Windows 10 - Printable Version

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RE: Windows 10 - Dekalb_Blues - 12-24-2015

*sigh* And the word-wrap function for the text is gone. Curiouser & curiouser. The text is supposed to read "... and my post

here was relatively mild, I find now that all the function-buttons normally found on the bottom right of each post are missing--

but just in this particular  thread;...."  What's more, now, as I type this, the format of the entire page is changing size by itself

as if I were using a "zoom"  function. I suppose I should split before my screen image turns sideways, or grows legs and hops

away. Cheers.

P.S. The relevance of all this is that you reading this, yes you, are currently accessing (& possibly even contributing your two cents to) a forum which promotes a belief system that characterizes the bloodthirstily warlord-ish Jehovah as a particularly no-goodnik Orionic über-Crusader type diabolically posing as a Good Guy God, who has been grooming a very peculiarly STS-prone racist-war-loving, self-aggrandizing people as an STS social memory complex from days of Biblical old.* (BTW, in this connection, look up the word "egregore" if you want a grim chuckle or two; the sociobiological concept of superorganism is still safely quarantined by the reigning helotistic Western sociology-of-knowledge paradigm. The Ra are one of the few sources in the public domain usefully presenting this concept and its application in very important physical and metaphysical domains, albeit under another term: social memory complex.)
Gee, I wonder what that Jehovah-haunted tribe of people are up to nowadays? Who, in fact, are they today? Well, it seems it would be the--  Oops, in many jurisdictions around the world it's an officially hyper-deprecated, legally cruelly-punishable thought-crime to even idly muse publicly anywhere in this direction. Add to that situation that a mighty alliance of Earthian nations are currently waging a Global War On Terrrrrrorism ("terrrrrrrrrorist" being the politically correct euphemism for "Muslim"; from the point of view of the progenitors of this meme, it's an ever-unfurling umbrella-term which can, when needed, be extended to mean any particular form of "Gentile"-- or non-Jehovite malefactor-- not just Muslims). I am already over the abstract-info red-line of thoughtcriminality by posting this insidiously insinuating post!  Most of the folks on this forum are blessedly oblivious of the implications of their belief system in terrestrial realpolitikal terms, being precisely the kind of essentially good-natured, loving creatures-- poster-people for the STO program-- who tend to naively project their own good-intended benevolence on all and sundry, including those whose specific job is to horribly undo them in the most under-handed ways, turning their very goodness into their weakest point of self-preservation.
Curiously enough, love conquers all (via its useful access to intelligent energy, and so on), including all these types of Orionic nefariousness. Realizing this when in the midst of the darkest and seemingly doomed sectors of human experience gives one a heightened and deepened respect and gratitude for the work of such as Ra, Qu'o, and the many other legitimate ambassadors of extraordinary information-sources available to our world just now.
Their opponents are naturally ramping up their game by an order of magnitude; global psywar and psyops are the order of the day. Control of information-- especially the kind of high-energy info that is the stuff that basal belief systems are made on, that structure our very meta-paradigm controlling our paradigm of what we are, where we are from, where we are going...

[Image: 130607_PRISM_ppt_3.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg]

[Image: AY8rBPm.png]

* Of course, this is a bum rap, simply more disinfo piled on through these many moons to gum up the works.

18.24 Questioner: Then Yahweh’s communications did not help or did not create what Yahweh wished for them to create. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The results of this interaction were quite mixed. Where the entities were of a vibrational sum characteristic which embraced oneness, the manipulations of Yahweh were very useful. Wherein the entities of free will had chosen a less positively oriented configuration of sum total vibratory complex, those of the Orion group were able for the first time to make serious inroads upon the consciousness of the planetary complex.


RE: Windows 10 - darklight - 12-29-2015

I removed W10 because of the privacy issue. Back to W8.1 in dual boot with Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS (long term support).

I like Linux, and mostly I use this OS. Windows is good for gaming, but it's less stable and secure. Mainly I use Windows only for gaming purpose.

RE: Windows 10 - AnthroHeart - 12-29-2015

I kept windows 10, but didn't enable Cadara, or whatever it's called. It seemed like a resource hog.

RE: Windows 10 - Dekalb_Blues - 06-03-2016

[Image: borg.jpg]

Microsoft-- the masters of dystopian public-relations:

A sampling of some theoretical context:
und so weiter.

[Image: Borgle.jpg]   

[Image: aten.gif] Cool   

RE: Windows 10 - Nicholas - 06-04-2016

@ Dekalb_Blues

Thanks for sharing your fist link here. I myself keep getting the "choose a time to upgrade" pop up window. Or rather "kept" getting it!

After 10 minutes of reading the article and accompanying comments, I downloaded the recommended GWX Control Panel freeware. This hijacks the microsoft hijackers and within 5 minutes of simple configuring, windows 10 pop ups has gone micro-poof!

Here is a screenshot for anyone who may be interested.

