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RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Nau7ik - 03-27-2018

(03-26-2018, 04:40 PM)loostudent Wrote: Giovanni Pico della Mirandola in his Conclusions on the kabbalah (published in 1486) argued that the insertion of the "shin" into Tetragrammaton represents the descent of the fiery holy Spirit into the fourfold realm of matter--the incarnation of God in human flesh.

That’s esentially what I said above in my first response, lol. The quote I used was from Israel Regardie’s Garden of Pomegranates. I believe he was using the same sources, Reuchlin and Mirandola, but Regardie is not too kindly towards the Christian cabbalists. He was defending the Qabalistic / Hebrew philosophy and criticizing the attempts to fit the Christian trinity into the Tetragrammaton, which Regardie says does not work. As YHVH represent the Father, Mother, Son, Daughter principles. Shin being the Holy Spirit. The Christian trinity lacks the Daughter.

This Kabbalistic interpretation works very well, in my opinion.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - loostudent - 03-29-2018

(03-27-2018, 08:36 AM)Nau7ik Wrote: The quote I used was from Israel Regardie’s Garden of Pomegranates. I believe he was using the same sources, Reuchlin and Mirandola, but Regardie is not too kindly towards the Christian cabbalists. He was defending the Qabalistic / Hebrew philosophy and criticizing the attempts to fit the Christian trinity into the Tetragrammaton, which Regardie says does not work. As YHVH represent the Father, Mother, Son, Daughter principles. Shin being the Holy Spirit. The Christian trinity lacks the Daughter.

So Regardie adopted some Christian cabbalistic symbolism despite criticism. "Father" in Holy Trinity is a name for God (God itself transcends distinction between sexes). The meaning of YHVH can be multifaceted but no facet can fully contain the Infinite Creator ... Besides that there is also a lot of triadic symbolism - the three pillars for example (and three triades inside pillars). Another triad in Jewish Kabbala is Ayin, Ein Sof, Ohr Ein Sof.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Nau7ik - 03-29-2018

(03-29-2018, 05:04 AM)loostudent Wrote:
(03-27-2018, 08:36 AM)Nau7ik Wrote: The quote I used was from Israel Regardie’s Garden of Pomegranates. I believe he was using the same sources, Reuchlin and Mirandola, but Regardie is not too kindly towards the Christian cabbalists. He was defending the Qabalistic / Hebrew philosophy and criticizing the attempts to fit the Christian trinity into the Tetragrammaton, which Regardie says does not work. As YHVH represent the Father, Mother, Son, Daughter principles. Shin being the Holy Spirit. The Christian trinity lacks the Daughter.

So Regardie adopted some Christian cabbalistic symbolism despite criticism. "Father" in Holy Trinity is a name for God (God itself transcends distinction between sexes). The meaning of YHVH can be multifaceted but no facet can fully contain the Infinite Creator ... Besides that there is also a lot of triadic symbolism - the three pillars for example (and three triades inside pillars). Another triad in Jewish Kabbala is Ayin, Ein Sof, Ohr Ein Sof.

Yeah I agree, the very name is limiting and should be regarded as a magical formula, as least that’s how Regardie would consider it. We can see the Father, Mother, Son, and Daughter by way of the Tree of Life and the four worlds: Father- Kether, Chokmah in the world of Atziluth, Mother- Binah in the creative world, Son- Tiphareth in the Yetziratic world, then the Daughter- Malkuth in world of Assiah. The four court cards of each suit in the Tarot can be interpreted this way. That is, King Queen, Knight, Princess as representing YHVH, within the respective element, such as Knight of Swords (air) being being the Vav of Tetragrammaton in the world of Yetzirah. The ten cards of the suit being representative of each of the Sephiroth.

Anyway, let me defend Regardie’s point of view with his own words:
Quote:From my point of view, to attend to the problem itself, there cannot possibly be the slightest connection between the two philosophic formulations which have been at the foundation of virulent controversy. Because, let me insist most strongly, the two schools under consideration speculate upon two entirely different topics. According to the Church, the various aspects of the Trinity are, severally, all One in God. Despite this, however, so Athanasius tells us, each individual Person, in itself, is God.

