A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Printable Version

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RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - J.W. - 06-17-2022


Much light in this seeking,

now please, if you got time this summer, help pass out some water to the homeless in your area.

It will be hot, really hot.

My group of volunteers and workers are always spread thin, and we do need all the help we can get,

whether if you were distracted by conspiracies, spirituality, or Jesus himself, when you are "content" with your wondering,

lend a hand.

You can find us in all soup kitchens, and local volunteer groups, from feeding the needy, cleaning up camp ground, etc. etc.

Where you won't find us,

Any political arenas,

any "blaming" activist group, (doesn't matter even if you found Lucifer, another part of creation to blame)

Any money driven, self-interest group, with "investment" promises for a "better-world" narrative.

No, you cannot throw money at things, please don't do this,
as the economical and ownership structure will not exist after the transition. Too utopic? and unreal? still want to stick to a barter system? well, there will be another 3rd school.

There is no point in explaining this, as the 4th positive planetary does not harbor anything of the current system and societal structure.

Maybe I am letting out too much, or perhaps most already know this, or some require a level of "believing when they see it."

fortunately, it has nothing to do with what you think, or believe.

Let's witness this great catastrophe and symphony of love together, brothers and sisters  Confused Smile

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Diana - 06-18-2022

In case anyone is interested...

I'm putting this video link here in this thread because it is related to the issues surrounding the pandemic, the narratives, and the current societal divisions. But what I find so remarkable about this interview is that the guest, Prof. Mattias Desmet, is not only brilliant, but coming from an entirely different perspective than the LOO and the Confederation material describes transition to 4th density, the veil/mystery, and the connectedness of all.

Starting at 38:02 - 54:57 he talks about the mystery of this reality, describes from his POV how to connect with intelligent infinity, and transition to 4th density.

Starting at 56:34 - 1:03:08 he talks about the underlying ideologies which are where change is needed and that it is not the elite who need to be dismantled, building communities that shift the paradigm, and the connectedness of all.

Link to the video on Rumble (there is no option in the B4 video platforms for Rumble):

Interview with Prof. Mattias Desmet

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - tadeus - 06-21-2022

Breaking: 58 babies who received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines suffered life-threatening adverse events

Quote:An analysis of VAERS reports shows that contrary to the FDA's briefing document claiming that the majority of adverse events in Pfizers' clinical trial were non-serious – at least 58 cases of life-threatening side effects in infants under 3 years old who received mRNA vaccines were reported. For some, it is unclear if they survived. It is also unclear why the infants were vaccinated, and whether they were part of the clinical trials. However, in the upcoming FDA meeting on Wednesday, the FDA will not be able to argue it did not know
  • While the FDA is preparing to approve the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for infants and toddlers aged 6 months to four years, and claims in its' VRBPAC Briefing Document released today that the majority of adverse events found in Pfizers' trial were non-serious - Real-Time magazine analysis reveals at least 58 life-threatening adverse events  in infants and toddlers aged under 3 years old reported to VAERS.
  • The most common serious adverse events were life-threatening bleeding, anaphylactic shock, anticholinergic syndrome, encephalitis, hypoglycemia and neuroleptic syndrome. In most of the reported cases, these are multi-system injuries.
  • In some cases it is not clear what happened to the babies - did they survive? And if so, have they recovered?
  • Most reports do not specify under what circumstances the infants were vaccinated, and if they participated in the clinical trials.
  • While the FDA claims in its' briefing document that the vaccine efficacy in infants is 80.4%, the  document reveals that the claim is based on a total of 10 symptomatic cases of COVID-19 identified in the trial among 1415 participants – 7 of them in the placebo group vs. 3 in the vaccine group.

Fully vaccinated children suffer multisystem inflammatory syndrome

Quote:(Natural News) Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS) is a condition that mainly affects children by causing dangerous inflammation throughout the body, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes and digestive organs.