[Image: e0WjTP3.png]

Windows 7 sounds soo much more harmonious to me, anyway  BigSmile

RE: Windows 10 - isis - 06-04-2016

[Image: windows_devolution.jpg]

RE: Windows 10 - Parsons - 06-04-2016

I've been using 10 for almost a year now... I really enjoy it. Then again, I am a 'power user' who makes it a point to permanently disable any unwanted features.

RE: Windows 10 - darklight - 06-04-2016

Any Linux users here?

RE: Windows 10 - Patrick - 06-04-2016

(06-04-2016, 06:21 PM)darklight Wrote: Any Linux users here?

It was my main desktop OS from 1997 to 1999 (Slackware with X Window Manager).  But not anymore no.  I'm on Win 10 at the moment. 

RE: Windows 10 - darklight - 06-04-2016

(06-04-2016, 06:43 PM)Patrick Wrote:
(06-04-2016, 06:21 PM)darklight Wrote: Any Linux users here?

It was my main desktop OS from 1997 to 1999 (Slackware with X Window Manager).  But not anymore no.  I'm on Win 10 at the moment. 

Linux has changed. There are so much distros now. Mint is very nice, Ubuntu to. At the moment I use Ubuntu and W 8.1 in dual boot.

RE: Windows 10 - AnthroHeart - 06-04-2016

My new rig has a gaming motherboard and an AMD processor with 8 cores, 4GHz, and runs Windows 10 with 16GB of RAM. Just got it running today. Turned off the options for sharing private info with Microsoft at install. Had to purchase the key through NewEgg as Amazon didn't have but an OEM version and I didn't do an OEM build. A friend assembled it for me.

RE: Windows 10 - Dekalb_Blues - 06-05-2016   See following 01:12 for a little lulz characteristic of the times.

[Image: GtlWm1M.png]

Samples of mildly heretical sentiment from various malcontents:
und so weiter. Eventually the penny drops. It would seem that there are indeed those of solid negative polarity among us here on Earth, as Ra so carefully details, and they are neither unorganized, technologically backwards, nor slack about implementing their peculiar worldview in our very world (by hook or by crook; witness Microsoft's egregious blatancy). Said world naturally involves you and me, personally, intimately. A stunning source of catalyst for those of positivity ready, willing, and able to turn the situation to their evolutionary advantage; alternately, just a nearly inconceivably inhumane and drearily terrible climax dystopia of panoptically-monitored, cyberautomatically-administered helotismic chutes and corrals designed for energy-harvesting utility. Very interesting times we're living in; very very interesting times just ahead. The massive influx of high-level non-consensus information from various extraordinary sources post-World War II, generally, and increasingly in the last few decades, was not just for idle entertainment purposes. It was to provide a functional framework of knowledge instrumentally suitable for a time of intense, rapidly-altering, extraordinary demands on human adaptability, on human durability itself in the face of extreme all-invasive change, physical-environmental and otherwise. We are in the time now wherein the very ontology of consensus reality itself is weaponizable, and is increasingly transmuted thus; this is the hey-day of dual-use technology in the service of the widest-spectrum superorganismic psywar involving modalities previously dismissable as the mere metaphysical fantasies of unscientific paranoid mentalities. That narrative-dominating myth is wearing thin, and multiple light-sources are increasingly shining right through it, visible to those with the intuitive eyes to see.

[Image: 11686351495_b394289f5b_o1.jpg]

  Fiat lux!

 [Image: aten.gif]  Cool

RE: Windows 10 - Patrick - 06-09-2016

(06-04-2016, 06:54 PM)darklight Wrote:
(06-04-2016, 06:43 PM)Patrick Wrote:
(06-04-2016, 06:21 PM)darklight Wrote: Any Linux users here?

It was my main desktop OS from 1997 to 1999 (Slackware with X Window Manager).  But not anymore no.  I'm on Win 10 at the moment. 

Linux has changed. There are so much distros now. Mint is very nice, Ubuntu to. At the moment I use Ubuntu and W 8.1 in dual boot.

Yeah, actually I'm giving Mint a chance to run in a VM once a year to see what's new.  But the thing is that we are not quite there yet for gaming.  With Steam's push for Linux this is changing fast though.

RE: Windows 10 - Aion - 06-09-2016

I've still managed to avoid the 'upgrade' and am clinging to my Windows 7. I sure do miss Windows XP though.

There are most definitely individuals who are attempting to control the masses, because he who shapes the mind shapes reality.

RE: Windows 10 - bulrush - 07-09-2016

Windows 9 was a disaster. I don't think it even got out of beta testing. Windows 10 will report torrent activity unless you have a VPN.

RE: Windows 10 - anagogy - 07-09-2016

Yeah, something about Microsoft's aggressive push of windows 10 makes me not want to upgrade to it.  

I'll stick with 7 thanks, at least until there is no more support for it. And by that time, linux gaming will have evolved to the point that I won't even want whatever windows is peddling then anyways. Gaming is the only reason I even use windows in the first place. But watch out Microsoft! Open source software is catching up on the one leg you have up on the competition! The capacity of linux to run windows designed games natively via the wine application is growing by the day.

If you don't game, I don't know why anyone would use windows to be honest, except for maybe the fact that it is familiar and learning new things is scary. Linux is way better in most other respects in my opinion. And did I mention free?