Not so according to the Qabalah. Ain Soph is the Infinite; Eternity, transcendent and immanent. It cannot even be said to be One, since it is Zero; the One is an attribute as we have already seen of manifestation and limitation. Those Sephiroth which bear such titles as Father and Mother cannot, per se, under any circumstances, be God or Ain Soph. The Zohar teaches distinctly that the Sephiroth are simply kechleem, vessels or channels through which the Divine forces of creative evolution manifest themselves. The Sephiroth to which Father and Mother are allocated are not Ain Soph. Permeated and sustained by the Infinite Life though they always are, they are realized to be but manifestations.

The real solution of the would-be comparison is, in point of fact, a remarkably simple one, since there can be no comparison at all. So simple is this solution that insofar as I am aware it has escaped those who revel in logical hair-splitting and argument. The ideas in the minds of the early Church Fathers and the Doctors of the Law were not in accord. The Church taught of Three Persons who are eternally the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

I cannot understand that this metaphysical formulation has any other than the most remote relationship to the Qabalistic concept of the Tetragrammaton, the four-lettered name of God. It’s allocations are the Yod and the first Heh, the Father and the Mother in Transcendence; and the Vav and Heh final, the Son and the Daughter, twins, below. In other words, this Holy Family consists not of Three individuals, but of Four. It should be quite obvious to even the merest tyro in philosophy that two distinct systems are here being propounded, the one having little or nothing to do with the other. The defence raised by Dr. Abelson is, therefore, no defence at all, since he is endeavoring to demonstrate that the Jews have not borrowed from Christians. Actually this question does not enter the controversy.

There has been one final attempt to attach a fourth person to the Christian Trinity in the shape of the mystical body of Christ which is the Roman Catholic Church. So feeble a last resort indeed casts reflection upon the minds in whom it originated.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - loostudent - 03-30-2018

The problem with Trinity is that it's beyond anything manifested. It's a hint at God's unmanifested transcendent mystery, something before/beyond anything mind can grasp. Nothing in this verbalisation should be taken literally or rationaly. The absurdity of 3=1 is obvious.

After Trinity is accepted as such it can be traced only as a reflection in everything in creation e.g. mind, body and spirit in microcosmos of man. There are also a lot of triads in the tree of life ... I agree sephirots are not God or Gods but vessels or facets of divine manifestation. So sephirots can't be equal to persons of Holy Trinity. That would be also in contradiction with Christian doctrine. I haven't read much what was writen by Christian cabbalists on this topic yet.

The "four worlds" as I understand are the inner/outer planes further divided in two planes. There seems to be no triad just a diad. Nevertheless the third element could be the relationship or communication between inner and outer. The element of love, (comm)union and fruit of this. A family starts with marriage - a union of two: man-woman. But there is also a third part hidden - their loving relationship or union itself. When the child - the fruit of their love - is born the third part becomes tangibly manifest.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Jocie - 04-03-2018

(02-25-2018, 12:10 AM)Stranger Wrote: Instead of enabling a greater seeking toward Unity, however, the enhanced subpopulation began to look down on the rest as inferior.  The us-vs-them ape instincts in human beings are too strong, it seems, and a smarter brain becomes utilized in their service instead of the hoped-for opposite effect.  

The Orion folks were then able to seize on this incipient elitism, nurture it, codify it as Divine Law by using the venerated Yahweh name, and teach merciless slaughter of the inferior unchosen people, along with their farm animals, as God's Will.

Fast forward to today, and we're still at it.

Zechariah 8:23 “Thus said יהוה -- [[Orion Yah]] -- of hosts, ‘In those days ten men from all languages of the nations take hold, yea, they shall take hold of the edge of the garment of a man, a Yehuḏitea, saying, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that Elohim is with you.” ’ ”

"Fast forward to today, and we're still at it."   Yahudum still at it, following the Orion Yah.   The Zohar and Kabbalah refer to the YHWH as "God."; but from what I discern, it is the essentially the Orion Yah.  

Zechariah 8

1And the word of יהוה of hosts came, saying,

2“Thus said יהוה of hosts, ‘I shall be jealous for Tsiyon with great jealousy, with great wrath I shall be jealous for her.’

3“Thus said יהוה, ‘I shall return to Tsiyon, and I shall dwell in the midst of Yerushalayima. And Yerushalayim shall be called: City of the Truth, and the Mountain of יהוה of hosts, the Set-apart Mountain.’

4“Thus said יהוה of hosts, ‘Again old men and old women shall dwell in the streets of Yerushalayim, each one with his staff in his hand because of great age,

5and the streets of the city shall be filled with boys and girls playing in its streets.’