MIS can be severe and life-threatening, and experts have no idea what causes it. However, this has not stopped the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from attributing the condition to complications from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

FDA unanimously approve covid vaccine for 0-4 years

Quote:The FDA met on 15th June and despite all the evidence of non-efficacy from the infant Pfizer vaccine and the still total lack of data on long-term harms, they voted to go ahead.  If the last eighteen months are anything to go by, the MHRA will follow soon, followed after a respectable few weeks by the JCVI. Indeed, vaccination for this age-group is already listed for JCVI discussion.  Before the UK regulators make any decision, they would do well to read a detailed letter to the FDA from Senator Robert F Kennedy.
It was depressing that in the FDA open meeting, none of the members pointed out that 2 months follow-up is totally inadequate for assessing safety, nor questioned the use of an antibody level as a measure of success. No specific level of antibody exists which provides protection against covid so how can this be used as a useful measure? For young children, much of their reduced risk from covid arises from their superior innate immunity. In the presentation to the FDA, Pfizer presented evidence that the only antibodies produced in the children were to the Wuhan spike with no detectable antibodies to the Omicron spike.  
Moderna was also authorised for children at the same meeting, despite several countries having dropped it for all under 30s. Their lengthy document (189 pages of single-spaced typing) was only sent to members two working days ahead of the meeting.


Quote:An international survey of a health-aware, ‘Control Group’ that includes over 300,000 people who have chosen to avoid COVID-19 vaccination, shows participants place minimal burden on health systems through their strong reliance on natural immunity, self-care and the use of natural health supplements to help prevent or even treat COVID-19. Yet this group faces unfounded discrimination, job losses and mental health issues intensified by its marginalisation by mainstream society.

Any airline which isn't screening all its pilots for cardiac issues is risking a disaster that will cost hundreds of innocent lives

WHO to convene emergency committee on monkeypox: ‘It’s now clear there is an unusual situation’

EU pre-empts further Covid travel disruption by extending Digital Covid-19 Certificate scheme

Everything goes on as planned ...

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - tadeus - 06-21-2022
Yuval Noah Harari - Leaders are manufacturing artificial threats

Quote:"So if you want to distract the public from issues like government corruption, or deteriorating health care system or deteriorating education system, the best thing is to find an external enemy that threatens the survival of the nation."

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - tadeus - 06-26-2022

Imperial Narrative Control Has Five Distinct Elements

[Image: https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-43...80x565.png]

Quote:All of these five points are used to control the way people see, think about, and talk about their world, thereby controlling how they act and how they vote at mass scale. This enables the powerful to maintain an entirely enslaved populace which never tries to escape its enslavement, because it thinks it is already free.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - tadeus - 07-03-2022

Mass hypnosis: why can’t people see through the COVID deception?

  • “Mass formation” is a form of mass hypnosis that emerges when specific conditions are met, and almost always precede the rise of totalitarian systems.
  • Four central conditions that need to exist in order for mass formation to arise are widespread loneliness and lack of social bonding, which leads to experiencing life as meaningless, which leads to widespread free-floating anxiety and discontent, which leads to widespread free-floating frustration and aggression, which results in feeling out of control.
  • Under mass formation, a population enters a hypnotic-type trance that makes them willing to sacrifice anything, including their lives and their freedom.
  • Key strategies to disrupt the mass formation process are to speak out against it and to practice non-violent resistance. Dissenting voices keep totalitarian systems from deteriorating into abject inhumanity where people are willing to commit heinous atrocities.
  • Ultimately, “totalitarianism” refers to the ambition of the system. It wants to eliminate the ability of individual choice, and in so doing, it destroys the core of what it is to be human. The quicker a system destroys the individual, the sooner the system collapses.

(Mercola) – Professor Mattias Desmet, a Belgian psychologist with a master’s degree in statistics, gained worldwide recognition toward the end of 2021, when he presented the concept of “mass formation” as an explanation for the absurd and irrational behavior we were seeing with regard to the COVID pandemic and its countermeasures.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - tadeus - 07-03-2022

In 1969, the founder of the Club of Rome, Aurelio Peccei, gave three solutions to the population increase:

1. biological "germ or virus"
2. "Mass sterilization"
3. "Elimination of all surplus human beings"

Book at

Read at:

Quote:One is biological: nature, which maintains so many balances, will see to it that human incintinence will be remedied, through some new germ or virus.
Another ...

Actual example:

Covid Vaccines and Infertility

Quote:Why are birth rates plummeting in the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Taiwan — nine months after mass covid vaccinations?
  • Germany reported a 13% decline in births between January and March 2022 compared to the same period in 2021.
  • The United Kingdom reported a 7.7% decline in births with 75,670 births between January and February 2022 compared to 82,042 births during the same period in 2021.
  • In Switzerland, birth rates have also plummeted since the introduction of the covid vaccines.
  • Taiwan reported a 23.2% decline in births in May 2022 compared to the same month in 2021. 
  • Sweden, without lockdown and school closures, reported a 6.6% decline with 35,454 births between January and April 2022 compared to 37,950 births during the same period in 2021. The decline in birth rates is 6.9% for that same time period when compared to the average of 2019-2021.
  • Netherlands reported a 6.3% decline with 53,090 births between January and April 2022 compared to 56,671 births during the same period in 2021.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Diana - 07-04-2022

Testimony by highly credentialed doctor regarding treatment of covid, and covid vaccines.

