

RE: The most negative entity - GentleReckoning - 08-12-2018

I was thinking the rivers of trash that pollute the oceans that flow from every third world country. You could say that financial starvation is bellicosity, but I feel it has more to do with a semi-conscious ungrounding of all those that would protect and enrich the Earth.