6“Thus said יהוה of hosts, ‘If it is marvellous in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these days, should it also be marvellous in My eyes?’ declares יהוה of hosts.

7“Thus said יהוה of hosts, ‘See, I am saving My people from the land of the sunrise and from the land of the sunset.

8‘And I shall bring them back, and they shall dwell in the midst of Yerushalayim. And they shall be My people, and I shall be their Elohim, in truth and in righteousness.’

9“Thus said יהוה of hosts, ‘Let your hands be strong, you who are listening in these days to these words, from the mouth of the prophets, of the day the foundation was laid for the House of יהוה of hosts, the Hĕḵal that was to be rebuilt.

10‘For before these days there was not a wage for a man, nor a hire for beast, and there was no peace for him who went out or came in, because of his enemies, and I set all men one against another.

11‘But now I am not as in the former days to the remnant of this people,’ declares יהוה of hosts.

12‘Because of the sowing of peace the vine does give its fruit, the ground does give her increase, and the heavens do give their dew. And I shall cause the remnant of this people to inherit all these.

13‘And it shall be, as you were a curse among the gentiles, O house of Yehuḏah and house of Yisra’ĕl, so I shall save you, and you shall be a blessing. Do not fear, let your hands be strong.’

14“For thus said יהוה of hosts, ‘As I purposed to do evil to you when your fathers provoked Me,’ declares יהוה of hosts, ‘and I did not relent,

15so again in these days I have purposed to do good to Yerushalayim and to the house of Yehuḏah. Do not fear!

16‘These are the words you should do: speak the truth to one another, judge with truth and right-ruling for peace in your gates.

17‘And do not plot evil in your heart against another, and do not love a false oath. For all these I hate,’ declares יהוה.”

18And the word of יהוה of hosts came to me, saying,

19“Thus said יהוה of hosts, ‘The fast of the fourth, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth months, are to be joy and gladness, and pleasant appointed times for the house of Yehuḏah – and they shall love the truth and the peace.’

20“Thus said יהוה of hosts, ‘Peoples shall yet come, inhabitants of many cities,

21and the inhabitants of the one go to another, saying, “Let us earnestly go and pray before יהוה, and seek יהוה of hosts. I myself am going.”

22‘And many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek יהוה of hosts in Yerushalayim, and to pray before יהוה.’

23“Thus said יהוה of hosts, ‘In those days ten men from all languages of the nations take hold, yea, they shall take hold of the edge of the garment of a man, a Yehuḏitea, saying, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that Elohim is with you.” ’ ”

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Ymarsakar - 09-08-2020

(07-04-2017, 01:52 PM)Aaron Wrote: The other is the real deal 7th density Guardian

That was very useful, thank you. Also YHVH, the (ok which confusion entity wrote Orion here, it was supposed to Confederation) one, would like to thank all involved in clearing up the name and reputation. This truly is the density of confusion. Confusion and deception is to be expected, but it is humans using their free will to penetrate the veil itself, that deserves praise.

To address a common noted issue here, about the YH shin VH name change... the Cepher and Michael Heiser has done good work retranslationg Hebrew and the YHVH issue.

Short answer, is that the Hebrews changed the Torah and "struck through" aka Blasphemed the Name of YHVH. The sounds were changed via addition.

Jesus or rather Yehoshua, is a variation of YHVH. That is seen through etymology and Hebrew ancient language reverse engineering. So is Joshua, Jeremiah. They all have the "YH" type sound somewhere.

As for Quo, those answers are also very useful, but keep in mind that 4th density Q and 5th density Latwii, are facing .... frequency barriers or "classified information". When iamraw (the sound vibration complex) talks about 7th density teachers of theirs, they do not give details because to give details would be assuming they know. They are in teach/learning mode still, not "knowing" mode. When you ask them about 6th density, they talk a lot, because they know.

Quo, at the 4th density, is several orders of magnitude distant from 6th density, 7th density, and Council of Saturn workings. This is equivalent to the Vice Presidency of Marketing vs the sales clerk getting people coffee. All are important to the Divine Work, but they only know as much as they need to.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Infinite - 09-08-2020

It's been a while since I posted on that thread. Since then, my view of Yahweh has changed significantly. Currently I believe that Yawheh is a Confederation social memory complex, but I have no idea what density they are from. It can be from fourth to sixth.