For anyone still getting boosters or especially if there is anyone here who is considering giving their children the vaccines, I would urge listening to this. Everyone is of course entitled to their own perspectives and decisions, but since there is so much censorship, it is difficult to get a balanced overall picture of the situation. This video is not about big pharma or following the money (which is something to look at); it is about the efficacy (and dangers) of treatments and vaccination. 

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - tadeus - 07-06-2022

Let's hope that bring4th will not be censored shortly because of the informations here.

Legislation aims to shield UK internet users from state-backed disinformation

This has already been prepared 2018 for the complete EU:

Disinformation: Commission welcomes the new stronger and more comprehensive Code of Practice on disinformation

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - the - 07-09-2022
WARNING!!! NOT FOR EVERYONE. This girl is possessed from a very evil entity. But is telling the truth . This is not to scare you but to show you the this is battle between good and evil. You are the power of love
and do not consent to manipulation. In the name of God Amin ??? 

above video explains the side effect of c19 vaccine, and it explains why this time why many spiritual group is the first one stand up against c19 vaccine

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - tadeus - 07-11-2022

TWICE as Many Vaccine Deaths as Covid Deaths in U.S. Households, Poll Finds

Quote:More than twice as many Americans have lost a household member to a Covid vaccine injury as have lost one to Covid.
That’s the shocking finding of a new poll of 1,500 Americans carried out by the polling company Pollfish.
While 3.6% of respondents said someone in their household had died from COVID-19, 7.9% said one had died as a result of Covid vaccination.
The poll also found that 8.5% said they had been injured by their vaccination, 5% that they had sought medical help and 3.3% that they had been hospitalised, the same proportion who said that as a result of vaccination they were no longer able to work a full day or at all. These are percentages of all respondents. If we look only at the 74.3% vaccinated with at least one dose then the figures, as a proportion of vaccinated persons, are 11.5% injured, 6.8% needing medical help, 4.5% hospitalised and 4.5% unable to work. While these figures are self-reported and there is no control group, since the unvaccinated were not asked about adverse events, they are still alarmingly high.
The poll also found that, among those who reported a Covid death in their household, more than twice as many reported that it occurred after the person was vaccinated than before (2.4% vs 1.1%). The proportion who said they had contracted Covid before their vaccination (17.5%) was very similar to the proportion who said they contracted it afterwards (15.7%). These figures are not indicative of a highly effective vaccine against either infection or death.
The people polled were a randomly selected, representative sample of the U.S. public, of whom 74.3% were vaccinated, so the sample was not inherently biased towards or against the reporting of vaccine problems, though as in all opinion polls there may be an issue of self-selection bias.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - tadeus - 07-11-2022

Haiti Did Not Vaccinate Its Citizens, The Current Vax Rate is 1.4% — Yet Country Has One of Lowest COVID Death Rates in the World — Weird, Huh?

Quote:Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) showed only 837 people have died in Haiti since the pandemic began, with a vaccination rate of 1.4% of the 11.6 million population.

“In Haiti, from 3 January 2020 to 5:03 pm CEST, 7 July 2022, there have been 31,703 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 837 deaths, reported to WHO. As of 24 June 2022, a total of 342,724 vaccine doses have been administered,” according to the data from WHO.

As of June 24, only 1.4% of the population was fully vaccinated. Haiti had a population of 11,681,526 people as of Thursday, July 7, 2022, according to the data from Worldometers.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2022-07-07-at-9.24.22-PM.jpg]

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - tadeus - 07-14-2022

Moderna's Non-clinical Summary for Spikevax - Evidence of Scientific and Regulatory Fraud

  1. Moderna's nonclinical summary contains mostly irrelevant materials.
  2. Moderna claims that the active substance mRNAs of Spikevax does not need to be studied for toxicity and can be replaced with any other mRNA without further testing.
  3. Moderna’s nonclinical program consisted of studies of other unapproved mRNAs and only one non-GLP toxicology study of mRNA-1273 (active substance of SPIKEVAX).
  4. There are two separate Investigational New Drug numbers for mRNA-1273: one held by Moderna, the other – by DMID (NIH), representing a serious conflict of interest.
  5. The vaccine-induced antibody-enhanced disease was identified as a serious risk and was not excluded by Moderna due to absence of positive control and unvalidated methods used.
  6. FDA and Moderna lied about reproductive toxicology studies in public disclosures and product labeling.