RE: Windows 10 - Night Owl - 07-09-2016

Sadly they are recently anouncing that they are merging PC gaming and console gaming between microsoft's plateform in an attempt to convince people to buy xbox over playstation and it will probably work and convince a good amount of people that windows 10 is worth it while it is clearly a slower version of any other windows. Linux doesn't have a console to offer that possibility except with phones but that is a different war.

I didn't know windows 10 was blocking torrent but that just add an other reason on the list why windows 10 is a bad option. I'll stick with my custom 8.1 with stardock start8 to bring back the windows 7 taskbar with the desktop.

RE: Windows 10 - Parsons - 07-23-2016

Slower version of Windows - how do you figure that? This is BY FAR the fastest loading Windows I've ever used.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by blocking torrents. I've never had trouble with that since I installed 10.

RE: Windows 10 - DynamicBri - 07-23-2016

(07-23-2016, 08:38 AM)Parsons Wrote: Slower version of Windows - how do you figure that? This is BY FAR the fastest loading Windows I've ever used.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by blocking torrents. I've never had trouble with that since I installed 10.

Yea, the torrent block bit doesn't make sense.

I'm pretty pleased with Windows 10. I'm pretty disappointed with Cortana however.

RE: Windows 10 - Plenum - 11-11-2016

I got a new laptop recently, and it had Win10 on it.  It's ok.  It feels kind of 'dumbed down', but you can find all the settings if you know the right things to google.

Slowly getting used to it.

Also turned auto-updates off (after it updated to the most recent version).  I understand that security updates are important, but some updates really change things on a fundamental level, and it's hard to roll-back.

RE: Windows 10 - im_not_me - 11-11-2016

I recommend using Ultimate Windows Tweaker to turn off things like OneCloud, Cortana, etc. it allows you to practically do anything to your Win10 and allows you to maximize your privacy and restrict it from collecting any data from you.

RE: Windows 10 - APeacefulWarrior - 11-11-2016

Yeah, I finally got a W10 device and I'm also extremely unimpressed. To me it feels like a Frankenstein's monster of an OS attempting to be both a desktop and a tablet interface at once, and not doing terribly well at either. Not to mention that the touchscreen side of things is really only a veneer, and nearly anything beyond basic apps requires the standard Windows interface which is extremely touch un-friendly.

Yes, it's nice that it boots quickly. Yes, it's kind of cool that I can ask Cortana to play the Beatles' "Let It Be" like I'm Captain Picard and it works. (Nevermind that iOS and Android have had similar capabilities for several years.) But outside of a handful of gimmicks, I'm seeing very little actual upgrade in experience over previous versions, along with a hell of a lot of poor design decisions and downright baffling behaviors. Not to mention a system upgrade process that seems like it could not possibly be more intrusive and disruptive if it tried.

And like others have pointed out, the control panel and setup menus are an unholy travesty that make me think Microsoft was intentionally punking anyone who dared try to customize their installation.

Honestly, if Microsoft doesn't start doing a lot better, really soon, I may be in a place of dumping Windows entirely and moving onto something else. I'd really hate to lose my Steam collection, but I find W10 so annoying to deal with whenever I'm not playing games that it's starting to sound like an attractive proposition.

(And hey, if I put Linux on my next primary work computer, I could at least dual-boot to Windows specifically for Steam...)

RE: Windows 10 - AnthroHeart - 11-11-2016

I never activated Cortana from the beginning, so have never used it. It says it tracks keypresses.

When my friend was helping me install windows 10 on a new pc he built for me, he turned most settings off, if not all.

RE: Windows 10 - AnthroHeart - 11-11-2016

(11-11-2016, 05:38 AM)im_not_me Wrote: I recommend using  Ultimate  Windows  Tweaker  to turn off things like OneCloud, Cortana, etc. it allows you to practically do anything to your Win10 and allows you to maximize your privacy and restrict it from collecting any data from you.

Thank you. I may just try it out, hoping it's free.

RE: Windows 10, Vault 7, Year 0 - Dekalb_Blues - 04-06-2017


Julian Assange Press Conference On The CIA Vault 7 Release | March 9th, 2017 :
CIA Spyware
Vault 7

RE: Windows 10 - Coordinate_Apotheosis - 04-06-2017

Technology, it's its own rabbit hole.

Plus Microsoft is...  Well.  You'll all figure out the business method they use...

Its hard to make people go from a claw hammer to a rock on a stick, if you make too good an OS, you lose money in the long run.

So how do you make someone downgrade while they think they're upgrading?

RE: Windows 10 - AnthroHeart - 04-06-2017

I found that Win 10 has a built in Game DVR, that lets you record video of the application you're using. I assume audio too, but haven't used that part.
2 mins is like 25 MB or so, so it's not too huge. But I guess it depends on how much is going on in the video.
I had to register for an X-Box account to get the video though, and found out it was in the Capture folder of Videos after I registered.

RE: Windows 10 - darklight - 06-01-2017
[Image: Capture.png]