About the Council of Saturn, it seems to me to be composed of entities harvested from Earth (the so-called Ascended Masters) and entities of the Confederation. It seems to me also that the members of the Confederation in the Council can represent complexes of social memory. So, I think it's possible that there is a representative of Yahweh on that Council.

Also the word "guardian" was used in more than one context by Ra. Therefore, they didn't always refer to the same group of entities.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Ymarsakar - 09-08-2020

(09-08-2020, 07:19 PM)Infinite Wrote: It's been a while since I posted on that thread. Since then, my view of Yahweh has changed significantly. Currently I believe that Yawheh is a Confederation social memory complex, but I have no idea what density they are from. It can be from fourth to sixth.

About the Council of Saturn, it seems to me to be composed of entities harvested from Earth (the so-called Ascended Masters) and entities of the Confederation. It seems to me also that the members of the Confederation in the Council can represent complexes of social memory. So, I think it's possible that there is a representative of Yahweh on that Council.

Also the word "guardian" was used in more than one context by Ra. Therefore, they didn't always refer to the same group of entities.

More information on the Council of 9 is from the book Only Planet of Choice, which is indirectly referenced by iamraw as undistorted information. She was not referenced but they were like a 2 or 3 trio group channeling as well around the same general timeline. The psychic Urie and others were in that circle.

The 24 social memory complex entities, was described as 24 advanced civilizations (at the universe level or galaxy, corresponding to a social memory complex that is like a dyson sphere). These are the "root" civilizations, 12 x 2. Why they are pairs, is undisclosed. 3 Root civilization seeded Earth, and was involved in the original Divine DNA plan. Of which "Hoova" or Yehovah, is considered one, along with Altea for Atlantis and another one. These are not the most important, but the most invested in Earth. This would correspond to the "Founders" channeled by Sal or Keepers of the Garden.

One of the questions raised here concerned inner planes vs density. The inner plane is more like a location where people do work, vs density which is more like the personal qualities and advancement level of an entity, social memory complex, divine faimly, advanced civilization.

And by advanced civilization, that is perhaps easier to understand at the Kardashev 3 and 4 level.

This is not the Draco or Orion "civilizations" that use Loosch as a fuel to replace the 4th density chakras. They are as more advanced compared to humanity, as humans are to ants. And the "root" civilizations are even higher in terms of power. This is important because negative STS cannot reach 7th density, since they actually had to drop out of it to reach service to self polarity. iamraw's information on that key point, is very important, because we don't need to worry about Saul's cosmic evil powers, the dark matrix, and deception past that level. So one just needs to find a way to tell the difference between YHVH and Bhaal. So simple, yet humanity has been fooled for so long.

The Council of 9 channeled through that book source, mentions that if Hoova had achieved their mission (Yeshua/YHVH/Hebrews) this place would already have advanced out of Orion's control. Hoova, the Hebrews and genetically linked experiments, have not utilized their power correctly. But that's not an uncommon story, given Atlantis vs Lemuria (Altea's own issues).

What happened on Mars? Division and conflict. What happened on marduk? A war of one faction annihilating each other.

Do people notice a pattern?

Almost all psychics online, are told YHVH is an evil entity. But due to translation, the dark matrix is likely filtering out half the information or the law of confusion is. When most people ask that question, they are asking for the negative entity, in their mind already. This is translated, as information, to what they channel. And the answer gets back to them, and also intercepted and modified.

And as for why this is allowed.. the Council of 9 determines whether Orion or Draco gets to intervene. Their intervention was approved, implicitly, because the 7th (or 12th density in some musical scales) civilizations were ordered not to prevent the genetic tampering which resulted in humans having 80% draco/orion DNA, suppressing the Divine DNA (aka junk dna) 20%.

The Council of Saturn is responsible for the soul growth of this branch of Creation. Earth has a bottleneck problem that needs a strategic and cosmic solution. But it is not just Earth. It's also all those other soul entities, the Service to Self guys. They needed to be dealt with and returned to Source. So everyone can collapse this simulation Fractal Creation branch and go to the next Octave/multiverse.

As for where this information is coming from... call it telepathic communication or channeling. There are problems telling humans certain things, and not just because of free will infringements. I can talk about this because I am right here, and not across the Veil. The dark matrix has certain counter measures that activates when people try to think or talk about certain things that are strategically dangerous.