Hong Kong’s use of electronic tracking wristbands not ‘foolproof’ solution to deter Covid-19 patients from breaching quarantine, experts say

Hong Kong to electronically tag Covid patients as it adopts China’s health code system

Quote:Using electronic tracking wristbands to deter Covid-19 patients from breaching quarantine in Hong Kong is not a “foolproof” solution, IT and health experts have said.
A mainland Chinese-style three-colour system was also considered “fraught with loopholes” as patients could still access public transport and go to work, the experts added, as they called for a deeper rethink of Hong Kong’s Covid-19 policies with the rebound in infections.
The experts said strictly enforcing a seven-day home isolation for patients without proper government support could lead to unintended consequences.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - the - 07-17-2022

Vaccines and Dangers coming from the Astral Realm - TEXT ONLY

Vaccines and Dangers coming from the Astral Realm - TEXT ONLY
Originally in Spanish - March 14, 2022

Yazhi: The effect of vaccines modifies the frequency of the body that receives it. Not only does it contaminate it with graphenes that change the DNA in a physical way, but the consequences are that the modification changes the very frequency of the physical body and not to one but to a variety of frequencies that change even with each part of the body.

The consequence of this from the point of view of the spirit side is tremendous. The astral side. Because the vaccinated are made compatible by similar frequencies to the parasitization of countless entities on the afterlife side, or the astral. Opening the doors to mental control of all kinds. Allowing other discarnate things and people to enter and use their body. Causing all kinds of personality problems and an internal struggle for power and control of the parasitized physical body.

The soul signal is progressively disconnected as mentioned before. Not only by the very modification of the frequency and base frequencies of the body (plural), but also because the zoo of entities within the same body progressively displaces the original owner.

In the same way, if there is a reproduction, IF it happens because they become sterile, the baby will be the recipient of the entities of the lower astral that are stronger because a new baby is very coveted. So the new babies will very possibly be the reincarnation of all kinds of people with the characteristics of heartless and cruel psychopaths.

A neo-born baby can be used by remotely and purposely modifying its frequency by means of the mother's graphene so that said baby is compatible with a specific entity that wishes to enter the world of the living.

Even if they remain sterile, I feel and sense that whether they are or not, they can be turned off or on at the will of the controllers, leaving everyone on Earth in a state of vulnerability to the appearance of entities from the lower astral already in incarnated form in the form of psychopaths.

The original soul or the original Source signal will be trapped within the vaccinated-parasitized body at least until death, although the very influence of the parasites' ideas may cause it to remain trapped in the 3D Matrix.

The consequences on the astral side are severe.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Patrick - 07-17-2022

Just dropping by to say that my wife and I are doing really well. We had all the doses and boosters. I also had Covid twice. We are both still very much processing spiritual catalysts in everyday life (no soul disconnect). From my perspective, all is well. Just thought some people might be interested. Much love and light to y'all !

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - tadeus - 07-18-2022

Just dropping to say that i never did any test or vaccination since this pandemic enactment and there was only one time of an announcement of an flu, that could be stopped as usual with some drops of CDL.

It seems only possible to get COVID / CORONA with the vaccination.
The influenza seems to have left this planet in the public life.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Patrick - 07-18-2022

Also, there has been no reduction or change in how I feel my chakras. I still feel the third-eye quite well and the crown around the head.

My health is on par. Still live in abundance of everything.

Still trying to impress on others that "maybe" the solution to most of our societal problems would be fixed by transitioning to this:


RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Diana - 07-18-2022

(07-18-2022, 10:49 AM)Patrick Wrote: Still trying to impress on others that "maybe" the solution to most of our societal problems would be fixed by transitioning to this:

I am all for a society that genuinely cares for the Earth, each other, and all living things. The problem is when there is a small fraction of the Earth's population hoarding resources and control of all the rest in STS fashion. How then to deal with the present global moves to take more control of this planet, seemingly under the guise of beneficial principles? 

Speculation here: I think it is safe to say that if we have a UBI (which I have always been in favor of as long as it is a baseline and not a forced limitation) and people are forced to subsist on that and government issued foods and housing etc., that the STS wealthy/powerful will not be subsisting on that. So this in my mind would be furthering separation.


(07-17-2022, 07:58 PM)Patrick Wrote: Just dropping by to say that my wife and I are doing really well. We had all the doses and boosters. I also had Covid twice. We are both still very much processing spiritual catalysts in everyday life (no soul disconnect). From my perspective, all is well. Just thought some people might be interested. Much love and light to y'all !

I'm very glad to hear that you and your wife are doing well.

I am curious, why you have gotten all the doses and boosters? I don't intend this question to be invasive in any way, so feel free to ignore it.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - zedro - 07-18-2022

Cool, more centralized global systems that quantify a person's worth by their productivity, and also quantifies the planets value as well in a theoretical reciprocal manner. This doesn't feel like a re-labelled thing at all lol

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Patrick - 07-18-2022

(07-18-2022, 12:14 PM)Diana Wrote:
(07-18-2022, 10:49 AM)Patrick Wrote: Still trying to impress on others that "maybe" the solution to most of our societal problems would be fixed by transitioning to this:

I am all for a society that genuinely cares for the Earth, each other, and all living things. The problem is when there is a small fraction of the Earth's population hoarding resources and control of all the rest in STS fashion. How then to deal with the present global moves to take more control of this planet, seemingly under the guise of beneficial principles? 

Speculation here: I think it is safe to say that if we have a UBI (which I have always been in favor of as long as it is a baseline and not a forced limitation) and people are forced to subsist on that and government issued foods and housing etc., that the STS wealthy/powerful will not be subsisting on that. So this in my mind would be furthering separation.


There is no concept of accumulating resources or credits in that system I linked to: "Energy Accounting removes the concept of long-term savings, meaning that generational wealth in the form of energy credits cannot be accumulated...Money in general works to increase inequality by merit of being storable...Energy Accounting will reduce inequality and eliminate wealth not derived from needs or labour, by merit of being non-storable."

(07-18-2022, 12:14 PM)Diana Wrote:
(07-17-2022, 07:58 PM)Patrick Wrote: Just dropping by to say that my wife and I are doing really well. We had all the doses and boosters. I also had Covid twice. We are both still very much processing spiritual catalysts in everyday life (no soul disconnect). From my perspective, all is well. Just thought some people might be interested. Much love and light to y'all !

I'm very glad to hear that you and your wife are doing well.

I am curious, why you have gotten all the doses and boosters? I don't intend this question to be invasive in any way, so feel free to ignore it.

We got the suggested 3 doses of vaccination, simply because I am confident in it being a positive manifestation that helps protect wellbeing. When we got Covid, it was like having a flu but with added fatigue. No idea if vaccination helped with that, but my intent was that it would help and that surely had an effect.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - tadeus - 07-19-2022

(07-18-2022, 12:14 PM)Diana Wrote: Thoughts?

Of course it is one of the primary aims to encourage the separation, because this is needed for STS.

For this i will remember for this quote of Jacob Rothschild.
Wearing a mask and following the vaccination program is a public symbol to obey.

Diana and Patrick - please don't misunderstand me.
I just want to show the mechanisms and that it is possible to look at and approach everything in a completely different way.
At least we should accept every decision that is done by the free will, specially when someone is lucky with his decision.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Diana - 07-19-2022

(07-18-2022, 10:08 PM)Patrick Wrote: There is no concept of accumulating resources or credits in that system I linked to: "Energy Accounting removes the concept of long-term savings, meaning that generational wealth in the form of energy credits cannot be accumulated...Money in general works to increase inequality by merit of being storable...Energy Accounting will reduce inequality and eliminate wealth not derived from needs or labour, by merit of being non-storable."

Ideally, there are likely many systems that could work better for humanity than capitalism, but the systems, while corrupted, I don't see as the underlying problem—the underlying problem is the general mass consciousness of humanity. At least, that is what I see and have seen for many years. While the majority of humanity continues to be engulfed in the predator/prey mentality, we will have predator and prey. Actually, probably any system would work with a consciously evolved (past tribalism) population.

So no matter what system is put forth—and creating these thought forms are a good thing, and suggesting them is s good thing, I don't argue against that—at this stage with the amount of lies and corruption proliferating in governments, media, big business, all those wanting to control this world, and now quite visible for anyone to see, I imagine there will be exploitation from those seeking to control.

That being said, I do agree that something should change, and if consciousness cannot be forced to change, and nor should it be since we all have free will, then the systems need to change. Hopefully, due to this presumably being the transition to 4th density, change will actually take hold as opposed to every revolution of Earth human history only moving the political pieces around.