An actual 5th density Service to Self was deployed to interfere with the channeling of Law of One. But generally, the system creates a self reinforcing low density environment by telepathically and emotionally controlling humans via their natural instincts and lizard/draco DNA. When we are told to fear and be paranoid about others in the community, to attack or to defend, that easily causes the internal conflict that distracts us from the true enemy of humanity. The dark matrix AI also "inserts" certain ideas in our heads, to steer us in the wrong direction. The more you know about them, the more they know about you, and the more likely you are targeted for corruption.

After 2012, they are in strategic panic mode, because STS failed to activate the 1996 War of Annihilation. They invaded via many portals in Africa, but absolutely failed. After 2012, the X weapons of the Divine Counsel begins awakening using the new astral and cosmic/astrological energies.

They have to be suicided as soon as possible or by reducing the world pop to 500 million. If they had not done this by 2012... then well you see where we are now.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Scah - 09-16-2020


RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Patrick - 09-16-2020

The prison hypothesis never resonated with me.  I prefer the notion of school, maybe post-doctorate. Smile  This way, graduation is something attainable. Instead of having the feeling that you have to "fight" your way out of prison, you have the feeling that you have to love your way out of the school, by making it obsolete for you.

In the end both ways of looking at it might very well be valid, and the solution the same.  But I just prefer the school hypothesis, seems less fearful and more positive.

BTW: I am currently reading The Only Planet Of Choice.  I like getting info from multiple sources.  The Lyricus Teaching order also has some pretty interesting stuff, and incidentally they also subscribe to the prison hypothesis.  But I just take what I like from any sources. Smile

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Patrick - 09-17-2020

I just realized why some people preferres or resonates with the prison hypothesis. Some people will be more motivated to evolve and work on the self by thinking they can free themselves from a prison. Freedom is a powerful concept and has been thoroughly subverted by the Elites. So it's a way of using this subversion against them by having light workers imagine they are inside an invisible prison.

For someone like me this prison hypothesis has the opposite effect. It's just depressing and does not motivate me to move. So the school hypothesis is what motivates me the most and is then what I resonate with.

Took me ten years to get that.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Ymarsakar - 09-17-2020

(09-17-2020, 07:24 AM)Patrick Wrote: I just realized why some people preferres or resonates with the prison hypothesis. Some people will be more motivated to evolve and work on the self by thinking they can free themselves from a prison. Freedom is a powerful concept and has been thoroughly subverted by the Elites. So it's a way of using this subversion against them by having light workers imagine they are inside an invisible prison.

For someone like me this prison hypothesis has the opposite effect.  It's just depressing and does not motivate me to move. So the school hypothesis is what motivates me the most and is then what I resonate with.

Took me ten years to get that.

It's both things at the same time, in my pov. It was a school, then somebody took it over, but it still functions as a school ironically enough. So basically we are in Japanese anime high school territory with super powers.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - snowgirl3000 - 12-16-2020

(03-26-2018, 04:02 PM)GentleReckoning Wrote: So yahweh is the want/desire/fear body of the sun. (this means that it is the literal conscious identity of the sun)

Likely responsible for much of the catalyst that affects continents or the entire world. (WWII, Black Plague, etc)

There was an entity that entered my awareness a couple months ago, (this is after years of being attuned to the psychic realm via a filtered open-channel) and this was the first one that had an ego. It demanded that I bow down several times. And did again as I was reading this thread. This was after it channeled the complete information of the energy body (as described by the chakras) to me this last summer.

Hello! Could u please elaborate on all ur statements?? As I find them fascinating, but couldn't find more context for them in this thread... I.e. Why is Yhweh the conscious Identity of the sun?? I thought he+she was an angelic being/guardian... What are u basing this on?? And same with other statements.. thanks in advance..

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - ada - 12-17-2020

(07-04-2017, 06:09 PM)Aaron Wrote: A particular single entity or social memory complex, who is a Guardian, was and is responsible for the Mars race. I understand this to be what we call Jewish DNA.

This part somewhat doesn't make sense to me because, supposedly, Jesus of Nazareth was also Jewish. Yet in the material it is said that this entity was of a fourth density origin.

Furthermore, such an instance would leave no room for free will in a veiled experience, and would encourage separation and differentiation.

To sum up what I am getting at, is that regardless of an entity's physical vehicle's appearance/race/DNA is not a direct correlation of origin/beingness. (A proper example on this matter would be the act of religious conversion which has happened throughout all history.) Therefore, a mind/body/spirit complex could be born in any vehicle if it so wishes/is appropriate to it's service and evolution.

An example of this would be a service to help alleviate group/planetary distortions by wandering and incarnating, taken from 65.19:

Quote:"Secondly, the free will of third-density entities needs be preserved. Thus Wanderers volunteer for third-density genetic or DNA connections to the mind/body/spirit complex."

In essence, the creation is one, and it doesn't matter who, what, or when.

I would back this up with the same quote that you've previously shared in this thread 16.39:

Quote:"It is absolutely necessary that an entity consciously realize it does not understand in order for it to be harvestable. Understanding is not of this density."

Thank you. Smile

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Sacred Fool - 12-17-2020

(12-16-2020, 08:36 PM)snowgirl3000 Wrote: thanks in advance..

Hi there, snowgirl3000.  Welcome to this discussion group, I hope it serves you well.

FYI, the member you're asking hasn't posted here for over 1.5 years.  Also, so far as I know, none of his statements are supported by any of the L/L Research channelings.  Evidently, he had other ways of divining those opinions. 

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Kadoki - 12-25-2020

(06-27-2017, 01:04 PM)loostudent Wrote: There are two opposing statements about Yahweh:

"... the [Orion] group sent an entity of social memory complex to this planetary sphere ... This entity named by your peoples, Yahweh." (16.13-14)

"Yahweh was of the Confederation but was mistaken in its attempts to aid." (18.23)

Was Yahweh sent by Orion group or Confederation?

24.6 Questioner: Thank you. Then I assume the Confederation stayed away from Earth for a period of time. What condition created the next contact the Confederation made?

Ra: I am Ra. In approximately three six zero zero [3,600] of your years in the past, as you measure time, there was an influx of those of the Orion group, as you call them. Due to the increasing negative influences upon thinking and acting distortions, they were able to begin working with those whose impression from olden times, as you may say, was that they were special and different.
An entity of the Confederation, many, many thousands of your years in the past, the one you may call “Yahweh,” had, by genetic cloning, set up these particular biases among these peoples who had come gradually to dwell in the vicinity of Egypt, as well as in many, many other places, by dispersion after the down-sinking of the land mass Mu. Here the Orion group found fertile soil in which to plant the seeds of negativity, these seeds, as always, being those of the elite, the different, those who manipulate or enslave others.
The one known as Yahweh felt a great responsibility to these entities. However, the Orion group had been able to impress upon the peoples the name Yahweh as the one responsible for this elitism. Yahweh then was able to take what you would call stock of its vibratory patterns and became, in effect, a more eloquently effective sound vibration complex.
In this complex the old Yahweh, now unnamed, but meaning “He comes,” began to send positively oriented philosophy. This was approximately, in your past, of two— we correct this instrument— three three zero zero [3,300] years. Thus, the intense portion of what has become known as Armageddon was joined.

I got this from Wikipedia. I just discovered Law of One this year and calculated the dates from todays date.
2020-3600= 1580 BC The Egyptians invented a new and better calendar. It is based on both the moon and a star. They observed the annual appearance of the brightest star in the sky, Sirius. This calendar was more advanced than the Babylonian calendar.
2020-3300= 1280 BC—The Torah is believed to have been fully composed around this time. (Assuming the Exodus from Egypt took place c. 1450 BC)

Statues "used" to be our gods. Ya "We" made these things, lol

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - moyal - 12-25-2020

(12-25-2020, 09:38 AM)Kadoki Wrote: ... calculated the dates from todays date.

This presupposes that 'our' historical chronology is 'true'.
The apparent repeated difficulty Ra had with these 1000 years "in the past, as you measure time" may be NOT because Ra can't count correctly...

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Kadoki - 12-28-2020

(12-25-2020, 10:03 AM)moyal Wrote:
(12-25-2020, 09:38 AM)Kadoki Wrote: ... calculated the dates from todays date.

This presupposes that 'our' historical chronology is 'true'.
The apparent repeated difficulty Ra had with these 1000 years "in the past, as you measure time" may be NOT because Ra can't count correctly...

It's because the Ra material is PERFECT. I totally found out that I was Jesus this year and now I'm raising the Monoliths and destroying the old Gods (statues), while trying to get teach my parents "Faith". The number of the Devil is 2020 bytheway.
At the beginning of the Ra material they were channeling the "Mother Mary"

A. I have a child.
Q. One child?
A. Yeah. Little boy.
Q. His name is?
A. I just don’t have a feeling for names. I have, like, you know when you want somebody, and they know when you want them, sort of. I mean, I just don’t have a feeling for names.
(taken from Ra introduction.)

As such, Jesus became a wanderer known by no name at the beginning of the Law of One.
The "light" density "Jesus" is studying is the internet.
All Religious people are clones of God, I didn't have a choice when I heard the stuff as a kid.
All I see in life are Good people scared to share their true conscience...
On the 5th day God created Mourning (adam) and Evening (EVE) 2020 is the 5th day.. the start of Genesis. Ra is the snake that fed you the "apple".
Jesus figuratively broke the bread and turned water into whine this year. (destroyed the economy)
The morning star promised in "Revelation" is the earth (sphere) with all the pyramids on it held by Ophiuchus.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Raukura Waihaha - 01-12-2021

I feel like Yahweh was trying to help but after their creation chose to eat from the tree of knowledge or open their third eye prematurely, they were put in a position of having to admit they aren't the one infinite creator, which made the original Mars clones doubt their "God".
I also feel like the imposter Yahweh was a 5D Orion member who had the ability to take whichever physical form it desired, so they showed up as a bright light or fire, which may have mimicked the form the original Yahweh took.
It seems to me that the descendents of the Anak or Nephilim were Aryan. Those with white skin, blue eyes and blonde hair. They were convinced that they were special because they looked different and became the ruling class of Egypt, India, China etc.
Akhenatens daughter Scotia, left Egypt after he was ousted and went to Europe to form Scotland. This is why 80% of the UK have King Tuts DNA.
There are also blonde/red haired mummies in South America and all over the world.

What I'm trying to understand is how the Nephilim were around in Enochs day?
If there was a sexual interaction 3300 years ago, where did the first bunch from the time of the flood come from?
Were the fallen angels from before the flood Elohim, who weren't specifically Yahweh?

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - flofrog - 01-13-2021

Oh my goodness my family comes from Scotland

That is why I wanted to study Egyptology which really is a very good marketing option Blush I can read the obelisk, place de la Concorde in paris, highly pragmatic.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Raukura Waihaha - 01-14-2021

(01-13-2021, 01:17 AM)flofrog Wrote: Oh my goodness my family comes from Scotland

That is why I wanted to study Egyptology which really is a very good marketing option  Blush I can read the obelisk, place de la Concorde in paris, highly pragmatic.
My Mother's Father was a 6'4" Englishman and her Mother, Scottish/Irish.
Greenstreet was his name, as in the place in Kent.
McCullough, Morby and Simpson are the names on my Grandmothers side.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Raukura Waihaha - 01-14-2021

I'm wondering if Ra has issues with time because of our methods of measuring it.
I've read about the exanding earth hypothesis. What if a day today is longer than it was 10,000 years ago, due to the planet being larger? This would mean that calculations would be relative to our perception, which would be different to those made 10,000 years ago.
When someone from back then said "one year", it may have been half as long as a year is today.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Dtris - 01-14-2021

(01-14-2021, 05:31 PM)Raukura Waihaha Wrote: I'm wondering if Ra has issues with time because of our methods of measuring it.
I've read about the exanding earth hypothesis. What if a day today is longer than it was 10,000 years ago, due to the planet being larger? This would mean that calculations would be relative to our perception, which would be different to those made 10,000 years ago.
When someone from back then said "one year", it may have been half as long as a year is today.

I am a fan of the expanding earth Hypothesis myself.

With regards to length of the day. As the earth expands it would rotate slower at the same angular momentum, so the days will get longer the more the earth expands.

As far as length of year that would not be changed by that. So the number of days in a year would actually be constantly decreasing as the Earth expands.

Assuming the expansion actually increases mass and no other factors are at play the inertia should be constantly dropping causing the speed of orbit to slow down, lengthening the year as it expands as you suggest. However I have a hunch that there are other forces that play a larger role than gravity in determining the orbits and their speed. I also like the Electric universe theory and I find the orbits would be much more compelling when explained by electrical and magnetic forces working with gravity.

Ra alludes to something of this nature when he likens gravity to the inward beating of a giant heart, but also mentions the outward beat, of which we have no scientific knowledge of.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - Kadoki - 01-14-2021

(01-14-2021, 05:31 PM)Raukura Waihaha Wrote: I'm wondering if Ra has issues with time because of our methods of measuring it.
I've read about the exanding earth hypothesis. What if a day today is longer than it was 10,000 years ago, due to the planet being larger? This would mean that calculations would be relative to our perception, which would be different to those made 10,000 years ago.
When someone from back then said "one year", it may have been half as long as a year is today.

I don't believe Ra had any difficulties with the dates. It was channeled over such a long period they needed a set point for the dates to be correct. If you want to prove infinity and the Law of One paradox true, you need to send a future message to the past and as such, much of the material is veiled.

Everything in Law of One is TOLD as philosophy set from 2020 (Last Judgment) and all OUR Gods are "things" humans created like the Egyptian Calendar and the Torah. The Torah brought a better version of God, before then human sacrifice was the normal.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - zedro - 01-14-2021

(01-14-2021, 05:31 PM)Raukura Waihaha Wrote: I'm wondering if Ra has issues with time because of our methods of measuring it.
I've read about the exanding earth hypothesis. What if a day today is longer than it was 10,000 years ago, due to the planet being larger? This would mean that calculations would be relative to our perception, which would be different to those made 10,000 years ago.
When someone from back then said "one year", it may have been half as long as a year is today.

I believe they are quoted saying just as much. It also seems to be a thing with channelings in general, where time is best described in cycles (lunar, planetary, astrological, etc). Our (arbitrary) calenders are such a tiny fraction of history, and there may be the issue of calenders being manipulated which may be veiled thru the law of confusion. For example the theory that there has been a 1000 years of false history added by negative driven institutions; Ra may not be able to reveal such information due to the LoC, and it may influence their calculations.

Time/Space is procedural, it's about what events took place before or after other related/relevant events, not arbitrary milestones perceived in the 3d illusion. Our calenders are just a construct, what we had for breakfast 10 years ago may have no significance to the timeline, a therefore may be completely outside of their purview, and impossible to establish. But we may have a photograph that documented it anyways. So I wouldn't think it's precise to say they don't have a handle on time (time is their space.....time/space), but translating it into our arbitrarily constructed reference point in illusionary space/time seems to be a complex task from their contextual existence.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - ada - 01-15-2021

If you check the dates regarding the existence of Atlantis from what is stated in the material, and what our scientific speculations are, the dates are almost a perfect match. So I don't think they had such a difficulty, however there were some mistakes along the material with dates and numbers and when it was noticed they corrected themselves. Perhaps some still are that weren't noticed.

Quote:32.4 Questioner: So I should change that third to fourth?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Please continue to scan for errors having to do with numberings, as you call them, as this concept is foreign to us and we must translate, if you will, when using numbers. This is an ongoing weakness of this contact due to the difference between our ways and yours. Your aid is appreciated.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - flofrog - 01-15-2021

(01-14-2021, 06:38 PM)Dtris Wrote: I am a fan of the expanding earth Hypothesis myself.

With regards to length of the day. As the earth expands it would rotate slower at the same angular momentum, so the days will get longer the more the earth expands.

As far as length of year that would not be changed by that. So the number of days in a year would actually be constantly decreasing as the Earth expands.

Assuming the expansion actually increases mass and no other factors are at play the inertia should be constantly dropping causing the speed of orbit to slow down, lengthening the year as it expands as you suggest. However I have a hunch that there are other forces that play a larger role than gravity in determining the orbits and their speed. I also like the Electric universe theory and I find the orbits would be much more compelling when explained by electrical and magnetic forces working with gravity.

Ra alludes to something of this nature when he likens gravity to the inward beating of a giant heart, but also mentions the outward beat, of which we have no scientific knowledge of.

Dtris, thank you ... I am too fascinated by the length of the day, which is time in space/time after all.. The funny thing is that about ten years ago I had a friend who was a physicist and we were talking about this and he was advancing that in fact days were getting shorter as time was 'accelerating'. My friend passed away a year later after we had this conversation.

I would be interested to know what are your thoughts..

I hope this is not taking the thread out of the OP. Or we could start a new thread or bump an old one about time in space/time.

RE: The Yahweh contradiction - omcasey - 07-04-2022