A word about faith, as it is spoken of in the Ra material. I do not see faith as synonymous with idealism or wishful thinking. I think intention plays well with idealism and wishful thinking when the approach is also intentional vis-a-vis the adept. But faith I think is personal, and derives from acceptance, and somehow acceptance opens the door of faith. If acceptance is coupled with an open mind, I think it's possible to reach a bit of connection to what Ra says about it, and though human versions of faith such as religious faith and tribal faith have a purpose here and embody some of the energy, beliefs block it until the tower is struck by lightning (the potentiator of the spirit).

So faith, for me, walks hand-in-hand with courage. Accept the way things are, move forward anyway. I don't fool myself that humanity is going to wake up and change (this is not to imply anyone else is fooling themselves). I am not waiting for it. Sadly, and perhaps there is cynicism in my remarks (but I am not perfect), this world is in dire straights and all I can do is what I have always done—live my life as I see fit and walk my own path in spite of this being a swim against the current. That is what I am looking at now in regard to the state of the world with concern. I will never comply with those corrupted factions trying to control the world if what they want goes against my own integrity. 

(07-19-2022, 03:29 AM)tadeus Wrote: Of course it is one of the primary aims to encourage the separation, because this is needed for STS.

For this i will remember for this quote of Jacob Rothschild.
Wearing a mask and following the vaccination program is a public symbol to obey.

Diana and Patrick - please don't misunderstand me.
I just want to show the mechanisms and that it is possible to look at and approach everything in a completely different way.
At least we should accept every decision that is done by the free will, specially when someone is lucky with his decision.

Yes, there is a massive, and quite successful, global campaign to separate people. I feel it even in my little "fringe" existence, where, for example, I cannot visit a loved cousin and his family because I am not vaccinated and they don't want to be around me. It is sad. 

It is ubiquitous and like a train that has gathered steam. I can see how those who came here to help during these times (wanderers and the like), are needed now to really step up, and no matter how difficult, help calm the waves of separation.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Patrick - 07-19-2022

I would have to agree about faith and consciousness being much more important than any system we could put in place. The Universe manifested abundance for me after I truly wished for and started working on helping everyone to have abundance. Society has not changed all that much, but the way I live now is pretty much exactly how I would experience it under such a system as I proposed. It's as if I am already living in that new world.

That being said, any system that can be abused will be abused. So having a system in place that, by its very nature, is orders of magnitude harder to abuse would help on that front. Of course, that won't happen until we no longer need it to happen, since it is STS that decides what system we operate under. So when we can implement it, there will no longer be STS in control and then whatever system we use matters much less. Because the people left here would care about each others.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - tadeus - 07-21-2022

COVID-19 vaccines safety report Wrote:On July 14, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) published its new report on vaccine safety.

It states: In the EU, there have been 1.4 million documented suspected cases of adverse reactions and vaccine damage from the Corona vaccine to date. Among them are almost 11,000 deaths.

Vaccine             | reported adverse events                   | deaths             | doses administered

[Image: nebenwirkungen.jpg?resize=600%2C154&ssl=1]

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - tadeus - 07-21-2022

20% of Deaths Reported After COVID Vaccines Related to Cardiac Disorders, CDC Data Show

Quote:The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,341,608 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 8, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That’s an increase of 12,473 adverse events over the previous week.
VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.
The data included a total of 29,460 reports of deaths — an increase of 187 over the previous week — and 243,466 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 1,566 compared with the previous week.
Of the 29,460 reported deaths, 19,066 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 7,770 cases to Moderna and 2,563 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J).
Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 842,576 adverse events, including 13,604 deaths and 85,731 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 8, 2022.

[Image: vaers-data-vaccine-injury-july-15-1024x713.jpg]

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - the - 07-21-2022

30 seconds short video: how spike protein in covid vaccine cut human's DNA. english caption

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - "the stumbled one" - 07-23-2022
Fifth Generation (5G) Directed Energy Radiation Emissions In the Context of Contaminated Nanometal Covid-19 Vaccines with Graphite Ferrous Oxide Antennas

Now I understand why 5G tower installation was an "essential service" when lockdowns first started.

"In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway."

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - the - 07-24-2022


RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - tadeus - 07-25-2022

Monkeypox: WHO declares highest alert over outbreak


This will be the name for the next wave - very suitable after the monkeys believe and accept everything now.

THE PLAN - WHO plans for 10 years of pandemics, from 2020 to 2030

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - tadeus - 07-27-2022

Official Documents suggest Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection