Yadda Yadda - Tenet Nosce - 09-20-2011
Contact 1 (24 Jun 84)
Quote:I am Yadda. I am requested by this instrument to greet you in the name of love and light of Creator. We do. We have had some time here challenging. This instrument challenging us in the name of Christ. We say, “Challenge us any way you like. All Creator. How about Buddha?” She say, “No. Christ.” We say, “Okay.” We greet you [in] love and light of Creator. We Yadda. We come because call. Not usually speak to groups of this kind. Very honored to be called, and only called because request of “Who are you?” That is question: “Who are you?” We say to you, you are not anything like you think you are. You are not what you do. You are not nine o’clock, ten o’clock, eleven o’clock, twelve o’clock. You must remove from yourself ideas this kind. Not help you. There is intense seeking in this group to know who you are. Remove from yourself all your clothing, your name, your nationality, your society, your neighborhood, your wife, your kiddies and your golf cart—all gone. Now who are you? We are not taking away from you, we wait for you to add to yourself the Creator.
You have heard of the masters. Do you think people become masters because they do not know who they are? Do you think you can take course to find out who you are or any kind of teaching? Not so. Not so, my children. Move along to a clearer perception of who you are. This is fundamental question which you must answer in order to do work. If you have machinery, you got to plug it in; you got to know amperage and voltage; you got to have right plug—male/female. You got gasoline engine, you got to know it’s gasoline; you got kerosene, you got to know the fuel.
Now, you are a spiritual engine. You were made to do work. What is your fuel? Who are you? We thank you for calling us, and we thank this instrument, and thank the instrument also for the challenging, although we find the insistence upon Christ somewhat naive. We also feel it to be essential, and recommend the practice in some form that is workable to each who does work in channeling. Never receive without the tuning and the challenging. Otherwise you get pretty strange programs. No need to confuse you. I am Yadda. We suggest to this instrument that it do research. There has been this contact before. Not to this group. We leave you in the love and in the light of the One that Is. Adonai. Adonai.
[In joyful memory of Donald T. Elkins: Graduation 07 Nov 84]
Discussion with Latwii regarding Yatta and Ra (18 Nov 84)
Quote:Carla: Okay. Well, this is the biggie, all right? Is it, in your opinion, at all important that there be more Ra work done? Or is it instead better for us to realize that there are other things to do that we have not yet done. I’m thinking specifically of the fact that we got a new contact from Yadda recently that alerted me to the knowledge that, of course, it is a crowded universe, which I say a lot, but sometimes I don’t pay attention to what I say, and it’s possible that the Ra work is finished. If it is possible for you to give me your human opinion, I would be interested in anything you had to say on that point.
I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. Well, now. In our best human opinion may we suggest that the future has within it a great panoply of possibilities. May we suggest that the most important ingredient for realizing any possibility is the simple desire to be of service without a dedication to what that service shall be and how that service shall result.
We can see a future in which you begin again that which has become known as the Ra contact.
We can see a future in which there is no such contact, yet there is great work possible in furthering the information which has been gathered and continuing the meetings which have been ongoing for a great portion of your time.
We see possibilities in which new contacts are achieved and information therefrom disseminated.
We see a future in which each touches many individuals and speaks with compassion and inspiration of the One which indwells in all.
We see a future in which the being of each shines brightly as a beacon and illumines the darkness by its very being with no movement required at all.
We see a future in which each walks a path which is most appropriate, which is to say, that as one places a foot upon the ground and does so in a thoughtful manner centered upon the one Creator, it will therefore be as natural as breathing to place the foot upon the path, one foot after another, until the journey is traveled one step at a time.
We see a future in which all these things are possible, made possible by the firm desire to serve and the free desire for no particular outcome, for as the one Creator moves through each, the will of the one Creator shall be made known, and if each can remove its small self’s will, then the will of the great One shall move through each as a channel, and shall carve its own pattern and write upon your third-density creation the words of illumination that inspire and provoke the seeking of those who dwell in darkness.
May we answer you further, my sister?
Carla: Yes. One last question. Can you weight without emotion the value of each of these paths as one being the most valuable or do you see them as equal?
I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. We see the equality of each path, yet we see the uniqueness and the power associated with each path as well. It cannot be said with certainty that to serve a few in a powerful manner is greater or lesser in service than to serve many in a lesser powerful manner. We see the one Creator in each entity awaiting that entity’s seeking of it. We see many ways in which many entities may be inspired to begin that seeking.
We see that a great variety of ways is available to each in this group to serve as shepherd, to radiate the love and light to those who hunger for this nourishment. We can only ask each to seek in meditation the answers which have been provided for each of you by your greater self, by your very own self as you planned this incarnation and as you hid various signposts along your various possible journeys. Know that each path contains in whole all that you hope to accomplish. If one tool is removed then another will take its place. Know that all is well. No turn will cause the seeker to be lost from that which is sought, for the one Creator waits not only at the end of each path but along each portion of each path, for it is the One who seeks Itself within Itself. There is none else.
Contact 2 (25 Nov 84)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in love and light of infinite Creator. I give this instrument no peace so she give me no peace either, so I speak what I have to say. I come in the name of Christ. At least I do not have to believe in Santa Claus. For this I am grateful. We come because question, “Who am I?” We always come to that call. What is “you”? Are “you” the here and now? Why are you here and now? Why have you decided to become a bird only to clip your wings and never fly? Why do you make of yourself the great mountain, only to bulldoze yourself to a small hill? Why do you make of yourself the sky and by act of meditation become the earth? Why are things so? There is a wedding of earth and sky. When you have chosen your here and now, your earth, then it is that you must decide how much of heaven you will allow yourself. Meditate, and you are in the kingdom of heaven. You fly like the bird. You stand tall as a mountain. You are not limited. Why do you wish to be so completely here and now when you can be free to be everywhere and everything? Who are you? Meditate, my friends, and give yourself to yourself.
I am Yadda. I leave you as I come. In dark and light. In the unity of all that there is, all that there will be and all that there has been. In the silent unity of forever that is your present moment. Adonai.
More Latwii on Yadda (13 Jan 85)
Quote:Carla: I have a question that someone who was reading Light/Lines sent in and which I couldn’t answer, and so I thought it might be interesting to ask it. I understand that most of the contacts that we receive are from the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator. Is Yadda, who we’ve heard from a couple of times recently, a member of the Confederation, and why does he speak with an accent? Did he have a—did someone from that social memory complex, if it is a social memory complex, choose to incarnate as an Oriental?
I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. We find that those known to this group as Yadda are a somewhat unusual gathering of souls. This entity is a group of beings which has achieved the nature of what you have called the social memory complex, the mind of each having become one with each other and the seeking, therefore, for truth also having become one-pointed. Therefore, these entities are of the Confederation as you have described it, and are desirous to be of service wherever possible. The nature of these entities, few in number, is that they have within your planetary influence enjoyed their incarnational experiences in those regions which are of the Oriental affiliation, and therefore when speaking to the very few groups that they speak to, utilize that most recent portion of their incarnation experience since it is most fresh within their beingness.
May we answer you further, my sister?
Carla: Yeah. Would these be those who came from Lemuria?
I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. These known as Yadda are entities old in your planet’s measure of time, and their experience stretches back into your history before yet including that time which you have described as Lemuria. Their origins are other than this particular planetary sphere but due to the necessity for repeating the third-density cycle of evolution, they found themselves able to do this …
(Side one of tape ends.)
Carla: Okay. I’m trying to remember the history as Ra gave it. We’re talking either Mars or Maldek then, right? I assume Mars, since the Maldek people are just now coming into third density proper. Is that correct?
I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. This is incorrect.
Carla: Incorrect. Okay. Well, the only other connection that I know of is the Sirius influence. Would this be they?
I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. We are afraid that once again you are incorrect.
Carla: Aha. Well, let me try Maldek.
I am Latwii, and we may aid you, we feel, by suggesting that the influence which you attempt to discover is that of Deneb.
Carla: Deneb. I don’t know my Ra well enough. Thank you. What I’m interested in actually though is, then these fledglings have perhaps put in for membership, I mean, they’re Earth’s just beginning social memory complex, right? Or part of that?
I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. There are those individuals and small groupings of entities within your own planetary influence who have achieved the level of, shall we use the misnomer, understanding necessary for inclusion within the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator over the great span of what you call time and history of your planet. Few there have been who have achieved this level of vibrational understanding. Those of which you speak who have called themselves Yadda are a small group of such entities.
May we answer you further, my sister?
Carla: Yes. Do they have a seat on the Council of Saturn?
I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. These entities are as you have described but newly admitted to the Confederation and are not those who are of the Council. Those of this Council are beings of what you may call the eighth density or octave completion level, and are quite old in the, shall we say, membership within the Confederation.
May we answer you further, my sister?
Carla: No, thank you. That’s very interesting. There are various sources that have channeled Yadda and various speculations about its nature and that is very clear. Thank you.
I am Latwii, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query?
N: Although I have not experienced Yadda, I would wonder if they had not been reincarnated on Earth during the last 50,000 years if they retained, or have they just retained this Oriental accent?
I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my brother. These entities when speaking to those such as this group tend to utilize the incarnational experience most recent within their shared experience, for it allows them a, shall we say, firmer grasp of the nature of your illusion and enhances their ability to utilize instruments who yet reside within this illusion. Their true nature is one which cannot be expressed in the language, yet when speaking they attempt to approximate this nature.
May we answer you further, my brother?
Contact 3 (07 Apr 85)
Quote:I am Yadda, and I greet you in love and light. “Love and light, love and light,” this instrument causes me to go over and over. “Love and light.” However, we appreciate the need for the challenging. We come because we are called, and we have little to say. May we say, you are blessed and loved for yourselves. Many, many questions in this meeting about other people, about wise men and teachers, about constellations and galaxies. What do you wish to learn, my friends? What do you wish to know? Do you know yourself? There is that in the desire for knowledge which is a kind of contamination. For only learning is when one does not have. Once one has learned to wish for something, then one occupies one’s mind and abilities to getting this new gadget, if it may be a thought, a word, a game, a career, or a challenge. All your little toys, all the blocks that you may build, but you still do not know yourself.
We cannot say enough when we say, “Meditate, meditate, and mediate more.” What part of you do wish to have? If you are concentrating on yourself is it then a type of what this instrument calls spiritual pride? We hope not, my friends, for that is a real danger, and it will slow you up, it will cause you to move less fast. Once you have turned your attention to self, learn through self and not from self, for the universe within is such that the physically beheld creation in your density is as nothing. That, you are and more. We ask you not to be so concerned with the thoughts and the ideas and the playthings which are the toys of one who wishes to seek but in easy stages which shall not be too painful. We encourage you to meditate and find the joy and the peace which issues from a true knowledge of the self.
Who are you? Where are you going? And what do you believe the truth to be? Seek these things. Care not for the folly of the squabbles of relationships, the difficulties with making the money, but only view your living as one who has discovered dirt. Then one must automatically make up the soap in order that one may be clean. We are not not saying that before you noticed the dirt you were not dirty. We are only saying that the dirty man that is not aware does not need to discover soap. You have chosen to see the dirt. We encourage you to try to get your ring around the collar very clean. But please, do not puff yourself up as consequential, and do not puff up others. You must use your discrimination as always—on us, on any teacher, or on yourself. But remember: yourself first.
We thank you for allowing us to speak through this instrument. We make good contact. This good group. We blessed to be here and leave you in the love and the light of the One Who Is All. We are Yadda. Adonai. Adonai.
More Latwii on Yadda (21 Apr 85)
Quote:J: Okay. N gave me a tape by a man name Yadda, and Yadda said that Jesus was crucified for himself, not for the sins of the world, and it was for his own experience. Would you like to comment on that?
I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my brother, and we would be happy to give you our interpretation of this particular entity’s purpose for incarnation. This entity was one of what you might call a group of wanderers, that is, entities from other vibrational frequencies seeking to be of service to your own planetary population by incarnating and moving through the same illusion in the same general fashion, yet in such movement providing a lightening effect, that the light of the one Creator might be made more available in some fashion to all who viewed and interpreted that incarnation for themselves. Yet each entity of a wandering nature which incarnates in such a fashion also has a portion of its own incarnation by which it intends to progress in a, shall we say, more personal manner.
The entity known as Jesus to your peoples was one which attempted to express the lessons of your illusion in as pure a fashion as was possible. The lesson of your illusion, then, being love and compassion, this entity sought to express this love in the total giving of itself including its physical life, that a way might be made more clear or illumined by light. The way was to symbolize the means by which the lesson of love might be learned.
The entity spoke and taught many times during its incarnation. Always its teachings focused about the heart of love. This entity then, after a significant portion of its incarnation had been spent in the teaching fashion, felt that, as you would say, a picture is worth a thousand words. There came to this entity the realization that a certain act or giving of itself would be necessary in order to more vividly create the image in mind and heart, shall we say, within those who would look upon its incarnation, that the giving of the life was then the embodiment of the teachings that the entity spent its life in sharing. The crucification, as you call it, of this entity, then, provided the, shall we say, keystone in the building of the structure of the eternal life of which this entity spoke.
The victory over that called death, then, was to illustrate to those who would study this entity’s teachings that the teachings allowed an entity not only to move within this incarnation in a pattern which afforded the spiritual evolution but would allow the entity through and beyond this incarnation, and to continue its evolutionary progress in a greater reality, shall we say.
Contact 4 (12 May 85)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in love and light of infinite Creator. Once again we passed the challenge. Once again we speak to you, for we are called to this meeting. And yet, we tell you something. We are nothing. We are fools. We are full of error and mistake, folly and fun. We are mostly full of a fun which amounts to enlightenment. We pass from folly to joy. Not because we have learned wisdom, steps to take, rituals to practice. No, we find ourselves.
We come to you to make you happy. To show you through our speaking that there is a wonder and a magic and a lightheartedness that causes us to be full of joy. We are aware that we have spoken in groups which were so tuned that we made not so much of the sense, but, oh, we enjoyed the laughter. For you see, you come for inspiration. You come to be lifted up. You come to experience something that you feel that those who speak through instruments such as one may have. You wish to partake in that. And yet, we go away; the meeting ends and you go to your own domicile, to your own joy, to your own fun, or to the denial of this life force that is so great in each. Your joy is hidden in your very nature. Your inspiration is within you. You call us, but we are nothing. Your outside life, it is but nothing. But if your heart can be happy, if you can laugh, if you can find joy, you have flown on the wings of the eagle, and there are no more prison bars in your life and in your experience. All we ask you, do not take the husk so seriously. Find the kernel of infinity which lies within you.
We are sorry that we must sometimes speak to one group, for one group, in a way which does not please another. We assure you this information would not please some, when there are so many spiritual seekers who sure, positive, and without any doubt know that if they can find the right teacher, if they can find the right ritual, the right outward behavior, enlightenment will come. We tell you what come: day come and night and day and night and soon your life is over. You live in love and light. It is your natural habitat. Your darkness is as noon, and above the rain shines the everlasting sun.
We leave you in joy, in light, in love, in possession of your birthright. We Yadda. Farewell.
Contact 5 (19 May 85)
Quote:I am Yadda. I greet you in the love and in light of infinite Creator. We have difficulty deciding how to arrange meeting. Each want another person to speak. We all must speak briefly. I shall not therefore take up much of the time, that priceless commodity. Yet time is what you came here to take up.
Statement made earlier this evening, “Are feelings hurt because of comments about us?” First, no feelings to hurt. We do our best to share with those who have a legitimate metaphysical interest. When one does the best, then one is not apologetic. Moreover, is to be noted in the way the channeling works that the nature of the group vibration and the desires and level of the group together maintain the approach that we use to speak. You come here to spend time, yet each moment you spend time you come here, you spend time seeking the truth. Yet, each moment you can seek the truth. If we are a focus for the truth, that is all that can be hoped. However, never forget that you are the guardians of your own truth. That is why the question, “Who are you?” is so central. Seek well, my friends. We glad to speak with you. We come in the love and the light, in the indwelling nature of all that is the Creator. Adonai.
Contact 6 (23 Jun 85)
Quote:I am Yadda. I greet you in the love and in the light of our infinite Creator. We have, as you see, we come when we call and are called, then, that makes sense, so we are here with you. Is that not so? Hello. And good evening. We talk a little bit, and then we go, for we know it is a long meeting when we hear the tape flip over.
We talk to you of light, for we speak to you in love and we speak to you in light, and yet how often do we concentrate on the light? The light—what is the light that we welcome you in and leave you in? Perhaps you may think that you know what love is. It is doubtful that you know; you may know. But it is difficult or more difficult to think of what light is. But we say to you that light is all that you can see, and all that you cannot that is manifest to any consciousness on any level so that all that is builded that is not with the original Thought of love is builded with light.
Let us take examples: the air is light, both physical light and metaphysical light, that is, light that feeds the eye and glows between; metaphysical light that nourishes your being, that being which is far beyond any physical manifestation at all, for you have been, and you will be, and you are now, but your body is only now—it will go away, and you will probably be glad to get rid of it! What you will have left is another kind of light.
(Background sound of chuckling, presumably at Yadda’s accent.)
We are doing better with our “L’s.” We are proud.
Therefore, what you see is always the same thing. It is not even lightness, brightness or heat only; it is chairs and swimming pools and air conditioners and popsicles and people and thoughts and ideas. You name it—it’s light. That’s all, it isn’t anything else. Light is a vibration and this vibration is infinite in variety. Through the process of free will moving in love, those things which are created are created, some by the infinite Creator of which you are all a part, some by co-creators such as yourself.
Therefore, make your light shine, for you are beautiful. And you can become more beautiful as you stop worrying about how beautiful your light is. The less you worry and the more you rejoice, the more light with metaphysical light your global sphere shall be and the more watchtowers you will find lighting up a dark planet.
So you see, we speak to you of light, and we speak to you of our accent. We would leave you by answering a totally ridiculous question, and that is, why do we speak with this accent? We will tell you why we speak with this accent through this instrument who is bending its wittle tongue in many funny directions. We were on the planet in several capacities with those in what you would now call China. This was a few years ago—many, many years ago, many of your centuries ago. We were very fond, fond in the extreme, of the possibilities, the adequacy and the excellence of the Chinese language, and of its written precision. Now we speak English, because to speak Chinese to this group would be a little silly. So we won’t do that, but we have just begun learning the English about—wait a minute, we must work with this instrument a moment, for time is difficult for us to tell.
Twenty-seven years we speak English. That is not very long for us, and we hope that you can understand us. But we also hope that you know that though we love and though we are with you because you are part of us, because you are part of the one Creator, because you are all light and all love, we still cannot be for you the teacher that will give you all the answers; we have no reputation, we are fools. And as serious fools who step blindly forward, we step with you.
We thank you. And we greet you as we leave, in the love and in the omnipresent light of the One. We leave you in that unity. Adonai. We are those of Yadda.
Contact 7 (30 Jun 85)
Quote:I am Yadda. I greet you in love and light of our infinite Creator. We are so grateful to be with you this evening and we have no words of wisdom for you, but only wish to say, “Hi”—is that how you say? Or “Hello” or “Howdy.” To the one known as J especially we wish also to make very clear … that was good; did you hear that? We said “clear” … that we at any time can be called upon with the internal mechanisms of your mind and we shall be with you. We are always happy to be with you in meditation or at any time you may call us that we may deepen your meditation or just hang out, as this instrument would say. We leave you now in the love and in the light of the One. We wish to leave quickly. Adonai, my friends. We are those of Yadda and it is in joy that we have been able to come to speak briefly with you. Adonai. Adonai.
Contact 8 (07 Jul 85)
Quote:[I am Yadda.] I greet you in love and light [and] send you blessings in the name of infinite Creator. We thank you for calling us to your meeting and to the pleasant environment of your joined consciousness. We speak while our brothers and sisters of Hatonn work with each instrument.
We ask you a question: Why do you think that the interest is so great in the physical changes of your culture or your planet? We are puzzled by this, my friends. We do not know why you spend so much time out of your precious moments in this density puzzling your mind over the inevitable. You know on the cosmic scale that worlds are born and worlds die, that they go through changes, and that some of the changes may make it difficult for those of you who wish to breathe the air and to be able to stand the temperature to continue to exist.
In the larger picture, this is true. However, you have so few moments while you are in your body, while you are dealing with each other, and you have so much work to do, for within you there is that which is far more than your “Armageddon”; you have your egos to deal with. You have all the structures that are not helping you to live as you wish to live, to think as you wish to think. You are working toward a spontaneity of love that will allow you to become more and more aware of the universal presence of the one original Thought. And what is your work here, but inner work? What does it matter when the ice age comes or when the trees must die or when the rains come and there is a flood or when the poles shift? These are things that will happen to your outer self, and it will go away. You probably knew that before you came here—Hah! Is that not so? You knew that before you came here: you are going to die. But there is a you that is not going to die; that is the one you must life with, if we may use the term, my friends. Put your mind on that which lasts, on the questions that matter.
What questions do you think matter at this moment? We speak to imperishable beings on a perishable sphere in space that is moving and changing. There is that that will not move and that will not change except by your will. It has nothing to do with the planet and its changes. It has to do with your will to do, to seek, to find. What shall you seek?
We leave you with this question. I am Yadda. I leave you in the love and in the light of our infinite Creator. Adonai. Adonai.
(Group retunes by singing.)
Contact 9 (14 Jul 85)
Quote:I am Yadda. I great you in love and light of infinite Creator. We argue with this instrument. We say, “We want to come and say ‘Hi’ to our friend, J,” and we could not do it at first because this instrument say, “Oh, but the big one is yet to come, don’t do this now,” and we say, “No, no; we just want to say ‘Hello.’” So the instrument say, “Okay,” and here we are.
The expression of joy that takes place when souls band together in love, not of earthly things but of metaphysical, is tremendous and this expression of joy is with us now. Our gratitude knows no bounds, and we thank you for allowing us to be a part of session today. We shall be silent now, silent but joyful, and so very, very much blessed to share this time with you. We are not blessed because you are such wonderful characters, because of your amazing personalities or your reputations; we are not interested in that part of you. This is not the local train here; we are talking about long-distance traveling. We are joyful because of the long-distance traveler that is your consciousness. How beautiful it is; how beautiful and perfect you are and how much joy there is to share in an infinitely joyful creation.
We leave this instrument now, full of the love and the light of infinite Creator. I Yadda. Farewell. Farewell.
Contact 10 (21 Jul 85)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in love and light of infinite Creator. We say to one known as J, “Howdy.” We come as you call, but you must understand, we have to be very brief, for the seats become hard when the second side of the tape has been turned over, and we do not wish to make the seats of your couches and chairs any more hard for you.
We only wish to bring you a single thought, and to do that we ask you to come with us in your mind, to leave this room and move into the night sky, far and far away, farther than you can see, farther than your telescopes can see, until you are no more in space and time, until you are truly within the Creator. We ask you to feel the light that is so bright, that shines not from a single source, but everywhere, from everywhere and to everywhere at once. There is no night; there is no sky, there is no separation—“sepa-r-ation”—we are learning to say our R’s, are we not, aha?! We ask you now to rook—to look back at yourself and ask what lies before you.
What’s your problem? We ask you! Detach yourself. Do you have a problem with your reputation? Forget it. Reputations are not important! Do you think ill of yourself? Forget it—what do you know? Do others think ill of you? Forget it—what do they know? Do you think that you are not as good as others think you are? Forget it—what do you know? Try to live in the light, my friends. Do not reach for it—allow it to fill you, for with every breath you are infused with that light, that love and that energy, and you are a powerful being.
So get on with it. With no fear, but with a will to serve, to love, and to be in the light. And that light is that which we leave you in, having no other possibility, for that is all that there is. The rest is confusion and dreaming. We wish you happy dreams and we wish you moments of wucidity—lucidity in which you see beyond your dream and beyond your darkness, beyond those few moments when you wear your funny costume of physical flesh and see the essential you which not only dwells in light, but is light.
We known to you as Yadda. That is not important, either. We, however, love you. Adonai. Adonai. We leave you in the love and in the light of the One Who Is All.
More Latwii on Yadda
Contact 11 (28 Jul 85)
Quote:L1: Was I getting some communication from Yadda a little while ago?
I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my brother. That you have discovered this fact is therefore that which allows our response. The one known as J was hopeful that he might once again hear from his favorite friends. The one known as Carla has been the sole instrument used by those of Yadda to date, and was itself hopeful that perhaps another might be able to “chew upon that rye bread.” Thus, those of Yadda offered to your instrument the opportunity of tasting the rye.
May we answer further, my brother?
L1: No, I’ll simply respond that I’d be willing to serve in that fashion when the time comes.
I am Latwii. We appreciate your offer of service, my brother, and those of Yadda are most appreciative as well.
Is there another query?
Quote:Carla: I don’t know if you can remember this—speaking to the instrument—there was a question that I was supposed to ask and I have forgotten. If the instrument remembers it, would the instrument vocalize it and allow the channel to answer it?
I am Latwii, and if you do not mind our paraphrasing of the query which this instrument has fed into our awareness, we shall be happy to attempt this query.
The query concerned the proper density for holding that state of consciousness which has come to be known as the Christ consciousness. There is some difficulty with this query, for the term “Christ” within many of the cultures of your peoples is a term which is closely associated with an entity known as Jesus of Nazareth. This entity, the one known as Jesus, is one who through its own efforts at seeking the one Creator was one able to attain a state of consciousness that may be described as the Christ or Christed consciousness. This is a level of awareness and experience of being which is available to all portions of the one Creator in a more or less distorted fashion. The distortion is most usually a function of the density or vibratory frequency within which it has been attained. Thus, within your third-density illusion, though much is available to any attaining this crystal pure consciousness, there is by the very density itself some distortion that might be expected.
As the vibratory frequency becomes more filled with light, shall we say, or the energy of creation, to put it another way, the ability of an entity within such a vibratory frequency to experience the Christ consciousness is enhanced and therefore suffers less distortion. In some fashion, any entity achieving this Christ consciousness will have experienced unity with the one Creator and will be thus enspirited and inspired to be of further service to those about it, for each is seen as a portion of the one Creator to know that it is indeed loved and love itself. One who has known this facet of the one Creator, that is, love, then seeks to share that experience and power with those who call for it. Within your illusion, the lessons which all pursue in a unique fashion focus about the concept of love.
Therefore, the achievement of the Christ consciousness will have a strong coloration of this love portion or facet of the one Creator. Those within the next, shall we say, class or vibratory frequency learn lessons that focus upon wisdom, and thus will their experience of Christ consciousness be colored by the characteristic of wisdom. Those pursuing the balance of love and wisdom within the following vibratory frequency will, perforce, experience the Christ consciousness in that balanced fashion. And thus, each experiences the same level of consciousness, but from a different angle or facet, shall we say.
May we answer further, my sister?
Carla: No, thank you.
I am Latwii, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query?
Quote:J: Yes, Latwii. I don’t think Yadda is rye bread. I think he’s crêpes with orange marmalade.
I am Latwii, and we enjoy your description of our brothers and sisters of Yadda, and we find that they are curling their tongues and smacking their lips at your menu.
May we be of service by answering a query?
Quote:Questioner: Latwii, the question came up this afternoon, I guess it was yesterday afternoon, about the sexual nature of the one known as Christ Jesus—the entity and the balancing of that sexual energy that he had, which I believe was recorded in Jane Roberts’ The Seth Material. Can you speak a little bit about this balancing that the entity known as Christ experienced?
I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my brother. Again, the entity known as Jesus was one who sought the love of the Father, as this entity put it, for this entity’s experience was in the end one which equated love with the Creator and with all creation. The love of the sexual nature is an experience which when used in a conscious fashion may greatly accelerate the evolutionary progress within the conscious seeker, for that which enters the base energy center or chakra is what may be called prana or intelligent energy, also to be known as love, the creative force responsible for the creation itself. Thus, each individual receives this creative force through the base chakra, and by its own free will and its system of beliefs, will use that energy in any of an infinite number of ways.
Most who are not conscious of the seeking process utilize this energy in the sexual manner only, thereby insuring the reproduction of the species and the satisfying of the body’s sexual urges. The one known as Jesus, as is necessary for any conscious seeker, was able to consciously move this energy received at the base chakra through each successive chakra or energy center, and with each move was able to step up the vibratory frequency of this energy and balance each chakra in turn, thereby regularizing and crystallizing its own being. Therefore, the intelligent energy or love of the Creator was free to move through this entity without diffraction or distortion in any way.
Thus, the white light of the Creator, this intelligent energy, moved through the crystallized being of the one known as Jesus in such a fashion that there was no color other than white, shall we say, which emanated from this entity’s being or any chakra, as it was able to channel this intelligent energy in a pure fashion because of its conscious understanding and mastery of the evolutionary process at work in its own incarnation.
There was some experience of the physical sexual nature that served to trigger this entity’s ability to achieve this channeling of intelligent energy in a pure fashion, but it was found by this entity that its own desires were such that it sought to refine this process of enhancing or stepping up the basal frequency in a conscious manner without the recourse to sexual intercourse, shall we say.
Quote:I Yadda. I greet in love and in light of infinite Creator. We so happy to be with Joe and his friends. And we bless each and are most grateful that we may speak with you ever so briefly, for we do not wish to make you sit too long. We are also confirm we were giving conditioning as best we could to one known as L1, and we find much luck with this instrument due to the lack, the lack of experience with the trance. We find we can use this instrument at a very right science level because of the instrument’s ability to say, “Oh, what the heck, I go ahead and say whatever comes out because I have challenged.”
You know, we have made fun many times of this instrument’s challenging in the name of Christ. We say, “How about somebody else? There are many good people to challenge with. How about Mohammet; how about Buddha?” But this instrument is not Buddhist; this instrument is not Muslim. Therefore she challenge in name of Christ. We have come to understand this. Therefore, we no longer make fuss with this instrument when this instrument gives the challenge, for we are very happy that there is challenging, for it make this instrument free for us to use.
We leave you only a question, one we ask often. We shall phrase it not like question, but like situation. Here is your situation: Take away your job. Who are you? We gonna keep going here—aha! Take away your clothes; you are wearing sheets now—everybody look alike—aha?! Take away the haircuts, and any artificial means of decoration of the self. How much of you is left? All of you, of course. But who are you in there? We goin’ find you. We take off shoes. We not goin’ to leave anything but your inner self.
Now what are you going to do? Take away your body. You are only disembodied spirit. But you can turn on TV; you can do anything you wish. Now, there is no one to impress but yourself. Now. Where lie your interests? How would you spend your day? We suggest that most of you are still enough with this world that you would spend a lot of time with the television, the movie, the book, the record, and all the diversions that you so love. We of course are not mentioning things like the tennis because that is often a way of saying who you are, and it is false. We want you to go now through that period where you are tired now of watching that which is outside. Sooner or later, you gonna turn inside and you goin’ to look around.
Now who are you? You got a lot of work to do. That work, my friends, can only be done with that which you do not have unless you meditate, for all that you attempt to do to be of service, all that you attempt to do by “rearning,” by learning—we are sorry, that one hard for us—aha!—must go before you get the clear look at the limitation of the self that will go away unlamented when you do, indeed, lose this particular chemical body. But you are spiritual person; each is spirit, is soul, that which is ancient. Therefore, within meditation there is that which may put you in touch with who you are. And more than that, may give you tools to use, resources to use in the manifestation of the discovery of why you are. Can you love and serve without recourse to meditation and the contact with that which is infinite? You try—you get tired fast.
We thank you for asking us. We are through now, and so leave you in love and in light of infinite One. Listen, my friends, to the silence behind sound, for therein lies your consciousness in its whole reality. How many illusions shall you pierce within the next day or group of days this instrument call week or month? Attire yourself, my friends, not to your clothing first, not to your job first, never to the outer things first. But first to the silence and to the discipline of listening to that silence. For it will drum in your ears louder than all the birdsong, thunder, lightning, rain, hail, all the crickets and other insects, all the trains and planes, anything you can think of. There is nothing so deafening as the sudden tabernacling, shall we say, with the Creator that is you. And nothing is more beautiful than the soul that carries himself away from meditation and into the world. O, rejoice my friends, for you seek and you shall find.
We leave you. We are Yadda. Adonai. Adonai. Farewell.
Contact 12 (04 Aug 85)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in love and light of infinite One. We come say “Hi” to J. We not stay very long and wish only to encourage each, for there is a song which is beyond the ears, there is the poem which is beyond the language, and there is the life which is beyond death. Welcome to eternity; welcome to what this instrument call Kingdom of Heaven is here. Is now. And is the most powerful creative force in the universe. You think you can use it to fix up world? No, my friends, although a gentle spirit goes a long way. It is of you only in your heart as you gravitate more and more to the One whence you came. We leave you in that unity with much love in our hearts for you. We are with you if mentally requested, and we thank you for allowing to take your time. We known to you as those of Yadda. We say farewell in the One. In love and in light, farewell.
L/Leema on Yadda
Quote:N: Yes, as an addendum to J’s question, the Yadda that Carla channels, is that Yadda Dishihity, the same as Mark Prover’s? Yadda, and do all, shall we say, does Yadda transmit to other channels at this time, and does L/Leema and Latwii also transmit to other channels? At the same time?
I am L/Leema, and am aware of your query, my brother. The ones known as Yadda to this group are the ones which you have become familiar with in your studies and in your listening to the tapes which contain this entity’s words as they were transcribed and delivered through the one known as Mark. It is occasionally the case that a group of entities such as Yadda or even ourselves or any within the Confederation will be able to make contact and maintain contact with a number of groups such as this one. The number is not important. The groups so contacted are contacted because their call or desire to serve and to learn matches a certain group’s vibratory identification, shall we say.
It is seldom the case that such contacts are able to be maintained by those of the Confederation over a very long period of time as you measure time, for each group and each instrument will undergo the testing and the temptations by those of a negative orientation who desire to remove the light that is metaphysically created by such a contact between the Confederation and any group of your planet. This is a balancing phenomenon that must accompany any such contact, for where there is the opportunity for light to radiate to those of your planet, there must also be the opportunity for the darkness to have its sway as well. In this way, the free will of each instrument is maintained and enhanced as the continuous choice is made to tune and challenge all such contacts and further serve the one Creator by purifying the desire of the self and the group.
Thus, it is often the case that groups or instruments will be unaware of the necessity of tuning and challenging, and will then receive a temptation from the negative entity or entities to focus on information that is of a more transient nature, such as the date and nature of various disasters and information of a specific nature regarding inventions, discoveries, means of making great wealth available that the group might be glorified above the message that it has previously been privileged to offer to others. Thus, contact is often lost and continuous channeling of one entity by a number of groups is therefore not a frequent phenomenon.
Latwii Passes a Note From Yadda (18 Aug 85)
Quote:I am Latwii, and we are most surprised, my friends. It is not often that we join this group without queries having been placed before us. We are aware that the beginning message this evening was one which might somewhat boggle the mind and we hope that our brothers and sisters of Hatonn have not overtaxed the understanding and patience of this group. We are happy to pass on to the one known as J the greetings of his friends of Yadda. We are aware that these of Yadda would have been happy to greet the one known as J in person if there had been the presence of an instrument capable of channeling these vibrations which are of a somewhat unusual nature. Nevertheless, Yadda says, “Hi.” We also greet each of you and thank you for even this small portion of your time.
Contact 13 (15 Sep 85)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in love and in the light of infinite Creator. We so privileged to be here with you and we thank you for asking for us. We have just a few words to say for there is much (inaudible) one of our comrades, J. We only come to bless you and to be blessed, for in serving we are served. We do not leave you; we are with you if summon us mentally, we shall come. However, we shall relinquish this instrument without further ado. Farewell. I am Yadda. We leave you in the love and in the light of the One.
Contact 14 (22 Sep 85)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in love and light of the one infinite Creator. We have a time tonight to get a word in edgewise. We keep saying to this instrument at beginning, “I Yadda.” She keeps saying, “Go away—wait until the end.” So we waited, and this is the end, my friends. Heh?! So we only stay for a moment.
We would share a thought with you concerning that which had been discussed earlier than this point in your space/time, and that is why mathematics useful in the learning of the path to the One. Is simple and obvious but not so obvious, I suppose, because we are having to explain. But we are glad to do so and wish to especially say hehro—hello to the one known as J. We are so happy to be with him, even during the time he not in this domicile and not speaking through an instrument but only as a presence.
If one says “What is mathematics?” perhaps the first [thoughtless] answer is, “Two plus two is four.” Ah, yes, my friends, but two times two is four also. Now let us look at “twos.” Interesting. If you double the size of a vibrating string, it will emit the same note one octave lower. If you take in half this same vibrating string, it [is] one octave higher, yet still the same note. Each of you can sing many notes, each of your beings can vibrate in many ways. Do you choose to be lower or higher? [It] is that simple.
We thank the one known as J for the calling of us. We are always …
(Side one of tape ends.)
(Carla channeling)
… therefore we do not leave you, we only stop the words from coming through the mouth of this girl. We are full of joy and we hope you may find joy, for it is your friend and your companion whether it walk unseen and unknown beside you or whether you reach out and take it by the hand. Therefore, reach out, my friends. Reach in also for that dynamic which will raise your octave instead of wohwering—lowering it—we sorry for our pronunciation, we having a difficult time this night. We leave you however in utmost joy and hope that we have been intelligible. We leave you, as always, in love and in light of One, the One Is All. Adonai. Adonai. I Yadda.
Contact 15 (29 Sep 85)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in love and light of infinite Creator, and am pleased that you have called us to you this evening. It is most pleasant for us to be present. Hah! Therefore we greet you in much devotion. We are going slowly with this instrument, for this instrument is low in its vital energies and therefore we wish to be careful.
We speak only briefly, and that is to ask, “What prosperity is?” We are aware that it is something that all peoples upon your sphere wish. They wish to be prosperous, to have that which will buy that which you want to buy. There is a rumor going around that prosperity is unhappy or anti-spiritual. That is a misperception. There is another rumor going around that prosperity is all that one needs for the life experience. That is a misconception also. Look for yourself at the riches of your world. They come in different forms and they are equal one thing and that is energy. We ask each of you to practice releasing the fear of prosperity or the hunger for prosperity and rest in the knowledge that prosperity is infinite and that you shall be infinitely prospered regardless of outer circumstance.
There are so many walls built up one brick at a time between people and nations and continents and forces due to greed. The hunger for prosperity is inappropriate because it will take your attention away from the Creator. The Creator will prosper you—you shall not be left alone. Furthermore, the earthly vessel of your body is but that a pot made of clay. It is that which is within that is important. Therefore, we ask you to think what is true prosperity. When do you feel that you have enough? We say to you, consider that you may feel that you have enough when you look within, not outside the self, for your prosperity is infinite and all that you need shall be attracted to you. In fact, we give you fair warning, my friends, be careful what you seek—for you shall receive it.
We go now. We leave you in love and light of infinite One. We are known to you as Yadda. Adonai. Adonai. Adonai.
More L/Leema on Yadda (13 Oct 85)
Quote:N: Yes. Then you’re equating trance with sleep. During trance and with sleep, is the spirit complex displaced from the vehicle or is it only connected by the cord, or exactly what? I’m asking for several reasons. One is that when Mark Provost channeled Yadda, he seemed to be in a deep trance, or at least they keep referring to the fact that he’s in a deep trance. But yet when someone in the room holds
their hand up, Yadda seemed to be able to recognize them. And of course, I always thought deep trance
mediums or instruments or whatever were totally oblivious to outside influences of a physical nature.
I am L/Leema, and your query is based upon some slight misunderstanding of the nature of the deeper
levels of trance. There is the possibility that some entities who serve as the trance medium may wish to
remain with the physical vehicle as it is given over in its use on some occasions to those who would speak
through it, those entities not having physical vehicles of their own of that nature. The medium who
chooses to remain with the vehicle is one who is usually learning another facet of the service that it
performs as a trance medium and is not present because of any need to perform a function at that
moment other than the learning of a certain lesson. This level of trance of which we now speak is a level
that is of the deeper nature and is of the nature utilized by the one who was known as Mark. This
entity, however, did not choose to remain with its vehicle and gave over its use completely to others or
individualized portions of others. This then allowed those known as Yadda to enter the vehicle and use it
in a fashion which resembled its use by the one known as Mark. This enabled those of Yadda to
utilize the optical apparatus as well as other portions of the physical vehicle, and thus enabled vision, sight
and recognition to occur. It is much as you would use another entity’s coat.
Most who serve as trance mediums do not work in these deeper levels of trance, for much can be
accomplished in levels which do not require the complete giving over of the physical vehicle and its
exit in so doing. These types of trance may allow, therefore, the one serving as …
(Side one of tape ends.)
(Jim channeling)
I am L/Leema, and am once again with this instrument, and we shall continue. These entities,
therefore, remain with the physical vehicle and serve as what may be called an interpreter in order that the
patterns of energy in the form of various visions may be translated and transmitted into the third-density
illusion. This is the more normal level of trance, yet it still resides in the roots of the tree of mind and
beneath the veil, shall we say, which separates the conscious and subconscious minds and the conscious
meditation from the trance level of awareness.
May we answer further, my brother?
Contact 16 (29 Dec 85)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in the love and the light of our infinite Creator. We thank your group for calling us to you. We have missed the invitations and are happy to be with you. We not speak long but only a short bit of repartee. We look at conversation which each has had in recent past and we talk to you about the law. We are doing better with our accent, don’t you think? Heh!
You are all lawyers, you people! Why are you so in love with laws? Do you think that if you obey all the laws of the land, all the laws of a … we must say another word—church. Do you think that if you obey the laws of your church, you will be a good person or one that is capable of advancing into some knowledge of the truth? My friends, there is no truth in that which is finite, for every law is made to be broken, and indeed laws are usually after the fact so that you have already broken the laws, and that is why the laws were made.
There is something called faith which defeats all laws. It is not in law but in faith that you are able to concentrate upon the business at hand. The business at hand is your spiritual development. The business at hand is seeking. The business at hand is learning. There is not motivation to learn in the law—you simply follow directions. This is a cookbook life, the law; take a little of Law Number One, take two tablespoons of Law Number Two, mix carefully with a batch of Laws Six, Seven and Eight and you will learn?! No, my friends—you will conform. There is a law for you and for you only. But this law is personal, intimate and can only be found as a product of the faith that there is a truth beyond all that you see and hear. Your path is your law. That which you deem correct is correct for you. Please do not think we are encouraging you to go out and manhandle some small child. This would be breaking the law of man but requires no faith whatsoever. So what requires faith, my friends? You do.
You close the cookbook. You shut up the mind and you wait in faith for that meaning and central beingness which will develop within you. Do you think to yourself that you do not have the equipment to have faith? Not so, my friends. You have all that is necessary.
We suggest that in your contemplations you look more and more to that within you which says against all visible and audible experience, “This is truth.” We suggest that you continue and continue and again continue, for there is something which we might call grace which aids the heart more and more as seeking continues. With each step taken in faith the next step does not become easier in the sense that your pa …
(Side one of the tape ends)
(Carla channeling)
I Yadda. We again with this instrument. She keep saying to us, “Do you come in the name of Christ?” We continue through this instrument. Taking one step in faith does not mean that the next step will be easier. However, it does mean that the experience of moving in faith will become something upon which one may count. The process is foreign to the everyday life, thus confidence must be built up little by little.
We thank you for inviting us, and we especially greet the one known as J, and leave you in the love and the light of the infinite Creator. Believe upon yourselves as you believe in the rightness of creation. Believe it will withstand all the deprivations which your peoples perpetrate. I Yadda. I, an imperishable being, leave each of you who are also imperishable beings. We do not leave you in law—we leave you in the process of faith. Adonai. Adonai.
RE: Yadda Yadda - Monica - 09-20-2011
Very interesting!
RE: Yadda Yadda - Tenet Nosce - 09-20-2011
Contact 17 (05 Jan 86)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in the love and in the light of infinite Creator. We have so much trouble with instrument who want us to say we come in the name of Christ. We always end up having to say, “Okay.” But we always wonder, why not Buddha? Why not Mohammed? Why not some postman that we know of in Washington DC who is good to his children and gives away many Christmas presents to little children he does not know? All are Christ. All are perfect in consciousness. Yes—we come in the name of Christ, for we are the vibration which cannot be reached without going along the path of the Christ.
We not speak long but we come because we are called and we thank you. We speak to you of “why families?” There is that question in the group this evening.
You know, families sometimes difficult to be in, so why do you have them? Do you have them so you can have people that you like about you? No, my friends—many times people in family not like each other at all. So what is lesson? Why so important that you have those people that are true kin to you?
We say to you, it is to offer you a chance to learn duty and honor, for with family, you cannot say, “You are not family—go away!” No, my friends, you have to take care of each other. It may seem like a ridiculous thing but it is a great learning. If you can feel responsible for each other, then you learn service to each other, not because service is always fun, but because service is freedom. Service is your only freedom, for if you choose not to serve, then you have stopped your progress and are no longer “poh-werizing,” polarizing—hah! We getting better—heh?!
Think it over, friends. Families are a pain in the neck. So why do you want a sore neck? Maybe to get your attention—heh? We leave you. We are joyful and leave you in “glate” joy for the night is full of light and the shadows are full of light. We Yadda. Adonai.
Contact 18 (12 Jan 86)
NOTE: This is also the first session with contact from Q'uo.
Quote:I, Yadda, greet you in love and light of infinite Creator. We almost not get in this time because we have continuing difficulty with the challenging in name of name, that is, in name Jesus rather than in vibration of Christ or Christ consciousness. This instrument hard-headed on this point. However, we wished to give thanks to this instrument, as always, for the challenging and appreciate it even though it is pain in neck.
We wish to say greetings to the one known as J who call us at this time, and we only leave the thought with you that the naming is important and is not important. Is important to name those things which are precious because a name can be equal to the essential vibration of that which is dear. Naming unimportant because all names become trickier. Consider that you start out on your past meeting and say names to each other. Ah, but if man and woman like each other, soon they stop the name and make up the pet name and the nickname and the affectionate name. There go the so-called real name never to be seen again in the relationship possibly.
The essence of a thing is that which is its vibration. So, name important if it vibrates truly as you name yourself, feel your own vibrational system and know that that essence is your name and will be until the creation has coalesced and all become One.
We use name now to say farewell. We Yadda—but you can call us sweetheart. We leave you in love and light of the unnamed infinite Creator. May you vibrate with this allness and find joy therein. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.
Contact 19 (20 Apr 86)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in the love and in light of infinite Creator. We say “okay” to this instrument about challenging in the name of Christ. We so lonely for someone to say, “Do you come in name of Zoroaster?”—he was a good guy, you know. Why always the Christ, Christ, Christ? My goodness! Christ! You know there are many teachers, but one Source. Why you not challenge in name of Source?
But that okay. We go on to what we have to say. One, two, three four, five, A, B, C, D, E, you, me, you, me, you, ye, yah, yah, yah. Okay? You get the point. This instrument making nonsense, no sense whatsoever—but she doesn’t care.
Why you so serious? Why, we ask you? If this instrument can be trained, seriously trained—yes she’s very serious, you know, but she is a careful instrument so we can use her for example—and we did. This instrument willing to make a fool of herself because that’s what we gave her to say. It not important to her to make sense.
Why you so serious? You are the people who have too many clothes on. You wear four coats, three sweaters, sixteen pair of pants. What you protecting yourself against in this seeking of yours? It is good to be naked against love. That all we have to say to you. Be a fool for love. Do what comes in your heart to do. And don’t look back.
We Yadda. We leave you in joy and we hope that you may enjoy your seeking. We leave you in the love and light of infinite One. Adonai. Adonai.
Contact 20 (15 Jun 86)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in love and light of infinite Creator. We not give instrument any trouble this time about coming in name of Christ because so many others have been giving her trouble about whether we do or not. We better tell her, “Of course we come in name of Christ—why would we send someone, we of the Confederation which cares so much for consciousness and its development, why would we send someone to live in Christ consciousness if we did not come in that name?” Our only gripe is that this instrument pick the one Jesus, who carried perfect Christ consciousness—so did some other good teachers—but we do not to argue that.
Of course we come in name of Christ. How else would we come? There is only one love and that love’s consciousness is Christ. That what we show, pure compassion, you know.
Okay. We come to talk about shadows. You know, you all think you so vivid there in this room as you sit and watch the sky far into the beautiful evening. You think maybe you should even paint the face a little even, eh, you women? Heh? Make yourself more vivid? Well, we tell you, you are nothing but shadow. You know what you do in this incarnation? Heh! You build. You are architect. You know what you build? Something you cannot see. That why you don’t know about it and you go about painting face and putting on funny clothes, eh heh!?
Now. What you build? First thing you build, you build something called you. What you gonna look like when you enter larger life? This instrument say “larger life,” she means death. Okay. We not know if we larger, but we have more fun—eh heh! Anyway, we want you to know that you are building something called you. You build day by day by weary, weary day. It is weary—we know—we not argue that. What we encourage is that you know that the face you see in the mirror is not what you are doing here. What you are doing here is you are building behind the shadow world that whole person that you can, are and shall be.
Furthermore, second thing. You build other things. You have mate—yes? Then you build a person—not you, not me. It called “relationship.” Okay. You not see that, but that what you building. What you putting into that building. You cannot control what your mate builds—you control what you build. Forget the shadows of your mirror. Forget what you can see and move to what you are building. You architects of the spirit.
We come to you in love and leave you in love. We come to you in light and so we leave you. We thank you for calling us. We getting our words better—heh?! We so glad to see you and we say good-bye. We Yadda of Confederation of Planets in Service to One Infinite Creator. Adonai. Adonai.
Contact 21 (13 Jul 86)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in love and in light of infinite Creator. It our privilege to be with you this evening. We receive call with some puzzlement because we have to evaluate our audience. Here in this domicile we speak with unified group, unified in thinking and in tuning to this specific sparkle of light—heh!—I say that well, did I not? Yet also there is the somewhat larger audience of the metaphysics magazine which has requested our words. This audience not unified this particular moment in space/time. What we gonna do to speak to all the bozos instead of a few?
Well, you can’t please everybody, so we decided not to worry about it, but to touch this group and through the concerns therein, touch all. So, we greet in thought all who may read these words, for we know that in the face of those in this room are all of your faces; within a few thoughts, all thoughts. For is there more than one path? Even though each has a unique way of taking it, in the end your feet move the same dust as spirits before you, and you leave the dust behind you as blessing for those after you.
So! We would speak this evening, and would thank you again for this great pleasure of the function of desire and of the tools that you may use to further your desire. Now you have desire [of] many things, but we speak of the strong desire for the truth that motivates the seeker. You do not want an answer as much as you want a clear understanding of the question.
The question, in our opinion, that each of you faces in your present incarnation in third density is, “How do I love? What is love? What has love to do with me?” This constellation of questions is the spearhead of your desire as a seeker.
Now we have gotten the question straight. That was easy—heh?! It is more difficult to clear away the stumbling blocks that have been placed before you by yourself than it will ever be to recognize truth. What are these stumbling blocks? There are two main stumbling blocks to the seeker. The first is the determination of seekers to think within the head without the slightest concept of how to go about the process of thinking. It is understandable that you should have this problem because your culture is fast and shallow, like a stream that has no depth, but moves very quickly.
So, your thoughts dart hither and yon but do not achieve the depth that you wish. Do you know why? Ah?! You know it is because you do not observe, you do not give yourself time. You cannot think until you have observed and gotten something to think about, you know. It is putting the cart before the horse, heh? To think right off the bat, you know—you cannot do that.
Now, what should you observe before you begin thinking upon the truth of love? What should you not observe, for everything speaks to you of love.
The second great stumbling block—that was a good one too; you hear those L’s coming right out—to seeking the truth of love is your opinion of yourself. Now, you know you were born into “ihwusion.” Wait—we gonna say that right, we gonna say it—il-lu-sion. You were born into an illusion. Your scientists tell you about this illusion, but you have known it was an illusion forever. Philosophers have told you this; masters and teachers have shared this with humanity always. This that you experience is to be observed, but it is not the answer—it is the way to the answer.
You are, as you look at yourself in the mirror, a system of electromagnetic vibration that is held together as a field so that the various elements within the cells of your body can work symbiotically to sustain a physical vehicle for experiencing of self-consciousness. Now we get closer. We begin to move around the stumbling block of self. If you see somebody in that mirror that is a certain age, weight, sex, makes a certain amount of money, has a certain number of degrees from learned institutions and a certain number of children, you are falling flat on your face, you are stumbling so much. You must lose all those provincial ideas about yourself if you wish to seek the truth of love.
For how can you love without any reservation? This entity that is so-many years old, and so-many feet high, has so-many names and letters after the name, and just and so-many children. If there was the ultimate love for this series of specified quantities, then you could not love others the same way. No, my friends—you must look in the mirror and see perfection. Now, how you gonna do that unless you remember that you are a collection of well-arranged atoms housing self-aware consciousness?
If you can remove prejudice from your gaze into the mirror and begin loving yourself not for what you do, not for what you succeed in, but for what you are, then you have opened the gate to learning the truth about love. For if you do not judge yourself because you have done this deed or thought this thought, or been this quality or that, but instead love yourself because you are the truth about love, you are the treasure to love which you seek to find, then you may begin to make “qweer”—we must try again. This instrument have trouble with our accent. We try to say—clear perception of other entities who may have more or fewer children, may have more or less money, may be older or younger, but have no consciousness, but unique experience. So you look into another perfect posit of the Creator each moment that you look upon any entity whomsoever.
When you can learn how to evaluate experience, and when you have gotten over the shock of having such an illusory identity, then you take off your mask, you put the intellect where it belongs, that is, as tool subservient to the widest observation of heart and spirit, then your path shall be more plain to you.
There is one last stumbling block that you now have because of a deeper reason than your culture. You are impatient because you have a physical vehicle which will not be with you long. So, you want to know everything now. You know you must let go of that desire and seek only to know this moment. Everything is in this moment, but this is most difficult for the mind to comprehend. And it is most unusual for an entity to become aware of it without spending much time seeking while standing right in the heart of the truth and not seeing it.
There is a process of waiting in faith and patience and hope. It may only last a moment for someone very close to the moment, very close to love, and in peace and harmony with those about it, but for most of us bozos we will have to wait on holy ground until that moment—and it may be years in coming when we see it for the first time.
Your best ally in this endeavor is meditation. We get each in this room saying, “I cannot meditate well, so how is meditation going to help me?” Well, my dear bozos, no one meditates very well, for the perfect meditation will remove all separation and restore all to unity. It is the force of the will that seeks meditation. It is the faith that moves a visible physical entity to seek the invisible and metaphysical. It is the discipline of doing so on a daily basis that will yield to you a continuing opening into your birthright, for as children of consciousness, are you not heirs to all of the truth? Are you not indeed embodiment of the truth?
Therefore, we ask three things from those who seek. We ask that you discount all conclusions, and instead begin to gather data. In other words, be a witness and remember what you see and hear, knowing that you are seeing and hearing illusion, but that this illusion was given to you by yourself as the experience that will yield to you the truth about love.
Secondly. We ask that you love not your mask, but yourself, and not the tasks about you, but the selves about you. If you must hate instead of love, at least hate that which is consciousness. But, my friends, you will have a hard time hating consciousness.
And lastly, we ask that you meditate and open yourself up to silence, never judging yourself because of the stray thoughts, but always seeking, seeking to be cleansed of all the dust of this path, that you may sit upon the stone, the hard rock of consciousness and be self-aware for the first and most holy time.
We wish you the joy of your journey and good courage in it. We have enjoyed ours and we hope that you do too—you might as well, for you are all on it. For our natures are bound up in our consciousness, and whether or not you try to seek the lessons of love, they will come to you. You might as well study, offer yourselves to each other as you would tasty food—for you are beautiful to each other and you can share love with each other. Hold your hands out to each other and hold all of your heart out to truth.
Before we leave this instrument, we wish to say in answer to this instrument’s question when she challenged us, we did not give her hard time this evening. She was surprised. She said, “This really Yadda?” Well, you see this instrument challenge us in name of Christ, and then she say, “I find Christ in the master known as Jesus, and so I must ask you in name of Jesus the Christ. Do you come in name of Jesus the Christ whom I serve with all my heart,” and so forth. She go through this long thing. Well, we so glad to hear that, because, you know, we do come in name of Christ and this instrument now ask the right way, becoming aware that any man can be love and any Christ can be worshipped, but that the Christ is so sacred that it is up to individual to say, “This is my Christ; this is how I see the face of the Creator, this is how I will follow to the death in order that I may learn the lesson of love.” That why we so eagerly come. We wait long for this instrument to understand this, and we very happy that now we not have to give this instrument all that trouble.
It is a hard thing being a teacher, let me tell you. But we are so happy to be here and to be attempting with these poor words to say that which you all already know, but to say it in a way which you can recognize. He who has ears, let him hear. We Yadda. You know, we may be talking junk, you bozos, so if we talking junk, you throw it out—okay. If we talking in a way that seem good to you, that is a great blessing to us and we could ask for nothing more. As we abide upon our given task with regard to your planetary influence, we say to you—we beg you, “Love each other.”
We known to you as Yadda, and we leave you in love and light—aheh!—of One Who Is All. May your cheeks be rosy with laughter upon the path, may your feet be strong, may your hearts be happy. And may your will to know the truth of love be your walking stick so that you may move gently, at varying speeds, responsive to wind and weather, inner and outer. And always, learn better to love. Adonai. Adonai. Adonai.
More Latwii on Yadda (25 Oct 87)
Quote:Carla: On a related issue. When I was challenging your contact—I do it the same way every time basically, and I always say, “Do you come in the name of Jesus the Christ, whom I serve with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind, and all my strength?” And you answered not what I’m used to hearing, which is something like “Yes, my child, I am pleased to come in the name of Jesus the Christ,” or from Yadda, “Of course.” You said, “We are with Jesus the Christ.” Was there a reason for the change of language?
I am Latwii, and we have used this phrase this evening, for it best exemplifies that state of our being which we have activated in order to continue the transmission of concept which was begun previously. This has been our choice for this topic, for it is one which deals most wholeheartedly with the concept of love or compassion, and it was our feeling that our own tuning or placement of focus of being would be most helpful and informative with this level of understanding available. Thus, we called upon that manifested by the one known as Jesus the Christ within ourselves in order to be of service to those gathered this evening.
Is there a further query, my sister?
Carla: So from your perception, the phrase which the fundamentalists use, “Christ is Lord, Jesus is Lord”—what you’re saying is that for you as well as for us, you see this Jesus consciousness as being the basic redeemer of human experience, the highest of compassion of love? Is that so? Or would you express your feeling about that phrase, “Jesus is Lord,” in the context of challenging. I don’t challenge that way. It doesn’t seem necessary.
I am Latwii, and if we understand that which has been asked, we would say that that which is loved and accepted is that which has been redeemed. Thus, it is within the heart of love that redemption occurs.
May we speak in a further fashion upon this topic, my sister?
Contact 22 (14 Apr 87)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet in love and light of infinite Creator. I say, “How about Lao Tsu?” This instrument say, “Jesus Christ.” “One Christ good as another,” I say, so we come. We speak about skepticism. Hah! You want to know about skepticism. Open your eyes. What do you know? You know nothing. Look around. Look at tree. You see tree. What you know? You got root, bark, branches, bird’s nest—and leaves! Hah! What you know about tree? Tell me how it grow there. Tell me how it began. Tell me anything about tree except name and wocation. Lo-cation. We gonna say it right!
Now, you look at any other thing, and tell me what you know. What is there not to be skeptical about? Nothing!
Now, let us take what we do not know. Is everything! Everything! What you gonna do? How you gonna think? You have to name names and pretend that you know things. But inside—what you gonna take?
Now, let me ask you another question. What you berieve—what you believe. We getting good with our l’s and our r’s. What you believe is far more important than what you know—because you don’t know anything. So, tell me what you believe in. What you say? How you declare yourself. We say one word—love! Hah! We said it right. This instrument think we crazy. This instrument not like to channel us because we mess up her face. Heh, heh, heh (giggle).
Now you know you not know, but you do not know what you believe, do you? Huh-uh. No. Why you wasting time on knowing things when you cannot know anything? We leave this instrument in love and light of infinite Creator. We know what we believe. We believe in love—for it created us and all that there is. What do you have to say that about? We can never ask a more basic metaphysical question. Adonai, my friends. We are those known to you as Yadda.
Contact 23 (12 Jul 87)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in love and in light of infinite Creator. We not have very much to say, only wish to welcome newcomer to group and oldcomers also. We with your group very often, for we find that this group make many joke, and this is sign of some advancement among your peoples. So many on your spiritual path that cannot make a joke, that cannot laugh. This make the journey heavy and mud cake the feet of the poor pilgrim along the way and cannot go very far. Make yourself merry, my friends, be full of joy. Let it bubble forth, and you will find wisdom beneath the laughter. We go now, we only wish to say hehwoe—hel-lo. That better! Hah? We goin’ speak this language soon. We go in love and in light of infinite One Who Is All in All. Farewell, my friends. I Yadda.
Contact 24 (26 Sep 87)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in love and light of infinite One. We have to say we come in name of Christ again. Why not once Zoroaster? Huh? We wish that this instrument would stop being so provincial, but we come in name of Christ—of course.
So. We want to be a part of this team show, you know. We going to say a few words to you about this subject of the evening. We want to know why you people are so interested in one thing and do another? This puzzle us. Say you love the clothes. Why it not make you happy to go try on all your clothes? Why, you could spend hours that way. Hmm? Or, if you want to be peaceful, why you not be peaceful? You all the time talking and arguing as if that was what you wanted to do. The strife and confusion leave the one who does not want strife and confusion. So, drop away and forget what you have decided is not important, and then you will have a merry life, a merry life!
I Yadda. We want you to have a life of joy. We want for us to have a life of joy and we have one. Oh, we enjoy ourselves. Now you too, desire more clearly and visualize your peace and your love, and this love will be all around you. Be merry. We leave you in love and light of the infinite Creator. We are Yadda. Adonai.
Contact 25 (01 Nov 87)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in love and light of infinite One. We could not resist the opportunity to speak about the breath—you know, that a pretty good question. We feel there are points to be made and we will make them briefly.
The concept of life as breath and breath as life is natural for you, for you must breathe to live. However, the true breath is the breath of light—not the oxygen, but the prana which comes to all who recognize the tremendous power of that which move on the face of the water.
You see, you as the body are like the planet. Your being, cell by cell, is water. Thus, as the physical breath moves upon the face of the water of your body, you have life. And as that which this instrument calls spirit move upon the face of consciousness, you have another kind of life, that which in your Christianity you call Holy Spirit. We do not wish to devalue the infinite goodness of heavenly food which is light, but we wish to have you respect yourselves, for what could this light enliven if it were not for the wonderful complex of vibrations which create the energy field which is yourself. You are the water of life. You are the material of the universe. You are the expression. Open, as you would open the lungs to breathe air. Open to that which move upon the face of the water. Think not about your condition, your foolishness, or your virtue, but only that you are material waiting for more abundant food. Such is the breath of the spirit.
We happy to speak with you, and we give this instrument trouble and more trouble, and we apologize. But she irritate us with this Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ. However, Christ is Christ, and we always are happy in the end, no matter how provincial we find an entity’s expression of Christ, to come in the name of Christ, for that is the name of Love. And it is in that light and love—how you like our L’s tonight? We doing better, eh? Heh, heh? It is in that love and light that we leave you now. Adonai. Adonai. We Yadda. Adonai.
Contact 26 (07 Feb 88)
Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in name of love and light. I am happy to be with you. It is your call to me, you say to universe, “Ah, I have a winter heart!” You say, “Look at the landscape.” How you like my new, better English? Ha ha, I good. You do not know what is going on in winter energy if you think that all is gray and desolate. You do not see the joy of the seed, the patient gathering of food in the roots of being of your second-density trees. You cannot feel the explosive joy that the forms of your water find themselves taking when by the gift of cold they may make visible their crystalline nature and show their magic to the world.
We wish you to warm your winter heart and to be silly and playful in the cold of winter, for your heart does not need to wear the winter underwear and your throat is not stilled because birds sing not so often in your outer ear. Come with me in knowledge that warmth is yours within and that the fire of spring is only possible because of the joy, the dancing joy of the collection of food and drink for growth. Every season happy. No season sad, for all work together. Be merry.
We leave you in joy, in peace, in love, and in light, and even because this instrument insists in name of Christ. We have stopped holding out for Buddha. Zoroaster is not acceptable. We know we have said this before, but we wish this instrument would think about what we say. Adonai, my friends. You know all is one. Somebody tell this instrument. Adonai. Adonai.
Contact 27 (02 Aug 88)
Quote:I Yadda. I with this instrument, greet you in love and light of infinite Creator. We like this instrument. She challenge in name of Jesus Christ. We say, “How about Buddha?” We not fully grasp this instrument’s fanaticism, but even she be provincial, we say, “Okay,” because she passionate, she care, and she real. And so are we. We come in love and light of infinite One, One Who is All, and we come only because we wish to underscore need for laughter, need for merriment, and need for intensity of life. Not the outer life. You must forget all those clothings you put on your body and on your mind and on your head. All those hats you wear—mother, father, employer, employee, all those things—take them off, throw them away. You want a reputation? Do not go into spiritual seeking. No reputation to be had there. No, sir. You must think carefully before you become one interested more in the inner journey than in the outer journey. You know you gonna die. But you know why you alive?
Did you like that? I got “L”—I said “a-Live.” I did that! I’m getting better! We urge you to see that many things drop away, so you may find the true intensity of your being. May you do so with jollity.
Ah, jollity! I am almost speaking this instrument’s language now!We so glad to speak to you. We thank you for calling us here. We bless each, and we go, for we not talk long. We yours in love and light of infinite Creator. On behalf of this passionate Christian, this provincial one, who yet knows the universe, and to all of you provincial people, whatever you believe, believe passionately, believe wholly, believe without the thinking and without the judging and without the reputation and the respectability, but find the jolly times. Adonai. Adonai. Adonai, my friends. IYadda.
Contact 28 (04 Aug 88)
Quote:I Yadda. I come in love and light of infinite Creator. We come with thanksgiving too. What would the one known as Yadda—we ask this instrument perhaps to become with this one erect … that work better, the lying down, not working. I Yadda. I now attempt to transfer to the one known as (inaudible). I Yadda.
(Carla channeling)
I Yadda. I again with this instrument. We say, “Hah, we almost got it, we wish he be patient.” We now transfer to one known as R. I Yadda.
(R channeling)
I Yadda. I am with this instrument. This is very interesting. We want to do this really much. Oh, I forgive myself. I come light and love of infinite Creator, and then finally in (inaudible) of Christ. Yadda! Very good! This instrument exercise (inaudible). Hhmm. Long time, long time ago, Yadda walk this Earth. Yadda wish to thank this instrument for patience, for Yadda very anxious (inaudible) waiting, WAITING, WAITING, WAITING! For such a long time. He’s waiting. Sometimes, you know, it gets very hard. Anyway. Ah, we begin.
Maybe I tell you a story, but I don’t quite know how to get into it. This instrument, he … Tell you what, we going to rest this instrument, cause we got GOOD THING HERE. And we be VERY CAREFUL with this one. He good. You know why? Why why? I was waiting why? He like it.
Carla: Your “L’s” are better, Yadda.
You know what? Your “L’s” stink. (Laughter from group.) There really nothing wrong with Yadda “L!” You’re letting “L” just plain, when Yadda got right (inaudible). (Laughter.) This instrument listen. He happy too, but sometime he want to get in and play a little. Have to find a way to put his somewhere. You know what? He say it okay. He did. I not kidding. He say, “Can I say this?”
Yes. HE SAY, (unclear, though very loud, sounds like “transplay!”). She never say this, NEVER! She’s afraid. That’s the reason, but this one not afraid. Yadda protect (sound too loud and too inarticulate to be understood). Yadda almost use words not nice. I don’t know—maybe I do it anyway. Well … It came easy, this one, because he like to swear. But you know why I STOP? Because this one GIVE ME WORD! HAH! I taking no word from this one, I ought as (inaudible) not as prompter. Hah, hah, hah, hah. This very happy business. I like this a lot. You may get very tired of Yadda. Hhmmm.
Please, please understand. This (inaudible) Yadda tell you secret. Yadda come differently to this one than to that one. That one over there, WHOM I LOVE BECAUSE she lets me speak in spite of fear. She knows I’m good, rather just rough. RUFF RUFF RUFF. RUFF. I need a voice like this one because, I tell you something. She right. Yadda … Not this. Cause I tell you, I use it anyway. You being kind. I carry baggage. I don’t wish to say baggage. I carry BAGGAGE. I carry murder, because for LONG TIME, YADDA HATE! HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE! Now Yadda love. Much to learn in this, I think. I didn’t tell you what I hate, I hated the Chinese. The Chinese KILL AND KILL AND KILL AND KILL. Yadda learn how to kill, oh, Yadda very good at this. If you can say good—but it’s not bad, either. Is INSTRUCTIONAL!
Don’t worry—I give it up. I don’t need to do this anymore. And I don’t need to hate the Chinese either. (Very softly.) Love the Chinese. I tell you why I love the Chinese. May I do this? I love the Chinese because Chinese make Yadda hate. And when Yadda hate, Yadda find out what love is. This instrument think that Yadda like Ramtha. Yadda not like Ramtha. Ramtha there. Ramtha think hot stuff! Yadda think think this instrument hot stuff. Because now Yadda can talk, and talk out loud and talk in terms you want to know. Because you speak in this group, Yadda speak. You all speak in this group of the negative … Yadda like. You speak of the negative side, the one who make you hate. Okay, I speak of this, because the side that make you hate, you made service to look like that. YOU MUST LOVE ’EM! (Shouted phrase not understandable.) Must have hate. I get carried away because it was long and hard.
Ohhhh. Think how it feels. Buddha cares. This one challenge not in Buddha’s name, don’t worry, little one, he CHALLENGE SMART CHALLENGE. HE CHALLENGE WITH … He say, I came in fellowship of the eternal truth of the Christ. Christ everywhere. I no problem with Christ! Only with Jee-sus. But I tell you, this one does not know Buddha, so he say, if I challenge with Buddha, I don’t know what (inaudible) I don’t use that word. I give you new word. He (inaudible) this one, because he don’t like making up stuff he never heard before.
(Sounds like) SHUT UP! You know what?
(This is very difficult to transcribe, and it goes on at some length. The delivery is alternatively violently loud and fading completely away into inaudibility, then back to absolute ROARING. This is an unclear recording with lots of background noise on tape. With this, in addition to bombastic and emotional nature of delivery, and the significant loss of sibilant and other consonant sounds, it is just too difficult to transcribe. It has to be listened to to be believed, anyway.)
(Group retunes after Yadda’s explosive closing.)
Q'uo on Yadda (14 Aug 88)
Quote:Carla: I’d like to ask a shorty. Could you confirm that the protection that I give the circle itself is adequate, or even more than adequate? That people can be confident of it, unless the entity is part of the personality of the new channel, in which case I would have no jurisdiction over it, and that is why I could do no more than talk to Yadda and make sure that Yadda was attempting to control the situation. This is what I believe happened. I just wondered if you could confirm it.
I am Q’uo, and your assumption is basically correct, my sister. The protection that you as teach/learner provide for the circle of new instruments, and the protection that each within the circle provides each other in the seeking is a function again of the clear and simple motivation, the desire and the practice upon the part of each which partakes within the circle. Thus, the circle is, as we find your saying speaks, as strong as the weakest link. However, even the weakest link may be enhanced by the combined efforts of each within the circle. Thus, each adds unto the wall of light, shall we say, that forms about such a circle of seeking, as this circle of seeking has provided its own wall of light.
Is there another query, my sister?
Carla: I’m just arbitrarily going to stop, because I don’t want to wear the instrument out. Thank you very much. I’ll ask another time.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query?
J: I have one. Again, I realize you may not be able to answer this question, but with the “R incident,” I realized it was not really … it was our incident, it was not what we call the “R incident,” but I’m doing it because I don’t have another name for it. But I just want to clarify, let them all realize that we were all key players in that situation.
What I’m confused about is when the situation did occur, how much R was channeling himself, and how much he was channeling something outside of himself. The reason I’m concerned is because of something he said in reference to me which has (inaudible). Let me try to put this question in a way that you might be able to answer it.
Okay. If you can give me percentages, say, how much R was channeling something inside himself, how much of Confederation membership he was channeling, and how much was psychic greeting?
I am Q’uo, and we find that there is a difficulty in answering with precise percentages in regards to the efforts of the one known as R to serve as a vocal instrument in the one case, and the efforts of the one known as R to deal with a difficult personal situation in another case. We may suggest that all new instruments—and this includes the one known as R—begin the channeling process with a fairly significant portion of the channeled message being of their own origination. This is in order that the new instrument might begin the process, and we of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Creator find it helpful to spark those personal memories and experiences within the new instrument which are congruent with our understanding of the Law of Love and the Law of Understanding and Unity in order that a beginning might be made.
As the new instrument becomes more experienced, this percentage of personally originated material shrinks until it is approximately thirty percent, and thus our portion would be the greater, that is, seventy percent. Thus you may see, the new instrument begins with a fairly significant, even a majority of the information channeled having its origin within the self of the instrument. We may suggest, therefore, that you not be overly concerned with any information which was transmitted during the experience of the one known as R which each present within that circle did indeed have a part to share, however small. We would not suggest that the information channeled through the one known as R therefore be given very great weight.
May we speak to any further query, my sister?
J: No, thank you. I really appreciate your answering the question, but I like your answer.
Carla: I can’t stand that—I’ve got to ask a related one. From what I could tell, by the time R was on the floor, he was channeling a mixture of a negative entity, which called itself anything it wanted to, and wanted to control, and a portion of his own personality which had the same basic motives, thereby forming a rather efficient service-to-others channel out of a very sensitive, positive instrument. Can you confirm this? That there was not Confederation content in that message on the floor?
I am Q’uo, and we may make this basic confirmation with additional notation that there was a slight misperception in your query concerning the nature of the service offered.
Carla: Does that have to do with my Christian background? That distortion?
I am Q’uo. We simply meant to speak to what we feel was a misstatement on your part in using the term “service to others” rather [than] “service to self.”
Carla: Oh, thank you very much. Yes. I meant service to self. Yeah.
I am Q’uo. Is there another query at this time?
Carla: Is that why he wouldn’t [let] me touch him, and he wouldn’t let me in the circle? Because I was too much of a polarized towards service-to-others nature?
I am Q’uo, and we find that we again approach that line of infringement across which we do not wish to step at this time.
Carla: May I ask if there is more than one motive for not allowing the touching? Or if there is only one? That would help me in my thinking.
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We do not wish to either confuse your thinking or to clarify it at this time, for to do either, we feel, would be an infringement. Thus, we choose not to speak to this query.
Carla: You would recommend simple analysis then?
I am Q’uo. We would recommend your powers of analysis be applied, your powers of prayer and meditation be added, and that the clarification of time passing might also be an aid in this case.
Carla: Well, I sure do thank you a lot for answering. I’ve been pestering you. I’m sorry. I’ll stop.
I am Q’uo. We thank you. Not only for your queries, my sister, but for your deep desire to serve, as well. Is there another query at this time?
Contact 29 (16 Jul 89)
Quote:[I am Yadda.] I speak only briefly. But wish to say to each here, there is one thing which acts as a brake, a stopping mechanism on the learning, and that is fear. When one is afraid, one cannot see whole and unity. Many of your concerns are only fears, and fear is an inappropriate emotion, for you have nothing to fear. Where can you go except the creation? Who can you be, except yourself? You can never be crushed.
It is simply that you, for a time, might decide to be afraid. What are you afraid of? Speak your mind and never worry about the reputation, the opinion of others, or even your opinion of yourself. But do the walk you came to do, and lose the fear which stops your evolution. Replace it consciously. Give it a good hour without fear. With hope and faith, these are the keys, not fear. Not the one who is unworried but simply the attitude of being a positive and loving positive and let people deal with you as they will. You are responsible for yourself. You may be as happy as you chose. You lose the fear, please.
We thank this instrument. She not challenge us to death this time. We have learned that we must follow her wishes or we cannot speak. So we thankfully [leave] in the love and the light of the One Who is All. I am Yadda.
Carla's First Letter on Yadda (06 Sep 89)
Quote:CAVEAT: Warning! These letters have not been edited by Carla. Expect errors.
Letter to R and K1
September 6, 1989
This is a letter to R from Carla and also K1, I imagine you listen to it together so I’ll talk to both of you. The date is the first Wednesday in September which turns out to be September 6, 1989. Imagine that—Fall! When I hear “Fall” I start thinking about the first days of warmth in the Spring (laughs) I really should live in Florida. Let me put down that I’ve responded to this last letter—Jim started this for me as he went out the door and I don’t dare touch the machine—you know I’m just death on those machines. I wish that somebody could sit down and figure out what electromagnetic thing I have in my hands—could it be grounded, or could it be annulled in some what so that I could type on a typewriter, work a computer, work a tape recorder—I break so many things and it’s not me, it’s just something about my electrical field, because I certainly don’t wish anyone in the tape recorders or electronic equipment to have a bad time. So much for that.
I am going to have to paw through and find your letter because it was a first one, since I’ve been gone for three weeks, but I think … (Telephone rings) … here we go, it was in fact, near the back. That was a heart sister and I couldn’t not answer her and she wanted to send condolences and I will tell you why: my father died. It was a blessing because he had emphysema really badly, he was on oxygen all the time and couldn’t really move—if he went upstairs he had to stop on the landing and catch his breath. So he was really, really so uncomfortable and he’d been uncomfortable for at least a year. So he suffered a massive heart attack—an infarction and defibrillation couldn’t be stopped, and it just happened in the hospital with all the equipment on to document what happened to him because he was in already, there were other things going wrong—his legs were swelling and people were getting a little panicky not knowing that he might have some besides emphysema and congestive heart failure, but it isn’t a sad thing, it’s a happy thing, because it’s a release from pain for him and the entry into larger life is just got to be the great adventure for all of us that we’re looking forward to and there really was never a better man than my father so I’m sure he’s in that big swing dance band in the sky, that was his first love.
Anyway, right about this time that Daddy did die, I was riveted bolt upright in my bed and totally awake and I didn’t know why—it was still dark outside so that means about a quarter to six. Well, I went down to the beach, didn’t disturb Jim, he didn’t know I was gone, he just slept on. I really had a feeling to go down to the beach and watch the ocean and I felt happy, I didn’t feel sad, and I just wanted to watch the sun come up, so I did that and when the sun was up over the horizon, you could see that there were storm clouds everywhere, but the sun had made these grey clouds into lavender, and pink and blue and violet and indigo and it was just wonderful, how beautiful it was, and then I sort of got the urge to go into the water, which I usually don’t do by myself having been a graduate of many years of the “buddy system” at camp and realizing that you can get into a whole lot of trouble in just a few inches of water if there is a bad rip tide or something like that but I thought I’d be okay and I was, and I went out beyond the breakers so that I could just sing, ‘cause I had this desire to sing, and I had a desire to sing two folks songs that I hadn’t thought of in a long time—one is called “The World is a Trouble and a Sorrow” and all the words together are “The world is a trouble and a sorrow, the only bright light is Jesus, you better be ready in the morning to sit on the throne with Jesus, we’ll all be ready in the morning, to sit on the throne of Jesus, and the Chorus is “Bound away for glory, bound for glory and deliverance.”
Well, that was one and the other you probably know so I won’t have to quote it to you: “I’m just a poor wayfaring stranger, traveling through this world of woe, but there is no sickness, toil or danger in that bright land to which I go.” And I really thought my father said goodbye to me in the gentlest, sweetest way he possibly could through the medium of song and healing water and seeing sun rise and seeing that even with the clouds it was beautiful. So when I got back to the cabin, of course not having any idea about this big deal of Daddy dying, somebody had driven over from the real estate office that rents all the island properties, and gave us the note that said “Pop had died and to call Mother.” So I really felt that even though it was a death, it was a victory—it was a blessing, and I really don’t feel any ambivalence about that, I’m just thrilled for him that he’s out of discomfort and pain. Usually, I do not answer letters out of sequence, but when a letter comes overnight mail, I have to respect the energy and the need for feedback from my humble self.
I got the easy part out of the way at first. The channelings are reasonable. Reasonable amount of good Confederation information, no evidence whatsoever of the megalomania that the Yadda pretender pulled on you, I really could not fault, from going through this thing to make sure that I didn’t make anything—seems that I marked one thing that you mentioned, yes, here it is: it’s on page 4 of what you sent me, on the bottom paragraph, third and second line from the bottom: “We would wish to suggest to the one known as R that we are now quite capable of energizing his receiver, shall we say, and that he would be well to not worry about the reestablishment of contact.” I disagree. I may be wrong. But when I get a contact back, I check it not three times, but I check it once and I know I’m already attuned and that’s okay, but I challenge them every time. It may seem like changing the oil every six miles, but to me, the idea of getting a lousy channel simply because I was not concentrated enough or not passionate enough to make absolutely sure who my contact was, that was unacceptable for me.
Now, you do seem to be—these typical first attempts at channeling—oh yes, and on page six I wanted to explain about the acceleration of the heartbeat and the rushes. That’s very typical, it’s almost predictable of a new channel, the rushes and the fast heartbeat and the feeling that your body is swelling up to the size of the moon and that kind of thing, the reason that it’s difficult for them to do that is because they’re not meaning to do that in the first place, it’s just that it’s a high enough energy that as it enters the body complex you react. As you get experience in channeling, you get to the point where you are not uptight, and you’re just perfectly relaxed and you let the channel come to you. Sure, you feel energy, but you don’t feel it as a rush which completely takes your mind off the message. So this is just a phase that you’re going through.
I had something to say about page 6: “We will urge the one known as K1 to consider that her reticence at channeling should be put aside if possible that we may have some flexibility, in providing the teaching experience to both instruments”.
It seems to me that you are not rushing, K1, it also breaks my heart that you don’t have a third person in your group because if you had a third person you would be getting universal material, especially if you ask universal question, whereas, working with two energies you’re going to be getting information that is pretty transparently for this person or that person or both. So I think perhaps one way, R, to think about it, i.e. female reticence, is that woman are not taught as men are to be, I don’t know what the adjective is that I’m looking for is, it is somewhere between “glib” and “honest” if you know the area I mean. Women are taught to bite their tongues, not to be too smart, to please their men, to go along with them, so say “yes sir” or “no sir” if they possibly can, be the ones that adapt because men are not very good at adapting. So all of us women grow up being taught that we need to watch our every word—that we cannot ever be completely spontaneous because we’re women and we need to be pleasant. Now a lot of people have broken free of that, but K1 and I haven’t. (Laughs) We’re still ladies—of some kind. So it’s no wonder that she’s having this problem of reticence. I had a terrible time of it—it took me two months to get my first contact because I had had such a trial by fire as a child where anything I said nobody else understood or conversely, if they understood it, they said “My God, this child, this girl is so bright, what is she doing in first grade,” or something like that, so I grew up watching my mouth. I’ve always been a confidante to many—it’s not too hard for me to watch my mouth because of the fact that I forget everything. (Laughs).
But as the time went on, K1 got better, then here again on page 7, K1 is channeling and she channels: “This instrument has much self doubt. We are aware there are questions.” It’s a continuation of the same rationalization for female behavior. Women are simply not as likely to feel loose about putting their a$$ on the line and maybe sounding completely foolish—because when you completely surrender to a contact, you’re the middleman—you’re not making anything up, and most women don’t really want to get into that position. A lot of men don’t either. But obviously there is the gift there, and I do encourage you not to have too intense a discipline, because you need to balance your discipline times with time, if you’ve been working very hard spiritually, go out and sin a little, keep it light, because if it were light it would be okay to take it seriously, but since this particular area of life—our trying to find the truth out about eternity—is so deep, we can over stimulate our subconscious minds by excessive meditation, so I truly recommend you limit the meditations, not the number of them—you can meditate all you want during the day—but try not to let them go on for longer than say, a half an hour. Jim and I meditate for 20 minutes in the morning and feel that that’s enough, but of course, we do readings too.
As I said, this is the easy part—as to the spelling of the name “adonai vasu borragus,” you can do as well as anybody, needless to say we’ve never seen it. I found it to be very grounded in positive polarity and the only thing I saw that sparked a “wrong” was the part about not having to rechallenge. Maybe it isn’t necessary, maybe I’m being a goofball, but better safe than sorry as they say in safety engineering.
(Leafing through papers.) Yadda managed to get to the point where he was able to say that you are most excellent (inaudible)—I found that to be true, however, “most” is redundant. “Excellent” is a superlative. I could be wrong about that too—no I don’t have any more notes on that at all. I read every word and they looked okay, they really did. They didn’t look like they were going to be publishable real soon but you’ve got to start somewhere.
So, that was the easy part. You have an enormous gift for channeling else you would not have been so split apart by the process of learning it—you wouldn’t have been running those energies and so forth. It seems to me that regardless of the shape that you were in last summer, that this summer you seemed to be in a much more stable condition and I really wish you had a third person there to ground the group. You really need a battery. If you could find somebody who is supportive of you all, whether they understand or whether they accept it or not, just an open mind and somebody who is interested in the channeling process and so forth. Okay, it really would be better if you had a three group—it’s okay for short channelings if there is only two people but for longer channeling you are just going to be getting information that is biased toward your two biases. The third person makes a universal. I don’t know why three is the big number but I have observed it is as a channel. Now, the hard part is expressing how I feel about calling off the intensives as they were.
It is not strange that you have invariably encountered resistance whenever the issue involves communicating (inaudible) because I think we’re in the book, you know. I think the loyal opposition is aware that these two stubborn ninnies are going to be positively oriented regardless, so when somebody catches fire from that and wants to give a life of service you then are standing close to that same light and I’m afraid that your light and K1’s, and my light and Jim’s would be very strong and they really don’t want us to get together and they don’t want anybody together. If you will recall when you came in everybody had had a terrible time getting to Louisville for the summer intensive, so it’s not at all unusual that you’ve had a hard time to communicate.
I really thank you for your discussion about what happened, the changes, however uncomfortable their mechanism was seen was how you put it and I totally accept the fact that it wasn’t my fault that it happened. That’s not the issue here. The issue to me and to Jim was how do we do this in such a way that people are not exposed right away to the kind of intense contact until they’ve done the lower energy center work and Jim was especially strong on this. I was hesitating on the side of those who rush in where angels fear to tread, I wanted to go right on with students and share in that way—share that energy—and Jim just felt that the possibilities of disaster were too great. He simply and rather emotionally for Jim, just said “Nothing is going to happen until I think this out.” And, Jim is pretty terse, and when he says something like that—you shouldn’t feel guilty about your part in this—you were a catalyst for us, but it could have been anybody. As a matter of fact, I’ve had two other people flip out on me, but they didn’t flip out on me during an intensive channeling seminar, and they were disobeying my orders—they were practicing channeling alone at home, so at least I’m glad to have K1 and I would love for you to get a third person because at that point I think you could take over your own development by sheer practice which is, of course, the way I’ve done it, I’m just a bozo too, but you just practice and you practice and you practice and you begin to get some interesting messages.
You’re absolutely right—if you came to me now I would refuse you as a channeling student because that’s Mick’s wish. I don’t like it—I do not like it—I would prefer to continue the intensives because even though I have seen that hardly anyone who learns to channel goes home and channels, the experience is always fantastic for everybody here. The energy hits off of each other and I can feel the group dynamics and it’s just wonderful when people have come and worked hard to get here and now they’re together and they want to learn spiritually—that energy is just incredible. So I don’t argue with Jim because he very seldom says “no” about anything, but when he says “no” it’s because he honestly believes it’s the right response, and I did discuss it with him, but he had thought about it already and didn’t want to do anything until he had sat down and thought about it. So he sat down and thought for quite a while and decided that my suggestion to him might work, and he would feel okay about doing it, and the suggestion was that he take over the lower energy center clearing because he’s been trained to do that. I think I was just born with fairly clear energy. Jim’s been trained specifically to clear lower energy center blockages through essaying, through dreams, keeping a dream journal, and discussing them around the campfire, any manner of stuff like that. Essaying is one of his favorite things. If you have a really bad experience you just rewrite it and maybe give the script to somebody else and live it out, kind of heals that blockage. So he had not himself been doing this, but he went back to it.
(Telephone rings.)
RE: Yadda Yadda - Monica - 09-20-2011
This is getting more and more interesting...
RE: Yadda Yadda - Tenet Nosce - 09-20-2011
Carla's First Letter on Yadda (06 Sep 89) (cont.)
Quote:Quote:I did, very much appreciate your thinking concerning responsibility. I had spoken about the difficulties of it and so forth, all that is completely true, but nevertheless, those energies are stronger on a sensitive instrument such as yourself—see, I’m not sensitive, I was a reluctant channel, I was pushed into this and it’s just because I’m basically all the same, all the way through, which is just another way of saying “pure,” or “transparent,” I’ve just been me ever since I was born—blunt and honest and here I am, I’m not mean at all, but people react different way to me, but I guess I was just stable enough that I didn’t realize how high the energies were, and it was nobody’s fault that you were the one that collapsed under those energies and had to be put back together. It just was instructed to me that you were a very good catalyst and it’s important if you want to be of service to people to understand how to teach what you’re teaching with the least possibility of blowing somebody’s circuits.
I really hear you urging me to teach again and I really would like to do it—it’s a preference. I have a husband that I’m very fond of and we work together and until he is comfortable with the idea, until he has found the way around the difficulties of sharing these high energies in a sudden burst to people—seven days in a row or whatever—I feel sure he’ll let me teach channeling again, I mean he’s helping me teach channeling once a week to people who live around here, but as you can imagine, there aren’t that many people around here that want to learn channeling—right now we’re not teaching anybody because I had two students—(inaudible) and C, and their energy centers were so completely double ruffled and backwards that there was no way I was going to work with them with those energies.
You see, I do learn—I don’t do these things twice—so we were working on lower energy stuff and that’s when I became aware how good Jim was with lower energy stuff and what he suggested and they found helpful and useful—they will haven’t cleared their energy centers, they quit, basically, for the summer, because the kids are out of school. Perhaps they will come back but I’m still not going to be able to introduce them to the channeling yet, because I am very well aware that they’re a little shaky. Well, one of them—her husband is an absolute belligerent tyrant and runs her around—she’s a PhD from the Sorbonne—a Parisian of enormous culture and regal bearing—she has some kind of a title, she’s a countess or something, she’s about my age, she’s very pretty, she’s very Madonna like, and for some reason her husband finds it necessary to correct everything she does, everything, and if she wants to do something, he says “No, you have to do something else.” You know, it’s just constant, drip, drip, drip, drip, and it’s driven her utterly crazy and having talked to her husband—of course I was a mole, trying to talk to her husband, I wasn’t saying “Hey, I’m trying to help your wife,” that wouldn’t have worked, but just listening to what he had to say without prompting, he looked like a fanatic. His eyes were fixed on a distant horizon, and he wants to do things like have an America to Africa road race to improve Afro-American relations, doesn’t sound like a stellar idea to me but he’s been working on it for two years, he wants to ride a camel across the Sierra, from west to east, I think he said, and he’s getting funding for that, believe it or not, from some people who would like the PR from it, so, basically, I think he wants to “be somebody,” and when he not off riding a camel across the Sierra, or doing something wonderful and adventurous, he just bosses his own family, he has to boss somebody and it’s a really bad situation when it’s like that because the chance of my getting through to Michael, a man of enormous intellect, but almost no ability to listen, are slim to none. Besides, he didn’t ask. He didn’t ask for my opinion and I don’t volunteer my crazed imaginings of what is right and wrong unless asked.
I scare you sometimes. Why? I don’t understand that. But, is that good, is that bad for you? Is this something is a positive in your life? You’ll have to share about that because I don’t feel scary. A 100 pound woman, this little dab of a thing, is not exactly a person whose self-imagine is that of the ogre, or that I would be able to scare anybody (laughs), except possibly somebody who didn’t believe in I.Q., but at any rate, you are absolutely right, I do have a gift of teaching, I do have the gift of bringing the energy in in a clear way, and I certainly have the love in my heart for the sharing. I would be doing this all of the time—I would have people in the house whenever they asked to come and they would just come and stay and they would stay for a few months and then when they went back we would be able to work out everything, and they would just kick in a little bit so we wouldn’t go broke feeding them the way we did with you all, but I simply cannot find it within myself to go against Jim’s wishes. I believe in the partnership of marriage, but he’s the feminist, not me. I honestly believe that someone has to lead—there cannot be an absolutely equal partnership because when you have two you have a Mexican standoff whenever you disagree.
I respect Jim a great deal and I have heard him speak very few foolish things in my life and I’ve known him for a long time. When he said “I don’t want to do this any more,” I just said “What do you want to do—what are some ideas—let’s make something positive out of this.” So he started his dream journal again—he started essaying again—he said that’s what we’re going to do, we’re going to have an intensive this winter, where everybody goes to the morning offering if he wants to get up that early, and then there will be a morning discussion, probably without me there because I always go to exercise—well part of the time anyway, I don’t know what my schedule is this fall. Talk about what questions and what line of questioning they want to concentrate on, because, after all, if people are going to be here for five or six or seven or eight days, from Sunday to Sunday is probably the ideal. Monday to Friday is Jim’s ideal. Poor guy, he’s just a loner and so I really need to tread carefully here.
But at any rate, that discussion would probably be with Jim working on questions and it would all be round robin—everybody would have input, then in the afternoon we would have an intensive session of essaying and dream work, whatever the people wanted to do—there’s a lot of spare time during the day as you know for talking, for thinking for walking for riding and I think that Jim will do an incredibly good job of teaching because he has one thing that I do not—he has terseness. When I talk it is as if I am throwing 49 darts trying to hit one in the center, I realize that I talk too much for a teacher and that I don’t maintain the baby step as Don always said that was the rule of teaching, maintaining the baby step, and I will be a better teacher. But I think Jim and I are going to be a really good team when he gets this under his belt.
So then at night we would take the question, or the line of questioning or whatever, and we would channel every night, but only Jim and I would channel, we wouldn’t be teaching people to channel. We would be exposing them to a certain kind of channeling and then discussing the material on the channeling. It might seem to be a real cop-out, but right now, with Mickey feeling as he does, this is the best I can do, and I think people will feel that energy whether it comes to them as a channel or not, and if they are interested enough, Americans get up and move all the time.
I don’t know what to tell you other than that. I feel extremely unhappy that I do not have the opportunity to teach any more, except to people that are local. But I really don’t see any way of doing it unless I can do it with a whole heart and my heart would not be whole if I did it against Jim’s wishes. So I’m simply being patient and letting him think it all out. I think he’ll probably go up to Avalon, the 90 acres of wilderness he bought, for several days after K2’s been here awhile and really think it out and plan it out and see how he wants to do it. His ideas are always good and he’s always willing to incorporate my ideas.
Let’s see, “Here comes the bomb,” he said. Reading: “I feel good and stable and I’m trying to be very careful, I’m certainly willing to let the contact continue…” I think that with the cleansing of the room with the lesser pentagram ritual, and always meditating in the same place is good, and it would be extremely helpful …
(Side one of tape ends.)
(Rest of tape is inaudible.)
Carla's Second Letter on Yadda (02 Oct 89)
Quote:Quote:CAVEAT: Warning! These letters have not been edited by Carla. Expect errors.
Letter to R and K
October 2, 1989
Dear R and K,
It is about 6:30 a.m., which, I am disgruntled to say, it’s completely dark outside. Every time I see one leaf of fall, I immediately begin thinking of spring. I hope that you meant that this was no rush because I do consider what you are doing to be so. Nobody else is up so I don’t want to wake anybody.
I did have some things to say about this channeling, but I think in general, the channeling is going well for you. I am glad you are getting a third person and I strongly suggest that you do not attempt to channel vocally without a third person. With a second person, you still may receive a comfort of a contact by simply allowing the contact to touch in, challenging it. If it passes the challenge, say hello to it and then just ask it to join in your meditation. That way no information is shared and there is no way to enter the body that has been tuned in and protected, etc.
You are not supposed to have a lengthy conversation with this guy either. You are just supposed to say hello. That is it when there are just the two of you. And then have a silent time. Silence is under-estimated in the development of channels because vocal channeling in service-to-others is not a particular aid to the self. It is a craft, a gift and to some extent, a craft. To a large extent, I think the one percent inspiration and the ninety-nine percent perspiration is a little bit on the jaundiced side, but I would say that it is at least ninety percent simple persistence and practice.
You know the old joke about how you get to Carnegie Hall is by practice, practice, practice. You are practicing and as a matter of fact, I think you probably are practicing too often in that it is an intensive experience when you do it every day. I channel for maybe two minutes or so maybe every other day to keep in practice, to keep realizing that the flow of this information is so spontaneous there is no need ever to think about what is going to be said; that it will come into the mind and no matter what it is, you just spit it out. When you do this day after day after day, it may become wearisome. It may become an exercise in service-to-others rather than simple service-to-others.
Your development as channels is service-to-others oriented, but you have to have the heavenly feelings inside you. The feelings of praise, thanksgiving, worship, adoration, that great self-awareness. You need to feed yourself in whatever way would feed that part of you, which worships the one Infinite Creator. Not as one separate from you, but as your true core self, which you will not ever discover in any undistorted way in this illusion, or the one following, or the one following. Indeed, not until the end of creation. We worship a mystery so before, and behind and underneath all service-to-others lies the loving channel. The channel that loves, worships, is fed by its own perceptions of that highest conscious, which is Intelligent Infinity—as some say, a higher power.
It is quite obvious that some higher power than us made us. We don’t know how to do it. It is well to discover a good way to worship this higher power within yourself and in all others.
The reasons that you are attempting to be of service is there is that love and that core of Creator-self in all people, and all this practicing you are doing is for the benefit of your art, not for service-to-others so much at the beginning.
I do encourage you to spend part of the time in silent meditation. I can’t dictate the schedule for you, but I will simply say to you that I would not put people through this without having an experience to channel there not on a daily basis. Your magical self, your Christ self, is being born. You are beginning to realize the possibilities and just like Jesus in the manger, you are helpless; you are little; you are vulnerable; and you are dependent on the parent of yourself.
Yourself needs to respect and recognize this tiny spirit within as universal and unconditional love, and be protective of itself. Don’t share this with others unless it is specifically asked. Keep this to yourself. You are young seedlings now and you need to protect your own growth. It is not of service to the self. This is simply to have the self be the best channel possible when the time comes to speak to a larger circle or even within the circle of three.
Another view is certainly possible and I am not saying that I am absolutely right. I am simply saying that it is in my observation that if you channel at length every single night, it will be intense and this is not necessarily good for the young one. The young one may need to be brought along—”fed the bread of heaven” as I call it in silent meditation, on simply being with the Infinite One, moving into the inner room, closing the door and then opening the inner sanctum to invite the presence of Christ consciousness or Christ, whichever way helps you to think. Then simply dwelling with that presence; tabernacling in the temple of your inner room with the most High.
All of the protection in the world, all the dedication in the world, without a spontaneous and gladly given love is as Paul says, “a noisy gong and a clanging symbol.” Nothing.
Do not let this service in any way become a duty. Let this service remain service-to-others in light, and if you are tired and feel that you don’t wish to channel every evening, I am not at all surprised. I would suggest stepping back the pace so that you have more time to learn how to be as you learn the craft of vocal channeling.
R., I guess I would have to say, you especially have a lot to undo. A lot of your active circuits are involved with pleasing people. Pleasing people has instant gratification, but it isn’t the same thing as serving people. To be eager to please another person is a beautiful thing and to do things to please someone else if it is not contrary to the personal truth that you see within yourself, it is fine. But if there is no spiritual principle that you can think of that would allow you to do what someone else asks of you, then you must simply say that. “I am sorry I cannot serve you because this doesn’t seem to be of service. It seems to me that it would be better if you did this yourself.” Whatever.
That is not easy to do, R., especially for somebody who is as deeply programmed to please as you are. I am amazed at the depth of your…. I mean, you are just like kind of a sweet little boy in part of yourself and I guess it was the negative part of that sweet little boy’s self that we saw trying to break through and break out. It was probably very, very frustrated at having to please so many people for so long.
You don’t have to please anybody. The point is to be of service to please the Creator. What one does is mostly dog food. It is nothing. It is the daily chore. It is the going into traffic; going to work; getting the dishes done; the wide variety of things one has to do for the upkeep of the body: bathing, sitting on the john, eating, all of those activities that are simple maintenance and once done, will have to be done again.
There is only so much time in one day. Consequently, instead of seeking more and more spiritual environments, let me suggest to you that all environments are equally spiritual in that in you lies the entire universe. The universe you see is a subjective, illusion the universe within, the template.
Right on page one, you are getting some very good advice here. “This is not a parlor game, shall we say, but it is a steady effort, a steadfastness, which will produce the desired result of service.” Steadfastness is correct. That is a good channeling and as a matter of fact, I could not fault the channeling in any great way so that is what I had to say mainly.
Not that you need to turn off the tape recorder and go do something. That is the thing that I would say would be the most general guidance from me on this tape, is that you are doing well. You need to slow down. You need to literally smell the roses, to appreciate with all of your senses the glory and beauty of our Infinite Creator, to appreciate them in your life and to each other. Just to be and to feel one with the Creator and appreciate the ecstasy of that.
These intense feelings are very, very important. This is what feeds your ability to serve. Otherwise, you disintegrate into a mechanical duty—perhaps an honor, but also a duty.
The steadfastness is in the daily meditation. If you wish to practice a little every day, one or two minutes, I would say that would probably be safe, but the extended channeling every day is very much to handle without a more experienced channel there. This is my experience. I cannot truly explain to you why this is so. I think it has something to do with regulating the energy center circles since I don’t know how I do what I do, but have simply come upon it, as it were, doing this channeling.
I cannot tell you the teacher who can honor the student except to give you the hints and the clues as to how you will feel. You are interested much more than how you feel what your state of mind is than in doing your duty or anything else. If you are tired, do the silent meditation, and rejoice and have a ball. It is really important that you not push yourselves, but simply be steadfast daily.
It was interesting to watch the channeling come along. It is very comforting to me and I say this more to R. than to K. It is a general comment that I try to instill in anybody when I am talking to them about channeling. I find it comforting that the communications received are not nearly at the level of fluency, or complexity or convoluted ideas, which R. is capable of. This means that there is channeling going on. If it were too good too soon, I would say, “Guess what, R., you have found a way to channel yourself.” And that isn’t horrible. That isn’t bad. It is just not what I teach.
There are lots of people who teach you to reach your inner self and they talk about the lower, and the higher, and the upper, and the inner, and the outer and all of these things and as far as I am concerned, there is a spiritual hierarchy out there and it is on sale. It is not the class act.
The true channel is constantly discovering the more experience it gets, how much it is editing out of the process channel because every time that you stop immediately to question an idea, to think about it, to evaluate it, you are diluting, weakening your channel, causing the process to stumble, as it were, to make a misstep. Consequently, when you pick it up again, during that pause was given things that you did not receive.
I still feel many times that there is more that the channel would have liked to give through channeling that I would simply be not ready to do and especially with Q’uo, who is very long-winded although very wise.
This editing process goes on and on. You must be patient with yourself knowing that you will try to analyze it. Of course, you will have to develop slowly. You can’t change over night. You have to develop new habits, new programs through (inaudible) you find that applicable to service. R., you might watch mixing kudos, and personal love of all entities and your personal love of K. It is not the nature of the contact Q’uo or the Confederation in general to call entities either wonderful or not wonderful, but simply sister and brother. I feel that is probably one place and it happens again and again. It happens repeatedly. That you are, indeed, perhaps operating out of a part of your own deep self as part of the channel.
Be aware of the point-of-view of this cosmic brother-sister entity and realize that there would be no flattery of any kind except simple thanks for being available. Whatever other compliments that you are receiving and is specific will be coming from another source.
The suggestion, K., on tape 2, to release yourself from any expectation is an extremely good idea, not just in channeling but in service-to-others in general. One can never predict what the result of one’s intent to be of service will be. There are many misfires. Some of them horrendous. Most of them simply blat. There it went and you cannot be of service-to-others with intention. You can simply intend to be of service-to-others, put it out there and release it.
You can’t say, “This is meant to be of service,” when you give it to somebody else because it may not be part of that person’s personal truth and it certainly itself is aggrandizing. Keep in mind the balance of being told between being and doing and be—in other words, silent meditation at least as much as the channeling meditations.
As for myself, my usual schedule of extended channeling is twice a week and one of those times I am doing it as a sermonette with questions and the other times I am bringing along new channels. Now K. is helping out and we have decided to start her off on Thursday nights and luckily, although there is not anyone else that is in my estimation ready to study channeling at this time. We had two students last year and I worked with them all last year up until our vacation this summer, and soon after I began working with them, I simply stopped teaching channeling and began working with their lower energy centers on that blockage because those were very firmly, intentionally wanting to help others and to be of service.
There were great confusions. There was an unawareness on the part of the other partner of what this partner was going through and, consequently, there was the unconscious abuse of that relationship. Much work was needed to be done to mend those two relationships and I am still in the midst of working with them. They have both improved, but one of the two partners in each relationship is not coming and is not going through the same experience.
Thank God, you two are working together. You will find it a bumpy ride, but you will be changing together. You can support each other in your discomfort.
K. is here to stay and of incredible help, even though she is having to work to pay off debts, we are hoping (I didn’t think this would be possible) but it just came to me that it was time to be more sacrificial in what I have spent. Surely we could find enough money to pay for a third person’s car, and car insurance and health insurance, which are the basics, that other costs would not go up that much. I simply need to give up that terrible addiction I have to lovely clothes.
I told K. we are going to start learning the second-hand clothing shops around this city because I still like clothes and you can find them cheaper.
I am going to move on through here. “ You can indeed sustain the effort required to achieve and maintain the contact.” That is extremely so. Few there are who can do anything on a daily basis of a spiritual nature for the rest of their lives. Basically those who are vocal channels have a ministry and need to live as ministers and feel fed with the food that tends to sustain us as we sustain our efforts.
“We have been getting things about the harvest that is at hand,” still on page 3, “and there is much to be done.” I think Ra’s suggestion is extremely good in that regard. I don’t remember which book it is in, but basically it says, whatever is going to happen is going to happen and at that point, there will be a great need for people like us who can offer information that will be very important to them. Rather than worrying about surviving a disaster, my interest is sort of being in the thick of it and doing the best I can while I am here.
The physical death is unimportant when you think about the real crisis like an earthquake catastrophe or a world war, whatever. I don’t have a feeling of defending myself. I have more of a feeling of wishing to share my thanks, my certainties in eternity with people who face death. We all face death, but most of us turn sideways to it until the last moment. It is not turning our back on it entirely.
About the stimulation of heartbeats and all that, conditioning is the general term that I know for the physiological differences. What I would call the rapid heartbeat is what I experienced for a good six months and that was a real rush. It is just a rush and it tends to knock everything right out of your head and you can’t channel. It is just a matter of the energy that is coming through you. It is just poof! As you get used to working with the energy, it slows and then stops by itself. My heartbeat doesn’t accelerate one iota any more.
However, I do ask for a very subtle kind of conditioning. I ask for a feeling of contact and different entities have different ways of entering my head, but I ask for the feeling of an electrical place of entry. I call it the (inaudible) effect. I do find that is comforting to me.
The reason that the acceleration of the heartbeat would be increasingly difficult to survive, as Q’uo said, is simply that you are practicing. I am still practicing too.
Your challenging is excellent. I would suggest that you do challenge once quickly, just to check when you pick up a channel a second time rather than simply going on trust. The better you get at this, the more close you stand to the light, and the more liable you are to interference by a negative contact.
You talk a lot on page 8 about, “it takes much practice, much discipline to be able to simply focus on a kind of energy.” It does. It really does. At the point that I am now, I think I may be able to start getting better because of the fact that I simply don’t worry about it any more. I have just done too much of it and after year after year of coming out with coherent material that is approved and is metaphysically good by such people as you and my priest, (inaudible) so I look at this as a life and the steadfastness, and the duty, and an honor, and all that. They are all there, but mixed in is the self-discipline that you really need to give yourself a way of bit of humanity. Sin a little. Take one day a week and eat all the wrong things and whatever you want, but don’t feel that you have to lead a holy life by leading a serious life because the most holy thing in the world is to be able to look at trouble, and woe and laugh at either while still being sane.
I have marked you both on page 9. I didn’t like that. You hadn’t gotten to M. and I like to see her come in. I am glad to see that you are beginning on page 10 to get some disclaimers because that is the most important part of this kind of contact. Speaking of the kind of contact, you have been fooling around with tape recorders. You have been fooling around with the crystals and, R., you have been fooling around with phenomena all of your adult life. You are fascinated with the stuff. It is like candy to you and you eat it, but it doesn’t give you anything because all of the phenomenal roads lead nowhere. They end in mystery and what feeds us is the worship, and the delight, and the joy and the peace we feel because of our relationship to that mystery. That mystery is love. That mystery loves us specifically and personally. We are imperishable beings who love back. But by the grace of being able to channel that love, it comes through us, not from us and when you are oozing and grunting, it is time for a break.
Not that I don’t think you did have to do a certain amount of oozing and grunting. Crying. I have the same problem every day of my life. I have to ooze and grunt to get up in the morning. If I was really one of those people that just didn’t give a $hit, I would probably be an invalid. I would probably spend the day in bed because I ask myself, “Do you want to get up this morning?” and my body says, “Are you kidding? No way.” Then I say, “Up; at them!” and begin the day because there is no denying the morning. It is coming and you might as well meet it cheerfully for this is the day of the Lord.
On page 12, R. picks Yadda. The instrument is the most excellent for Yadda and that is the danger. K., you should be holding R.’s hand. He needs the protection of bodily contact so that he cannot go into a trance because of the bodily interference. You have got to firmly hold hands and, R., don’t do the threesome thing without K. and M. holding your hands. There is a danger when you are very much aligned with a channel, and that is you will be (inaudible). I am sure you are aware that you ought to have hopes of speaking pithily, succinctly, clearly without convoluted sentences.
Yadda is a very strict, forward cat, whatever type of energies he may be. The Yadda channeling that I have read gets beyond any kind of at or awareness of how different Yadda is and really talks about the spiritual principles. When you keep your eye on phenomena, you do burn out because phenomena does not feed the heart. It feeds the mind and you can do a lot in your intellect and think that you are making a lot of sense when, in fact, you are thinking, not feeling. You really have to get that heart open and get the love coming in as well as going out.
The love of the Infinite Creator is everywhere, and in everything and is the nature of everyone, including us so what we have to do is just come to that awareness of the exciting sanctity in every piece of our lives because we need a good reason to do things to make us sacrificial, and denying, and in service-to-others and things like that. Love answering the job is the reason for me. I give a tremendous amount of love in what I do and I don’t look for an outcome. I just go ahead and channel. I always hope I channel well.
Here on page 12, I notice that you are questioning how often you should channel and maybe you should go into silent meditations. You really shouldn’t, R. and, K., I haven’t examined the mechanics of how you are going about this because I work with R. I know you always have trouble with silent meditations, listening meditations, because what you do is you image things. And you follow the imagery. That is to your credit in the real world, in the consensus illusion, in the dance we dance from day-to-day, but it basically sucks. This one application, you have to listen, stop talking, stop thinking, stop in-putting into your bio-computer. Stop that and listen.
The reason that I use all the bells and whistles of the Episcopalian church service and have all of my life, is that I am a sensualist and it occupies my senses, all of them. I listen to what is being done; what is being said; there is a tremendous amount of aesthetic beauty in the altar flowers, and all of the symbols used in service. They give you so many helps, so many tools, to polarize and worship. That is why I stick with my church, which allows me to stay in it although I don’t believe anything literally at all. I don’t care whether Jesus ever lived or not. It is a good story.
The song is helpful in clearing channels because again, us westerners, it occupies the mind. You can’t do anything else while you are singing unless you are like me, and you know a lot of tunes and you don’t really have to hum it. But I don’t need that when you are really singing the song. That is all you can do is breathe and sing the song. It clears you because it is magical. Singing is magical. It moves one into one’s heart, into one’s consciousness. It alters consciousness. And it has physiological effects n plants, etc., so it isn’t surprising that it has effects. What we put in our ears affects us because we more or less are what we eat, and I mean that in all of our perceptions.
On to page 16, here we go with the crystals and see, you are worrying about the crystals. You need to be worrying about being out in the universe having a ball. The basic idea of this is to live a whole life. Holy lives are lives lived in a consciousness of infinite and compassionate love. It doesn’t have to make you cranky. It doesn’t have to make you use anything else but your own crystallized being. If you want to use the crystals, fine, but it is neither here nor there. If it makes you feel good about crystals, then I think you guys were real crystal hounds when you were here. I don’t see any problems with that except for the fact that everything has some kind of distortion to it. No crystal is absolutely regular and you just do better to work on crystallizing yourself, I think, before you start to use aids, which are solids because the main thing is to quiet the mind.
You can listen to the breathing and imagine the old tired air going out and the new prana coming in, the energy coming in. That is a good thing to do. You can watch the back of your eyes except with somebody like you, R., that would lead to visualization almost immediately. With me, it stays usually in patterns of color, but I like listening to the breath the best because it is something that is absolutely every moment of the time, when you realize you are not watching your breath, then you go back to watching your breath. That gives you something to do with your head while you are listening.
I am going to send you the transcript of a meditation that we had recently where the worship was asked about and there was a lot of talk about how to worship if you don’t go to church. I think you all could really use this information. I told Jim to put a copy for R. and note it down on the tape so that the lady that types them will make one for you and send it to you.
When you are going to head for channeling contacts, which know about crystals or which are nature spirits, it is the same kind of change as moving to spiritualism and channeling your dead relatives. You don’t need to take the collected energies of the Confederation of planets in the service of the Infinite Creator and ask trivial questions. I do not deny that the phenomena are fascinating, but I do feel that they are all a dead end and that a person who spends a lot of time thinking about phenomena and isn’t realizing that everything ends in mystery. That you are not ever going to get where you want to go by knowing anything, but just simply by abiding in faith. As we say in this part of the country, “laying with it.”
You are going to have, see here on page 19, K. says that she would really like to have contact with those of the Confederation with the expertise about crystals. This is not the business of philosophers. Ra was very frank about saying this is a question of no value because he was trying to stop asking those questions because they weakened the instrument and right away, towards the end of the page R. to Q’uo, “I have been experiencing some difficulty in trying to maintain this contact,” and then we find that this instrument is experiencing much editing. You see you start having trouble with the contact when you start asking questions.
I think there are books out by very wise people about crystals and perhaps you should just do some reading. Also, the way to get hold of nature spirits, the devas—if you want to do that, what you need to do is find a teacher who teaches this kind of channeling. I don’t know how to ask questions of the Confederation without detuning the contact and I don’t know how to do anything except ask the Confederation to help another person, like E., who wanted to channel devas to get a deva. All I could do was, I think whoever it was, Hatonn, or whoever, handled the the other contact and watched the other contact while she was here. I guess that she hadn’t been able to do this at home for the simple reason that she isn’t sitting in a group with somebody that knows how to pray and has a lot of faith in that.
It would be well for you to decide what you want out of this contact. What service do you want to give? You want to know about phenomena? Fine. You are getting the wrong picture here. You are not at the right source. You should go to a spiritualist, or trance-medium or somebody that channels nature spirits or somebody that teaches about crystals and do that and learn all you want about it until you are satisfied. There is nothing wrong with any of this stuff. I have been through tons of material on all of this stuff. It is just that I have the brains to see that it all ends in mystery. And that strikes so deep in my heart because I am a philosophizing type person that I simply turned from it.
That is what I missed with you when you were here, R. I was letting you go on and on about various phenomena because Don used to do that all of the time and I never paid any attention to it after I figured out what I thought about it.
I am afraid it sort of winds you up and makes you start wanting more out of the channel and differently out of the channel. The Confederation is used to talking about spiritual principles and will not be detuned as long as you stick to that.
Think about it.
On page 23, it says, “Please concentrate on your own ridding yourself of your own doubts. Trust yourself more and feel the love.” They are wanting you to worship. They are wanting you to feel healed, whole, forgiven, at one, atoned for all of those things that you read in regular religions. This is what they are hoping would be the tenor of the life of the person that they are advising. They always say, “Okay, where is the love in this moment?” basically is the way Ra put it. Day-by-day, minute-by-minute, you are living a life. You are making a very rich tapestry. I think of it as making a poem, making life a poem, trying to make the colors as true and the emotions as clear so that everything is as clear as possible, but in order to do that, you have to be picking up on faith.
On 24 it says, “The confusion is generated from within each instrument.” The editing will go on and on. Allow that to happen. Allow the contact to have a feeling that there is more, but that you can’t get more. It is just a matter of practice. I find I go on channeling. I have been doing it since ‘74 now, so that is fifteen years. If I simply persist and leave the channel open, I can get any amount of information that I want to sit down and channel, but it takes the ability not to worry about hanging your a$$ over the line. The only way past that one is simply to do it, and to do it, and to do it until it is in your muscle memory and you are not concerned about it except that you do want to be of service so you are going to generate some information.
In the midst of all of your protection, your excellent challenging, you are obviously good tuning, all of these things that you are doing right, you miss the music so have a ball. That is the first priority. Be totally honest about what you feel and what you need and remember that if you were somebody else and you were the boss, you would be very good to that employee because you like people and you like to be good to people. You sympathize with them. That is the connection that you should be having with yourself.
Feed yourself. Singing the songs, reading inspiring things, talking with other people when they want to talk. Sitting in silent meditation every day. Feed yourself so that you won’t need the comfort and the protection as much because you will begin to feel with that lighter touch the efficacy of the protection that you are using and it is excellent protection.
On page 26, R., you ask about making these sessions into a book. I would suggest that you wait about a year at least before you start even thinking about doing anything but practicing because there is so much mediocre information out there by so many other channels who have not been persistent in pursuit of their gift and have allowed some sort of temptation, personal power over other people, looking smart, being able to prophesy. To take that information is a real trap because it is self-aggrandizing to do that. It makes you know something that somebody else doesn’t and that is always a secret thrill, but it is not good for the contact.
These channelings are not of the quality that would help anybody but you guys. They are typical of beginning channels who are feeling their way. I can’t tell you how relieved I was when M. joined you.
On page 29, I totally agree that the intensity of these meetings is too strong for the young neophytes, I should call yourselves. I could probably hack it, but I think I’d feel the strain after a while if I channeled a whole channeling every day for an extended period of time, even without going into trance, and I am not sure that I said clearly enough why I wanted your hand held, R.
You are not that tightly wrapped yet. You are making a whole new start on life. You are trying to learn to be a person who is honest just trying to placate everybody. You are trying to be straight forward instead of manipulating and you are having a lot of new programming to do. That young spirit within you is beautiful, but it is fragile. It is your best work and it is vulnerable so you need to feed yourself to the point where doing the service can be a joy and that means silent meditation every day, some sort of offering in the morning and some sort of offering as you go to bed. Spiritual food.
On page 31, there was something that I thought was questionable. K. asked if it is possible for negatively polarized energy to take over that channel after it has already begun and the answer is too wishy-washy. I am not saying that it isn’t accurate. It is extremely accurate, the whole paragraph if you are influenced by your feeling of self-worth, etc. However, there was some ifiness about the answer and I would say always, challenge. Just once or three times.
(Very noisy. Carla is moving mike.) I channeled him because I didn’t want to channel somebody that I knew like Ra. So that is a real temptation to let up on the challenging process. You can do it in good spirit and it isn’t a war. I mean it is a war out there, but it is a war that you can be a hero in.
I marked on page 32, K. felt that there was a being attached to her left side. What you do to get rid of entities like that is concentrate on the most succinct, pithy and deep-reaching symbol of your belief. I use the cross and when there is a particularly difficult or irritating spirit around me that is just not going away, but can’t meet the challenge either—one day I was hauling the cross up in my mind and saying, “I challenge you in the name of Jesus Christ. Be gone if you are not Jesus Christ.” Then I got this inspiration and I mentally put myself on the cross and drove nails through my hands and feet and prepared to die for the salvation of mankind. Then I said, “Be gone if you are not Jesus Christ.” That did it.
It has to be a real powerful succinct image that goes very deep into the mind so that when you do the challenging that you have the power and strength of your total personality as an imperishable being that you are able to bring to bear on a spiritual principle that is helpful to you. If it is a question of control, you cannot control the information that you get except by shaping the language in which it is put. All you can do is control what contact you get.
I don’t know if that helps or not because you are challenging in a universal Christ consciousness and I don’t know if there is a sign that you would feel comfortable using with that. Maybe the fish, maybe the crucified Christ, maybe the risen Christ. I don’t know, but you need to have some strong emotional, deep-mind kind of image to use in the challenging once you get some Orion problems, which you obviously did. It is not a bad problem. It didn’t actually get very far with that when you think of what is most deeply you and challenge with that image as an imperishable being that is the equal of absolutely everything in the universe, which means by the way, that none of the people that we talk to, including Ra, have ever considered itself superior to us. It is well that we do not consider ourselves superior in any way just because we have a ministry.
You got hold of the ocean and the tree spirits here. I really don’t know how to help you. It is a different kind of energy and it is more apt to be energies that are most conducive to being picked up in an altered state, that is, in a trance, and I haven’t had real good luck with controlling the trance experience. It has always been detrimental to me physically and permanently and so I don’t feel that I could teach that. Whatever you are interested in doing, keep your eye out for the right person because if you are interested in nature spirits, etc., they will get talking that specific things. They will be of a different nature, different energy.
I am a very limited help. I am just sitting here observing this and I don’t know much about dealing with devas or any kind of inner-planes people. I have done it and it makes me very, very tired, exhausted, and obviously that is not my bag so I wouldn’t be a decent instructor if I didn’t say, “Hey, this is my limitation. I cannot help you with devas. I cannot help you with the spirit of the old ones in the ocean or whatever.”
I know I, myself, have felt contact with the ocean. It was very distressed just before a hurricane blew through the islands. We were at Pawley’s Island one year. I understand that Pawley’s Island is almost not there any more. Just on the eve of destruction literally, I was very meditative, and just sitting and listening to the ocean and I started channeling the ocean. I challenged it. No problem. But it was so distressed because it didn’t want to be doing all of this harm. It just hated it. It had to do this.
Here on you add M. Hooray. And plodding along is exactly what you should be doing. It reassures me that as I keep on with this, I see that you are talking in longer sentences and longer paragraphs. But that the information is still rough and still mostly convoluted and basically about the process of channeling. This is precisely where I would expect you to be if you were on the beam so you are doing fine.
I wish that you and M. become as a threesome with R. in the position of being the most experienced channel and in turn have an experienced channel over R. for just like a week of work because I would feel better than about sending L/L west back to California and letting you work on it. It is pretty obvious to me that you definitely have a vocation if you want to take it up. It is a very serious decision to make, but you are hurting from now having a more experienced channel to rest back on. It makes the process harder than it would be otherwise and I don’t know what to do about that. But if the three of you come some time in the next century or so, it might help. It might help you. You might find a lot of comfort and I would like that for you.
On 37 you use the word performance, if this word is permitted, and you, yourself, realize that was not a word in the channeling. So I don’t need to say too much about that. You don’t perform. You are a servant. You wash people’s feet. Clean up their $hit. You work on their real deep problems with them and you do it with the spirit of no judgment, no criticism. You simply desire to help. The idea of performance, as if you are on a stage and you are performing for people, and then they clap or something—you know that really wipes out a spiritual ministry because we aren’t in sales here. We are not trying to proselytize. We are not trying to convince anybody of anything. We are just trying to get information that gives us tools and resources for the acceleration of spiritual growth.
What kind of questions to ask? There is K., the careful one. I think I have addressed that sufficiently. “Look for spiritual principles, inquire about spiritual principles and you will always have the best shot at getting the best that you can from the particular Confederation entities that I am able to bring in.” As I said, if you want to work with devas and spirits in the oceans and inner-planes types like that, there are undoubtedly very good teachers who can do that with you, but in this particular contact working with spiritual principles in general is their vortex.
40, that is where you were sliding into the trance, R. You really need not to do that. You really need to protect the self that you are making out of your old self and the trance state could tear you apart again. Because you are such a good compatible channel for the contact Yadda, I feel very cautious about that contact because I don’t want you to slide into a trance. Be careful, especially with Yadda, but always hold K.’s hand and will that she will stay conscious.
The idea of being of some urgency that these two instruments feel in finishing their mission, let me put it this way. I think that it is an easy way to untangle that concept. We are all going to die to get off of this rock. That means our time is limited. That means since we do not know the hour or the day when larger life comes to us, it is best to be working all of the time.
Consequently, my basic advice to everybody is just to have faith and keep plugging away as if you were going to die tomorrow. Think to yourself, If I die tomorrow, is there anybody that I haven’t apologized to? Anything that I would like to do and haven’t done for people. Make sure that you are squared away with all of your relationships, and clear, and clean and ready to start adventure. You don’t need karma.
I am on 43 now. (inaudible) I haven’t seen that name before, but then I hadn’t seen Gilio before either and it seemed rather harmless. Just remember that these changes will come. The point is not that the changes will come because we will die any way. There is no way for permanent survival in this body so just relax. Know that it is a time of transition, but know that these people are terrible with numbers. One of the hymns in the Episcopalian hymnal says, “A thousand ages in thy sight is but an evening gone,” and I really think that is where they are with that.
They cannot tell you when anything is going to happen real well. They had a lot of trouble with numbers.
On page 45, “The achievement of oneself is the critical and most important aspect of being able to avail yourself of the energies in the ascension, shall we say, of these surrounding consciousness.” That is a truth. If the crystals please you, fine. If dealing with nature spirits pleases you, fine. But on page 45, the last paragraph you get the straight stuff. “Once again, it is not so much the crystal, which requires cleansing, my brother and my sisters, as it is the instrument who wishes to channel the energies of ascension.”
That is why I put such a really strong emphasis on clearing the lower energies. I think we are going to impose a curfew so you or somebody else doesn’t get wiped out by staying up late and (noisy mike). I think that was really what put you over the edge, R. You just simply are in an altered state of consciousness from lack of sleep.
On this same page you say, “We hope this reassuring discourse will help you in your further perceptions within the structure, shall we say, for it is the key to accessing that which you wish to control in the service-to-others.” I guess what I would like to say too is to soften it and deepen it. What we want to do is bring ourselves to a channeling process just concentrating like a baseball pitcher, ready to do it, and just do it the best we can. And control is there, but it is only a benign control. Surrender is so much a part into worship, to channel, to grow spiritually that it is very important to control what contact you get, but if you start getting things around you that feel like powerful things, what you are doing is that you are distorting the energy according to the distortions of that crystal, so really the first thing you need to do is crystallize yourself. That is a dandy hard one.
Going to Sedona, I think that there really isn’t anything wrong with that, going to Sedona. There is also nothing fantastic about going to Sedona. It is a part of the spiritual supermarket. Sedona is a power place and the Four Corners area is a power place. Perhaps it really is a power place and that is fine, but the power place is truly within each of us and we are not dependent on the energies of the planet in order to work spiritually. I know that Sedona is seething with New Age people and I caution you.
You say here on 49, “You are finding your path bearable, shall we say, in spite of these additional attendees.” Actually that is the only reason that you learn to channel so that you can be of help to attendees. If you are finding this difficult to do, to work with other people, and channel for them, and listen to them and basically do your ministry, think about it. If you don’t want to do that for a long time, the expertise that you are working so hard here for is not likely to be useful.
I honestly believe that one can protect a place for the length of a working regardless of where one is. If you want to go to Sedona, go and without fear because if you know who you are, and you are very sure-footed in that knowledge that you are a child of God, nothing really can harm you.
I like those comments, R., that Q’uo made where he says, “(inaudible) but you don’t know the answers. You haven’t been focusing on the questions.”
(First tape ends. Start of second tape.)
RE: Yadda Yadda - Tenet Nosce - 09-20-2011
Carla's Second Letter on Yadda (02 Oct 89) (cont.)
Quote:Quote First tape ends. Start of second tape.)
I see again that you have included M. and I am really glad that you have a third person. It is so important and I think that you may find subjectively to become a trio.
On 52, “We leave now, figuratively speaking.” It is amazing how often that is said because they don’t ever really leave us. They just don’t talk to us.
They cannot protect us any more than our will and our faith. Accept it. Consequently, you really need to be polarizing on the body, in persisting on being merry in your growth, having a light touch, and always attempting to open up that channel so that the light and the love can come through you without exhausting you.
I think that you need to practice your channeling, I really do, before you think about publishing because there is no sense in putting another half-baked, beginning channeling book out when in a year or two if you continue, you will be in much better shape, and will be more comfortable with it, and more tuned to it, and will find it easier to get all of each thought out before the mind begins to edit.
I am done. I am on page two again. The only thing I have left to do is to sing you some songs because you mentioned songs and to sing you some little ones that you can sing around the house to make you energized and think about God. I think that is the main goal here is just simply to spend time with the presence of the Infinite Creator.
(Carla sings several songs and explains the background of each.)
(Carla listens to her phone message machine.)
I really enjoy that machine. I don’t want to get into a half hour’s conversation with my ECW President. I am arrangements chairman for the diocese and convention this year and she isn’t an organized person. She is not a logical person so she is compulsive. She goes over and over and over everything. It has been really interesting for me having the experience of having to deal with her because she is pretty irritating. But she is a very sweet woman and it is just that she is a bit dotty. But she is my ECW President and I do need to work with her, not against her. So I shall call her back after I finish with you.
(Carla continues singing.)
There is one that has helped me a lot when I am going through the dark night of the soul. Deitrich von Hoffer was a religious person who was in Germany in the thirties and he went to London and was out of it, but when he looked at how terrible the conditions were for Christians back in Germany, he made the sacrificial Christ-like decision to go back to Germany and try to help as a German to Germans, a sentiment which I heartily approve of and which is basically my feeling about the hard times to come. I will respond to them when they hit me in the face, but I don’t have to think about it ahead of time because in that time something will be given to me to do.
Probably croak because I won’t have any medicine, but at any rate, this guy was finally locked up in several different prisons and just before the war’s ending, I mean days before the war’s ending, he was assassinated by a firing squad.
While he was in prison in total solitude, he was able to use the Morse Code to tap messages of hope, and help and goodness to the other people who were stuck in the same prison with him and he had a real ministry there. He wrote this poem in prison so I think at desert time, which we all must experience if we change because change is painful, is a good time to have the words to this song under your belt.
(Carla sings.)
If you want some more, just tell me. I think that brings to an end my help to you. I encourage you very much in dailyness and to love each other and to have a ball. Take things lightly; be merry in the Lord; and not to be so overly serious that your honor becomes not just a duty but a burden. You need to keep yourself clear first.
I have a lot of trouble with that concept myself because I really want to get work done and it is hard for me to take time off, but I do it because I know I really need the rest, the feeding, the doing things just hacking around. You cannot take life seriously. Oscar Wilde said, “Life is too important to b taken seriously.” It is cute but it is also true. He also said, “All of us are lying drunk in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” Two extremely wise little quips from a dear man that had a real hard time of it.
As to our news, K. is sneezing in the front room, working out just super and is a real boost to the household. It is sort of like we needed a wife, an able-bodied person that could help Jim out. Jim told me recently, “I think I will like having a sister.” And that was really good news because he has trouble being with anybody, including me. As a matter of fact, he is going up on Avalon for three days again this week to just be and also to do a lot of work. He likes it to work and that sugar shack needs all of the work you could think of. It really did start out in poor shape. He has got a ceiling to tear down and windows to glaze and set in, etc. But he is making progress and he is having a ball.
And that is great. That is his green cathedral access church. To me it is all just bushes, and trees and stuff. I don’t really get a lot out of it except that it is pretty. One place is as good as another to me. I am not real sensitive, but Jim felt something really magical in the atmosphere. That is why I called it Avalon because that was a magic place.
A lot of K.’s stuff, silverware, plates, the stuff that one uses to keep house, will go right in that sugar shack once it is redecorated, and painted and everything, which is going to be a long time, but there is already a blow-up mattress down there and sleeping bag for Jim. He just takes food that he is going to eat along with him and he doesn’t have a stove yet, so he eats fruit and things out of cans. It really makes him happy and he is going to be gone from Tuesday morning until Friday, and will come back as happy as a little clam.
The money for the Book of Days simply did not come in. We got close to $2,000, but it is a $10,000 expense, not counting any profit. That is just how much it would cost to print it and mail it. I don’t think we even figured in any envelopes, only postage and printing. But we did get quite a bit of the money that people said, that if we don’t make that book, go ahead and keep the money and so we had some extra money. We decided to use it for now on beefing up the computer to match K.’s abilities so that K. can help us better and get a printer. She is looking at a Hewlitt Packard Deskjet. It is a printer, that although it is not a laser printer, it looks like a laser printer and it is cheaper than a laser printer. We are headed towards those purchases, which are fairly substantial but we have that much money right now.
We figure, okay, creation didn’t want a Book of Days right now so we’ll just use the money that was donated to improve our ability to serve. That is real good.
I think I told you that we also used some extra money that we got that we didn’t need for reprinting to get a baby sitter for the kids that come to the meditation group with their parents. I put a second TV upstairs and K. has got a VCR that’s got cable so there is a television room upstairs that the kids can watch happily and they are always mesmerized by TV. Therefore, they are quiet and all we have to make sure is that they don’t turn the TV up too loud. That has been a real blessing.
We haven’t had trouble with people trashing the house, which kids in their gangster period, like from 9 to 14, will do. Just too much energy. We try to look at the money just as energy, not particularly for one thing or another, but as something that is being made available to us and what should we do with it? There is no sense in being attached to an outcome because you don’t always get the outcome that you want. You just do the best you can.
We did the best we could with that book. The hope for its being published at this point is No. 1: If we wait long enough, we will accumulate the money. We are a little bit ahead. Periodically we do have money. It might be ten or twelve years that we might publish a Book of Days that goes through three years instead of one.
That is one possibility. The other possibility is a memo from Transition Publishers and they solidly and enthusiastically want to publish the material. They read one little thing in the Lightlines and wrote us immediately and said, “If you have enough of this to make a book, we want to publish it.” Jim wrote back and said, “What’s the deal?” They said that they didn’t have any money right now. They were new. They had to collect some capital before they could publish our book and Jim said, “I need to know about how much the whole cost would be to me because I don’t want to get into a situation where I have to pay more for the book than I would if I printed it myself.” We learned that lesson with the Ra material. It is the most expensive book we’ve got.
It is not usually responsible for pulling in a lot of money because people are still thinking of costs of books as being about $4 or $5 a book for a paperback at the most, and actually the costs have gone up so much. Every time we do a newsletter, we spend close to a $1,000. It is just one of those things where there is a tremendous amount of energy moving through the group and rather than block it by feeling down about not being able to do the Book of Days, we just feel like we will do something positive with that money, and then accumulate money as we always do and wait for the day when we can print it.
Unless Transition comes through with a good deal for us, we’d really rather print it ourselves, but there is no hurry for that. There is just one of those things—a thought for the day kind of book, which I thought would be a good moneymaker for L/L because people do use daily guidance of some kind. They read the Bible, or they read the Daily Word, or Forward Day-by- Day, if they are Episcopalians. That is what our church puts out and I think different Christian churches put out different day-by-day Bible readings, thinking- about- things schedule.
I think I’ve got you up-to-date on all the news.
R., I do caution you to hold K.’s hand. This is most important. M., I thank you for being a third. Don’t worry if you never channel in your life. You are just as much a part of that channeling as the channel. The energy that is pulled into the group is pulled in not by the channel, but by the group. The channel is simply the instrument, which is used to express what is being pulled in, what is being called for. Be very, very careful what you call for, what you ask for because you’ll get it.
That is the spiritual law. So I think you all are doing very bravely and very well and working too hard on your spiritual lives.
I think, R., that you are still too involved with the phenomena and I want you to use your intellect and analyze what you don’t know. The speed of light—why the constant? What does it mean? It is useful in many, many equations and we have been able to make many, many gadgets using our knowledge of the speed of light. It is a constant. Nobody knows why.
Electricity—people know how to generate it, but to explain it, to tell you exactly what electricity is, nobody knows. We don’t know the bottom line. All we know is how to use physics, electricity, gadgets. We know how to manipulate, but to be able to explain the principles upon which they work is impossible.
I would not say this on my own hook because I am the most ignorant person you can imagine about science because I entered college as a junior having passed the necessary tests, and was admitted as freshman, as a junior. I didn’t have to take any of the foundation classes that they generally run you through. Consequently I am a novice in (inaudible). I know no sociology, no science. I know the Russian language, which I have forgotten. I know American literature. I know how to write. I know how to be a librarian and that is it.
Talk about a narrow education, but Don explained it to me that behind absolutely every phenomenon was a mystery. It is really important to keep that in mind.
(Section missing?)
… it is to know that understanding is not part of this illusion and that no matter how many details you learn about the pyramids or whatever you are interested in, great souls, spirits, etc., it has all been worked on, but it will not move you into the cavern within. What will do that for you is giving yourself a period of silent meditation so that you will be up, and strong, and cheery about vocal channeling, which does take a lot out of you—very concentrated. It doesn’t get easier. You do have to have a very high grade of concentration.
The Box Society conference is next Sunday. R.F. from Florida is coming up on the bus on Friday and will be here until the 11th. That will be fun. I have tons of work to do right now because I am arrangements chairman for the convention this year. It is like putting on a wedding arrangement or huge party with over 100 people that goes on for a couple of days so I have to deal with four meals, and four different workshops, and where to put the chairs, and getting somebody to handle the chairs, and making sure that everything is taken care of so it is just a lot of organization. I am not really enjoying it, but I do it because of the discipline to do something for the love of God is a hard discipline if you don’t particularly like the job.
It can be made joyful by realizing that serving the Creator is freedom, that is truthfully. We will not realize that without a lot of work, so I don’t begrudge the jobs that I have been given this year, which are somewhat extensive because I know I will be able to help and do a good job. Because I certainly can pick up the phone and that is basically what it is all about is delegate things to somebody and now K. is going to help me by writing the postcards to each and every person contacted so they can scurry around and get it done.
The minister to the young church is my joy. To minister to the people in the church seems to me far less necessary because there is so much help in the church that ministers to people. People that are working with me on channeling are truly strangers in a strange land, and I have to help them find their own personal myths, their own personal beliefs, systems and encourage that. I feel that is more important than doing work for people who are already coming to church so I do that for spiritual discipline and I do the corresponding with people just to be of service. I like helping. I like what I do for them.
I think I have finally run down. I always think of one more thing to tell you. We are having sort of an Indian summer and Jim is having a wonderful time out on the land.
My health for me has been real well. I have got a lot of aches and pains, but I am not dysfunctional now any time I can get up like at 6:30 a.m. I am learning how to eat healthy foods. K. is doing part of the cooking now. Things just feel real good now.
We are going to have an intensive, which is going to involve work on the lower energy center blockages and listening to meditations and it will just be people that write in. Jim will notify them when they write in and put them on the list as it is first come, first served. He thinks he can manage it to do two a year, but wants to do two and evaluate. Do one and evaluate and then do two and evaluate and see if this is our path. If we have found our path because we have been searching for a vehicle for teaching after we got together.
Don was a wonderful speaker, but Jim and I are just people. We haven’t the careers that Don had and I feel good about that. Teaching is something in our lives to develop and get better. Each time we do one, we analyze it and figure out what we didn’t like about it and then apply ourselves to thinking about how can we be of service. We have to work so that there isn’t a problem, whatever it is.
We will have one of those some time this winter and another one some time in the summer time, whenever people write in and want to come. I guess that is pretty much the extent of planning the future.
We just got out what Jim considers to be his best newsletter. It went to six pages. He actually spent extra money to do with this one channeling, so I hope everybody appreciates it. It was real expensive.
Things are just hopping along great here and except for an ache or pain or two on my part, we are basically approaching perfection at this point, very humbly but very pleasant and restful. Just as I had hoped it would be. We are all pretty nice people. There is no reason that it shouldn’t be that way. You never know until you actually do it, but it feels real good.
As for you two, I love you dearly. Take care of each other. Be sweet and take it easy on yourselves with your new selves. Think of yourself as a baby that needs to be nurtured, treated tenderly and that will help you out a lot. You need to be sweet and good to yourselves. If you haven’t relaxed all day, you have just go to drop what you are doing and go read a joke magazine, or see a comedy to get back on the beam of being married and joyful. I think that really is what we give to this world as wanderers is our simple being in a joyful, eternity-based awareness of consciousness rather than a (inaudible) awareness of consciousness, which is, of course, just manipulating illusion.
I shall sign off now. Lots of love and light to you both. I really hope that you meant no rush because I have had a lot to do lately and I really couldn’t get to it any sooner than now. Here’s to you. Sorry I had to talk so long on this subject. You can take a trip somewhere some day and listen to it.
Talk to you later. Cheerio.
Contact 30 (06 May 90)
Quote:Quote:I Yadda. I greet you in love and light of infinite One. Request to come to this gathering of souls because of previous contact with the members which is of special meaning at this time. We say greetings and love.
We say you have too much intelligence to trust your intelligence, do you not? Hah!
We thank you, we are full of love for you, leaving each in “bressing”—blessing—we get better at this as we speak; some day no accent for Yadda. We work towards that day, yes? We wish you joy and merriment—merriment, you see! We speak well. Be happy, for you need no clothing of reputation, no mask of learning. You are perfect. May your God go with you as this foolish one insists upon her Jesus. May you have the intensity, the feeling, the feeling of wholeness which passion brings. We say to you love and light as that is all that is. There is nothing to understand. You must settle your minds and ride [by] it, casting a cold eye on those who would be wise.[1] We leave you in the One Who [is] all love and light.
I Yadda. Adonai. Adonai.
Contact 31 (28 Sep 91)
Quote:Quote:I Yadda. I greet in love and light of infinite Creator. We stop in only to greet the one known as M, to wish her laughter and light upon the pilgrimage. Shed all that is other people’s clothing of the mind and the heart and the spirit and there shall be new clothing of light in your spirit, but only if you ask. We encourage you to call to us, that all be made anew each day, to feel the fullness of joy which is the joy of the servant who serves well. We thank this instrument for allowing us to speak, for this instrument also has the longer message that [she] wish to express. Our joy and blessings upon each. We are Yadda. Adonai.
Contact 32 (04 Oct 92)
Quote:Quote:I Yadda. I greet you also in the love and in the light of one infinite Creator. Greetings and salutations to so many solemn minds today. We ask you who are here why are you so serious? Be less serious. The importance of your work is like clothing; you have on too many clothes. Take off some solemnity! Yes? A vest of serious, a tie of responsibility. Away with these things! And when you are naked and no longer so solerm … solmn … solenn … so solemn—haha! We got it!—when you are not so solemn anymore then bounce and jiggle and jump for joy and feel the waters of love that you so solemnly seek now.
You know you keep yourselves from your own bliss by holding too tightly to the clothing of righteousness. We thank you for allowing us to share our thoughts with you, and would say good-bye with much blessing … blessing … ha! We are Yadda. Adonai.
Contact 33 (21 Nov 93)
Quote:Quote:I Yadda. Hah! We take this instrument by surprise. She say love and light for you can speak. We greet you in love and in light. We look at your hopes and dreams and say to you, “Let no one discourage you.” If someone seems to have authority yet discourages your efforts, then you must say, “He is not what he seems.” Then to yourself you give encouragement. Perhaps there is not someone besides yourself to strengthen you, then you must stand on your two feet and encourage yourself. Be never faint of heart, and know always that energies such as ours are numerous.
We cluster about those who seek to hasten the day of perfect balance. Open the heart to that company which wishes to support you, and feel that wordless encouragement. We thank the one known as (name) for allowing us to share this thought, and now would leave. I am Yadda. I leave you in love and in light. Adonai.
Contact 34 (22 May 94)
Quote:Quote:I Yadda. This instrument wishes to challenge and not trust the vibration, so we must stop and challenge. We accept this instrument’s anal retentiveness, as she would say, understanding that she is in earnest in the attempt to receive only positive information. We, too, say of wanderers, “Go to it, and stop complaining.” You came to work, so work! Where is the joy unless you sink your teeth into the vibration of your Earth? Feel that strength within and stop namby-pambying.
We exhort you—have fun!
We leave this instrument in the love and light of the Creator. We thank this instrument for allowing us to bare our barbaric “yawp.” We leave you in the love and light of the infinite One once again. I Yadda.
Gratitude for Yadda through Q'uo (01 Oct 95)
Quote:Quote:R: Just a comment. I enjoyed your view of the subject. As I read through the channelings from Yadda and Latwii, [they] always bring forth a light touch on a serious subject for me and I just want to thank you all for that.
I am Q’uo, and we appreciate your comments and are grateful that we and our friends of Yadda have been able to add a certain light touch.
Contact 35 (09 Feb 97)
Quote:Quote:I Yadda. I Yadda. We got the call from R, so we are here. We greet each in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. We have only to say “hello and goodbye,” but the one known as R asked for our voice, so we came. We Yadda. We leave you in love and light. Adonai.
More Q'uo on Yadda (04 Feb 01)
Quote:Quote:Carla: One final query. Procedural only. There are a number of entities who have asked for Confederation entities such as Yadda and Nona. I perceive that I am removing the opportunity for these entities to speak because of the way I tune. I ask for the highest and best source that I can contact in a stable manner in a waking consciousness, and so I get you all. Is it permissible at the end of a session if someone wants to talk to Yadda or to listen to Nona that they would simply ask for that entity and then the contact be transferred back to me? Is that possible? I believe that both Yadda and Nona would vibrate harmoniously within your range.
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. This, indeed, would be possible if it was desired and requested. Is there a further query at this time?
Hatonn (not) on Yadda (01 Apr 01)
Quote:(Jim channeling)
I am Hatonn, and greet each again in love and in light. We would ask those present if there may be any further queries which we might address this day?
Carla: I would ask if you would like to comment on why we got you instead of Q’uo. You did say something about that. I would be glad to hear anything further.
I am Hatonn. We are always eager to lend our vibrations to this group, for we have been with this group for a great portion of your time. When there is a certain configuration of seeking within your circle of seeking, then it is our privilege to join you in word and with our vibrations. And so we do so today. May we ask if there is another question?
Carla: No. I am glad to talk to you. I just asked about it because it is unusual and hadn’t happened in a long time. I’m very glad to talk to you. There have been requests to talk to Oxal and Yadda as well, but I haven’t exactly known how to request certain entities because I just ask for the highest and best contact that I can carry in a stable manner and that almost always comes up Q’uo. Thank you very much.
I am Hatonn, and we thank you, my sister. May we ask if there is another question at this time?
RE: Yadda Yadda - Tenet Nosce - 09-20-2011
Amira (Jesus)
Hatonn on Amira (30 Nov 80)
Quote:Quote:The one whom we call Amira and whom you call Jesus did not desire to eliminate from his disciples’ lives cares and concerns about the state of their spiritual wellbeing. Indeed, he constantly urged his disciples to become more close to perfection. And it is written in your holy works that he said, “Be perfect as your Father is perfect,” and again, “It is not I that do these things, but my Father.”
Latwii on Amira (07 Dec 80)
Quote:Questioner: Is there also one known in the Bible as Satan that also lives?
There is, my brother, an entity in people’s hearts known as Satan to them. However, this entity is part of the illusion of your density. The reality or seeming reality of evil is as natural to those who dwell in your polarized density as the darkness.
The vibration in which you live is made of many pairs of opposites and the interplay between these causes movement. To live is to move and the principle which has been called Satan is something within consciousness which repels and thus causes growth and movement.
There are some drawn to the negative or evil principle who may be said perhaps to be fond of the Satanic and these people are truly not pleasant. But they simply have chosen a path of separation from the Father, a path of belief in the importance of the self. This leads such people to desire power, especially over others. Those polarized towards the good desire power over themselves, so that they may better serve others.
There is no being known as Satan on your physical plane nor has there ever been. However, the vibrational principle from which this concept received its ancient name is a thought form which is a reality of your illusion. We wish to distinguish this from the reality of the one known as Jesus or, as we know him, Amira, who is an entity who lives and dwells in love. He is a thought form only to those who do not realize that he is a real being.
The one known as Satan is merely the shadow of evil thoughts. Given fear enough, evil thoughts can do harm, can cause fear and pain and anguish. This power is given to the Satanic principle only through the fear of the one who is feeling the difficulty. There is no reality to the fear and thus it is said love casteth out fear. The one principle called Satan is a lonely and sad thought form and we would say to you, accept this principle as part of yourself, as that within you, if you will, which spurs you on to growth, to new understandings, and to desire for truth. Love this entity therefore, and take all strength from this mere shadow.
May we answer you further, my brother?
Contact 1 (20 Dec 81)
Quote:I greet you in the love and the light of the Father. I am Amira. My children, you call to me and I come, but am I not always with you? Is my peace not in you? My incarnation is known to you and still you seek as if I were not here. I am with you always and yet it is not I nor all those things which I say. Ah, but those things given me by the Father, let it be so with all … I am Amira. I am with you in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator.
Hatonn on Amira (26 Feb 82)
Quote:I am Hatonn, and I greet you, my brothers and sisters, in the love and the light of the Creator. My friends, my loved ones, it was with great pleasure that we shared the thoughts with which you opened your sharing, and it is the oneness of all of creation that is the objective toward which you strive. That oneness, my brothers and sisters, is contained within the love and the light described in those verses, for the light of the Creator is that from which all life, all energy, extends, and it is the love of that Creator that binds all together into a single unity.
The individual known to you as Jesus Christ, known to himself as Amira, came to your race, to your planet, many of your years ago. He sought not to found a religion, a dynasty, or a kingdom on Earth but rather to be of service to those who sought to free themselves from the illusion that had begun to bind them so tightly. It may be said that this man was no greater than any other that has walked your planet, for his accomplishment was, in simple terms, to do that which he intended upon entering your density. My brothers, my sisters, was this not the same purpose for which you yourselves entered this density?
The accomplishment of setting oneself a task and striving toward its completion, although significant, does not place one beyond the realm within which the individual functions or has functioned. Rather, it more clearly defines the realm in which others of that race or density may accomplish their own set tasks, and more clearly illuminates the falsehood of accepting one’s supposed limitations.
My friends, our purpose is not in saying these things to belittle the accomplishment of an individual, but rather to place it within a perspective, a perspective which we hope will enable you to understand that all of which he attained is within your grasp at this moment. He once said, “All of these things you shall do and more.” Yet, most often it is convenient to ignore such statements as this, for they come uncomfortably close to reminding us of the truth of the understanding within our souls. It is far easier to establish a towering pedestal upon which to place such leaders, such lovers, far beyond our reach and far out of our sight, that we may not be uncomfortably reminded of our potential for attainment.
My friends, the possibility exists at this moment for each of you to destroy the pedestal, to realize that the accomplishments of this man and others like him who walked your planet are not safely out of reach and unattainable but rather within your grasp, within your attainment, for those individuals are yourselves and their attainment is your own. My friends, have confidence, have faith in yourselves. You are as that scripture stated, yourselves, Sons of God, portions of the Creator, not merely children but each a unit of light within itself.
It is elsewhere said within that same book, my brothers, that the Creator formed each of you as a likeness of Himself. If this is true, my friends, then who but yourselves are responsible for what you have created? My friends, the temptation exists to point at others of accomplishment and say, “Yes, I will be like that some day, but not yet.” Be like that today, my friends. I am Hatonn.
Latwii on Amira (02 Apr 82)
Quote:S: Yes, so my higher self feels for me to see a UFO that it would be a distortion of my learning at this time?
I am Latwii. My brother, it is not our place or desire to speak for that higher self, for in doing so we could only hope to provide a distortion of the original intention. However, [if] we might again be permitted the use of an analogy, we would provide the following analogy. There are many of your race who follow a religious sect or grouping that refer to themselves as Christians, and whose lives are based upon the attempt to follow the teachings of that one we know as Amira. If we might pose a question to you we would do so as follows. If for these individuals a visitation by Amira occurred at each point of difficulty or temptation, would a substantial amount of growth occur within those individuals, or if a service which you refer to as a miracle would occur to remove this difficulty for them without the necessity of their faith or firmness of purpose being tested, would this be that which you would regard as beneficial or loving service?
Hatonn on Amira (09 Apr 82)
Quote:I am Hatonn, and I greet you, my brothers and sisters, in the love and light of the infinite Creator. My friends, my loved ones, this is a day traditionally associated on your planet with the remembrance of one known to you as Jesus, Joshua, or known to us as Amira. The mission and accomplishments of this entity while on your planet have been greatly misunderstood by most, in that an effort was made by a number of your people to interpret his words and actions within the framework of that which was earlier understood and yet was so sorely lacking as to require his sojourn upon your planet.
The interpretations of his words and actions were by some misunderstood while in others a conscious effort was made to misrepresent those words to create confusion and augment the numbers on your planet who would either polarize in what you describe as a negative sense or would fail to polarize due to confusion. However, my friends, it is never possible for confusion to overwhelm knowledge, just as darkness, being but the absence of light, is unable to overwhelm light.
My friends, there is always one source of information that you may draw upon, and that is that still, quiet voice that speaks to you from the depths of your soul when presented a heartfelt question. It is often difficult to perceive that voice behind the clamorings of those voices of the mind, and for this reason, among others, we encourage strongly the frequent use of that tool which you call meditation, for it is only through the attainment of skill with this tool that the voice may be perceived and thereafter recognized.
My friends, the attainments of Amira are worthy of your attention and emulation, for he was able to accomplish much of which on your planet was long overdue, yet it is important, my friends, that you realize that his accomplishments are not unattainable to yourselves; if anything, they are more attainable as a result of his efforts. Seek, my friends, and you shall find. Knock, and it shall be open to you, and if you but ask, that for which you ask you shall receive, for such is the way of the universe.
These are not merely grand statements deprived of an eloquence of a man thought to be two thousand years dead, but rather statements of fact, of simple laws that guide the functioning and development of your universe. If it is your will to attain that growth which was achieved by that man, Jesus, if you would have his knowledge, if you would share his wisdom, then, my friends, these goals are within your grasp, these answers will be given. This wisdom will be obtained if you but constantly seek, my friends, if you but constantly ask. If your knock at the door of knowledge is ceaseless, if your maintain your hunger, refusing to be satisfied with that of which you are aware and continue to strive toward that which is still unknown, then, my friends, your quest will be fulfilled, just as that of the one you call Jesus.
You may recall, my friends, the final statement attributed to him on the day that you are recalling. That statement, “It is consummated [1].” My friends, give yourselves to your striving, do not yield to distraction, to boredom, or to the influences of those who do not understand your seeking, but maintain your efforts and do not be satisfied until you have reached that point where you may confidently acknowledge that your task of learning on this plane has been completed.
At this time we would pause that our brothers and sisters of Laitos might pass among you and share their vibration with those of you who might request it. I am Hatonn.
I am Hatonn, and I am again with this instrument. We of Hatonn would like to thank you for your patience while we have spoken. We are aware that at times our words are ponderous and unyielding, yet we would ask you to be aware that our intention is but to serve, just as the one who fiercely and seemingly without compassion braided himself a whip and drove those which you call money changers from a place of worship. The eyes can’t see it but the heart can recognize the love within the action and the love within our communication when we attempt to share our thoughts with you.
We will now relinquish the use of this instrument that our brothers and sisters of Latwii may share their thoughts with you. I am Hatonn.
Latwii on Amira (16 May 82)http://llresearch.org/transcripts/issues..._0516.aspx
Quote:R: I have another question. Latwii, when Jesus lived on this Earth and he established a church, my thoughts of what a church is is not what I’m seeing. My experience and concept of church is one that has a lot of power, hierarchical structure. I have found church to imprison and hold people in captivity, and I would like to know if you could comment on what Jesus’ concept of church would be and when he said to Peter that, “Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it”?
I am Latwii, and I am aware of your question. The individual to whom you refer as Jesus, that who is known to us as Amira, visited your planet for the purpose of assisting those present and to come in their attainments. The church that he sought to establish was not a structure either physical or theological, for those in many cases serve but as distraction and limitation as you are fully aware. The rock upon which the church was to be founded was that of willingness to serve one another, and the willingness to love one another. As you are aware, the statements which preceded the …
We will pause.
(Side one of tape ends.)
(L channeling)
As you are aware, the statements preceding the verbal founding of the church were the questions repeatedly, “Do you love me?” and the exhortation, “Feed my lambs, feed my sheep.” Upon these two concepts, love and service, are that church founded. The accomplishment of these two efforts requires no structure. As you are again probably aware, the moment to which you refer took place out of doors and not within the confines of a building or regimented theological society. The social structures that you refer to as churches are not without love or service, and we would not imply that they are without value, however we would suggest that just as the communication that you receive this evening is not appropriate for all entities on your planet, so also are the teaching and actions of these social structures inappropriate for some who are not benefited by these social structures. We would therefore suggest that that which is an occasion of discomfort, that which produces frustration or dissatisfaction, be avoided if the net result is not beneficial.
May we answer you further?
Hatonn on Amira (11 Nov 84)
Quote:I am known to you as Hatonn. We thank Latwii and Laitos for aiding us in the conditioning. We thank a great teacher known to us as Amira for lending an energy that feeds into this particularly powerful group this evening. We give thanksgiving, and we praise each of you. May your hearts rejoice and be merry, for you are yet able to love and be loved, to care and to accept nurturing, to reach out and to enfold, to experience, in short, the carnival of third-density illusion—that grand illusion with many, many mirrors, all of which give you a distorted picture of the one original Thought. Meditate, my, friends, and allow the distortions to fall away.
Contact 2 (23 Dec 84)
Quote:(Chanted, each repetition one tone higher on the scale, the last two times on the same tone.)
A-mi-ra, A-mi-ra, A-mi-ra, A-mi-ra, A-mi-ra.
I am Amira. I am with you in the love and the light of the Father. O, precious the moment, all glorious the hour, when first you are born. All that is old, my children, may now be put away. The manger of your light is ready for the babe. Now you are new. My children, my children, this is always true. Do not forget, but turn and rejoice. Peace.
(Chanted all on the same tone.)
A-mi-ra, A-mi-ra, A-mi-ra.
Contact 3 (30 Mar 86)
Quote:(Chanting intonation, rising in pitch, then in volume.)
A-mi-ra, A-mi-ra, A-mi-ra.
I am Amira, and I greet you in the love and the light of the Father. My brothers and sisters, how I yearn to touch your hearts, how I have always yearned to move the hearts of people. Why are your heads turned to the burnt offerings which you insist upon offering to the Most High, for have I not said that the sacrifice of blood is to be offered no longer? And yet within your nations, instead of spreading the unity of the children of God and taking comfort in each other, you offer your first born again and again and so often do you do it in my name. I came to you as a servant and you have called me a king. And yet the words I humbly offer you as messenger of the Father, you have disregarded. When shall your burnt offerings cease and when shall you turn towards each other, nation to nation, people to people, in love?
My peace I leave with you. I am Amira. Farewell in the love and the light of the Father. Adonai.
Q'uo on Amira (20 Dec 87)
Quote:Carla: Well, I’ve got one. I was getting some contact from someone named Amira earlier. It passed the challenge three times, but in the past twenty years, I guess, I’ve seen at least four, maybe six different names that are supposed to be Jesus, and Amira is one of them. And I just wonder, if it is really Jesus, why does this entity have to use so many different aliases? Or is it Jesus at all?
I am Q’uo, and with this query we find that we must tread carefully in order that we not infringe upon the free will of some present, for the entity known to you as Jesus of Nazareth is one which is held in great esteem by many, and has in various ways been drawn to those who seek to serve in this entity’s name, as are all entities of an unseen nature who seek to be of service to others. The one known as Jesus responds to a vibratory call which is congruent with its own. However, in some cases those who call, even with this vibration, are not able to recognize a response that others may easily recognize. Thus, as in the case with any contact through the use of a vocal channel or instrument, a name or sound vibration is given which is acceptable and recognizable by the one serving as instrument and those within the supporting group, for the naming is a phenomenon which is not utilized to a great extent beyond the illusion which you now inhabit, for the naming is that which divides one thing from another and beyond your illusion much there is that no longer partakes in such division. For the eyeshot perspective is greater, and the identification of self with all about one within the creation is that which is pursued and recognized and experienced. Thus, the naming, for the most part, is in order that those within your illusion serving as instruments might more easily recognize the nature of the source of information transmitted through it.
However, along with the preceding, we must also state that there are always those entities both within your illusion and beyond it who would seek to misdirect the attention of many who would revere and cherish information from sources such as the one known as Jesus, and who in this desire to misdirect and confuse would utilize both this entity’s name as known to your peoples and other forms or offices given to this entity. Thus, there is confusion, and each seeker of truth is advised to proceed carefully, using discrimination from within to determine the value of information from without.
May we speak in any further fashion, my sister?
Carla on Amira (28 Jul 2009)
Quote:Terry H wrote asking if there was a connection between Amira, an early channeling source of mine back in the seventies who is an aspect of Jesus the Christ, and Ra. I wrote back saying that I doubted it!
RE: Yadda Yadda - unity100 - 09-21-2011
what's all this ?
RE: Yadda Yadda - kia - 09-21-2011
yeah some explanation would help...Its a long reading
wasn´t here around another thread tittled the same by a memer also called iYADA or something like that..?
RE: Yadda Yadda - Meerie - 09-21-2011
Yes precisely... and now the same thread is opened by Tenet Nosce? Besides why isn't it in "Sessions in focus", if it was part of LLresearchs channelings?
This forum gets weirder by the minute.. and poor DJs threads get destroyed all the time!
please mods talk to him!
RE: Yadda Yadda - kia - 09-21-2011
(09-21-2011, 06:34 AM)Meerie Wrote: Yes precisely... and now the same thread is opened by Tenet Nosce? Besides why isn't it in "Sessions in focus", if it was part of LLresearchs channelings?
This forum gets weirder by the minute.. and poor DJs threads get destroyed all the time!
please mods talk to him!
RE: Yadda Yadda - unity100 - 09-21-2011
i think it would be much better for everyone, including member david junior, if he had opened a blog or something himself and unleashed his sarcastic-meme-poking-fun-at-spiritual-channelings pastime there.
RE: Yadda Yadda - zenmaster - 09-21-2011
(09-21-2011, 07:23 AM)unity100 Wrote: i think it would be much better for everyone, including member david junior, if he had opened a blog or something himself and unleashed his sarcastic-meme-poking-fun-at-spiritual-channelings pastime there. I think he may be dealing with difficulties which may come across as sarcasm.
RE: Yadda Yadda - unity100 - 09-21-2011
(09-21-2011, 08:18 AM)zenmaster Wrote: (09-21-2011, 07:23 AM)unity100 Wrote: i think it would be much better for everyone, including member david junior, if he had opened a blog or something himself and unleashed his sarcastic-meme-poking-fun-at-spiritual-channelings pastime there. I think he may be dealing with difficulties which may come across as sarcasm.
i dont agree. if you read what he posted. these are all edited/modified versions of l/l transcripts, which are rather bastardized and replaced to totally lose meaning and get obfuscated/nonsense-ised. and it is quite a lengthy work to be just sarcasm in fact.
at the most i can say he is probably doing a research on social psychology or something, or wanting to dilute and debase the concepts of channeling, ra, quo etc.
RE: Yadda Yadda - Tenet Nosce - 09-21-2011
Folks - I collected and organized this material when I came across a channeling from "Yadda" and did a google search in the transcripts. These are simply copy and pastes with links provided to go and read the whole transcript in context.
I posted under "iYADDA" with the intention of leaving the material alone and to let it be. There was no intention to make comments on any posts under this username. And I am -not-posting under "David Junior", if that speculation is occurring.
I was later informed that it was against the rules to do this. So I reposted under my normal account. It is a simple explanation and I do apologize.
I am sorry..
Please forgive me.
I love you.
Thank you.
RE: Yadda Yadda - Meerie - 09-21-2011
(09-21-2011, 12:39 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I posted under "iYADDA" with the intention of leaving the material alone and to let it be. There was no intention to make comments on any posts under this username. And I am -not- David Junior, if that speculation is occurring.
I was later informed that it was against the rules to do this. So I reposted under my normal account. It is a simple explanation and I do apologize for inadvertently contributing to confusion. Uh - oh... so you are a shape-shifter! Boy this is kind of freaky, because I was thinking of shapeshifters just before. How many more aliases do you have?
RE: Yadda Yadda - Tenet Nosce - 09-21-2011
(09-21-2011, 01:07 PM)Meerie Wrote: (09-21-2011, 12:39 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I posted under "iYADDA" with the intention of leaving the material alone and to let it be. There was no intention to make comments on any posts under this username. And I am -not- David Junior, if that speculation is occurring.
I was later informed that it was against the rules to do this. So I reposted under my normal account. It is a simple explanation and I do apologize for inadvertently contributing to confusion. Uh - oh... so you are a shape-shifter! Boy this is kind of freaky, because I was thinking of shapeshifters just before. How many more aliases do you have?  None that I am aware of- at the moment I have only commented here under Tenet Nosce.
RE: Yadda Yadda - Richard - 09-21-2011
(09-21-2011, 01:17 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: (09-21-2011, 01:07 PM)Meerie Wrote: (09-21-2011, 12:39 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I posted under "iYADDA" with the intention of leaving the material alone and to let it be. There was no intention to make comments on any posts under this username. And I am -not- David Junior, if that speculation is occurring.
I was later informed that it was against the rules to do this. So I reposted under my normal account. It is a simple explanation and I do apologize for inadvertently contributing to confusion. Uh - oh... so you are a shape-shifter! Boy this is kind of freaky, because I was thinking of shapeshifters just before. How many more aliases do you have?  None that I am aware of- at the moment I have only commented here under Tenet Nosce.
I love the earlier channellings. The energy of Yadda is joyful and heartwarming.
~ And as serious fools who step blindly forward, we step with
~ Can you love and serve without recourse to meditation and
the contact with that which is infinite? You try—you get tired fast.
~ Your best ally in this endeavor is meditation. We get each
in this room saying, “I cannot meditate well, so how is meditation going to
help me?” Well, my dear bozos, no one meditates very well, for the perfect
meditation will remove all separation and restore all to unity. It is the force
of the will that seeks meditation. It is the faith that moves a visible
physical entity to seek the invisible and metaphysical. It is the discipline of
doing so on a daily basis that will yield to you a continuing opening into your
birthright, for as children of consciousness, are you not heirs to all of the
truth? Are you not indeed embodiment of the truth?
Then...the incident...and the eventual lapse. The channellings after the incident (circa 1992 and on) are quite dry. More Quo' like...less playful. Did Yadda change? Or did the fear generated during the incident mar the contact somehow? Or did the incident itself bring another player into the channelling? Hard to say, for me anyway...though it seems the multiverse is plenty crowded.
But, one Bozo to another...I think Yadda meant well.
RE: Yadda Yadda - Tenet Nosce - 09-21-2011
(09-21-2011, 02:46 PM)Richard Wrote: But, one Bozo to another...I think Yadda meant well.
Me too! There is that weird point where things appeared to have gone "wrong" when fear entered into the equation. If I am reading the transcripts correctly, this was NOT during when Carla was channeling Yadda.
Interesting that you pulled out the "bozo" word. I noticed that as well! Carla likes to say "we are all bozos on the bus" or something like that. I wonder if this is where she got that from?!
RE: Yadda Yadda - Monica - 09-21-2011
(09-21-2011, 06:34 AM)Meerie Wrote: Besides why isn't it in "Sessions in focus", if it was part of LLresearchs channelings?
Sessions in Focus is for specific sessions...1 session per thread. This thread contains a theme spanning multiple sessions.
(09-21-2011, 06:34 AM)Meerie Wrote: This forum gets weirder by the minute..
How so?
(09-21-2011, 06:34 AM)Meerie Wrote: and poor DJs threads get destroyed all the time! 
Not destroyed...just in the process of being moved. The mods don't go around arbitrarily deleting threads. That wouldn't be cool at all!
(09-21-2011, 06:34 AM)Meerie Wrote: please mods talk to him!
We have. However, we are volunteers and do have lives! :idea: So if you see something that needs moderator attention, please pm us, rather than posting it in a thread like this, which we might not see. Thank you!
RE: Yadda Yadda - Richard - 09-21-2011
(09-21-2011, 03:03 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: (09-21-2011, 02:46 PM)Richard Wrote: But, one Bozo to another...I think Yadda meant well.
Me too! There is that weird point where things appeared to have gone "wrong" when fear entered into the equation. If I am reading the transcripts correctly, this was NOT during when Carla was channeling Yadda.
Interesting that you pulled out the "bozo" word. I noticed that as well! Carla likes to say "we are all bozos on the bus" or something like that. I wonder if this is where she got that from?! Tenet,
Yes..Carla wasn't channelling when it went wrong. There seems to be some confusion afterwards as to whether in was as much the terrified channeller, something sort of psychic greeting or something else. Yet subsequent channellings of Yadda afterward are almost guarded.
And, or so it seemed to me...Yadda never mentioned the previous attempt at contact and what might have gone wrong? Or did I miss something?
RE: Yadda Yadda - Tenet Nosce - 09-21-2011
(09-21-2011, 04:12 PM)Richard Wrote: Yes..Carla wasn't channelling when it went wrong.
Do you have more information on "R" that you may share?
Richard Wrote:There seems to be some confusion afterwards as to whether in was as much the terrified channeller, something sort of psychic greeting or something else.
Right. Well what do we know? Yadda is a "new" SMC, whatever that means. They seem particularly one-pointed on joy, and it appears to irritate them somewhat that Carla challenged them in the name of Jesus Christ. My sense is they find this challenge rather limiting, which reduces their joy, thus the irritation. Later they say they have no problem with Christ... just using Jesus as part of the challenge.
Right after they jump in to "R" Yadda seems to get really excited. This seems to be related to "R" being willing to challenge them without Jesus. Yadda says they have been waiting so long to tell their story of when they walked the earth. They are about to come out with the story when there is some banter with Carla about their pronunciation of words. I recall Yadda commented that Carla didn't like them because they made her face look funny.
Now perhaps- and this is merely a conjecture- there was something about Carla that triggered something off simultaneously in "R". I would guess "R" was also irritated about limiting the contact to those passing challenge with Jesus Christ. The tone of the contact changed right after this. I still am not sure it was a "negative entity" per se. More like something got simultaneously triggered in Yadda's memory along with "R".
Personally, I get rather annoyed when Hatonn goes off pontificating on Jesus, for example. It's like- um yes can we talk about something other that Jesus' life? Thanks, Hatonn! I even go off about this in 1984.04.15 First Hatonn Contact After Ra I also originally thought Don had committed suicide before that session. As it turned out, Don committed suicide right in between the first and second communications from Yadda.
Quote:Yet subsequent channellings of Yadda afterward are almost guarded.
Yes, and yet we can see that Yadda is still on their minds. If I had to take a guess I think Jim was much more interested in Yadda than Carla. She recalled in the story of "THE INCIDENT" how she and Jim had previously come to some sort of disagreement as well. I don't recall all the details off the top of my head. It is in one of the letters.
Richard Wrote:And, or so it seemed to me...Yadda never mentioned the previous attempt at contact and what might have gone wrong? Or did I miss something?
Actually, they did. It was the next contact, Session 29 almost a year later:
Quote:[I am Yadda.] I speak only briefly. But wish to say to each here, there is one thing which acts as a brake, a stopping mechanism on the learning, and that is fear. When one is afraid, one cannot see whole and unity. Many of your concerns are only fears, and fear is an inappropriate emotion, for you have nothing to fear. Where can you go except the creation? Who can you be, except yourself? You can never be crushed.
It is simply that you, for a time, might decide to be afraid. What are you afraid of? Speak your mind and never worry about the reputation, the opinion of others, or even your opinion of yourself. But do the walk you came to do, and lose the fear which stops your evolution. Replace it consciously. Give it a good hour without fear. With hope and faith, these are the keys, not fear. Not the one who is unworried but simply the attitude of being a positive and loving positive and let people deal with you as they will. You are responsible for yourself. You may be as happy as you chose. You lose the fear, please.
We thank this instrument. She not challenge us to death this time. We have learned that we must follow her wishes or we cannot speak. So we thankfully [leave] in the love and the light of the One Who is All. I am Yadda.
Two months after this contact is when Carla writes the first letter to "R" on Yadda and another month later in October is the second letter to "R" on Yadda.
Then we have exactly one contact from Yadda for every year 1990-1994. Five contacts, which close with Yadda making a joke about their barbaric "yawp". I think these are the sessions you noted as guarded. They appear as an apology to me.
Walt Whitman, Leaves of Gras Wrote:The spotted hawk swoops by and accuses me, he complains of my gab and my loitering.
I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable,
I sound my barbaric YAWP over the roofs of the world.
: a raucous noise : squawk
: something suggestive of a raucous noise; specifically : rough vigorous language
In 1995, Carla expresses gratitude for Yadda to Q'uo. 1997 is the last contact from Yadda, stopping in just to say "hello" to "R".
In 2001, Carla asks Q'uo if Yadda can be brought back by request. Q'uo says yes, but this never happens.
Then a few months later, you can see where I added the session where Hatonn came in instead of Q'uo. Carla also mentions Yadda here.
Oh, and by the way, if anybody is wondering where I got the idea to do this... it was from Carla herself:
The Don and Wynn Show radio interview with Carla L. Rueckert. December 3, 2005
Quote:Some of those things were very interesting I think you [can] get on our site and do a site search on Yadda, for instance, a fascinating guy to channel. Totally a discarnate entity; an inner planes guide.
Yadda, Contact One Wrote:Very honored to be called, and only called because request of “Who are you?” That is question: “Who are you?”
So I have head that song by The Who in my head all day, and now just went to Wikipedia.
Wikipedia (21 Sep 11) Wrote:"Who Are You", composed by Pete Townshend, is the title track on The Who's 1978 release, Who Are You, the last album released before drummer Keith Moon's death in September 1978. It was released as a double-A sided single with the John Entwistle composition "Had Enough", also featured on the album. The song became one of the band's biggest US hits, peaking at #14 and at #7 in Canada.
This song was first performed live at the Gaumont State Cinema, Kilburn on December 15, 1977, albeit without synthesizers and only a portion of the lyrics.
I note this is right about the time that Hatonn was planning for an unveiling. This then led me to the story of Keith Moon's suicide:
Wikipedia (21 Sep 11) Wrote:On 4 January 1970, Moon was involved in a car-pedestrian death outside the Red Lion pub in Hatfield, Hertfordshire. Trying to escape hostile patrons from the pub who had begun to attack his Bentley, Moon, drunk, attempted to take control of his car, which in the melee, ran over and killed his friend, driver, and bodyguard, Neil Boland. Although the coroner said Boland's death was an accident and Moon was given an absolute discharge having been charged with driving offences, those close to him said Moon was haunted by the accident for the rest of his life. Boland's daughter spent a significant amount of time investigating and questioning each witness from the police blotter, and concluded that Moon was not the person behind the wheel of the car.[33][34] However, Keith never recovered from feelings of guilt. Pamela Des Barres, a groupie with whom Moon had an ongoing relationship over the course of three years in Los Angeles, was alarmed by his frequent nightmares, which woke them both during the night, with Moon convinced that he had no right to be alive.[35]
Moon was Paul McCartney's guest at a film preview of The Buddy Holly Story on the evening of 6 September 1978. After dining with Paul and Linda McCartney at Peppermint Park in Covent Garden, Moon and his girlfriend, Annette Walter-Lax, returned to a flat on loan from Harry Nilsson, No.12 at 9 Curzon Place, Shepherd Market, Mayfair in which Cass Elliot had died a little more than four years earlier.[38][39] Moon watched a film, The Abominable Doctor Phibes and requested Annette cook him a breakfast of steak and eggs. When she objected, he replied "If you don't like it, you can just f*** off!" These turned out to be his last words.
Moon then took 32 tablets of clomethiazole (Heminevrin).[7] The medication was a sedative he had been prescribed to alleviate his alcohol withdrawal symptoms as he tried to dry out on his own at home; he was desperate to get clean, but was terrified of another stay in the psychiatric hospital for in-patient detoxification. However, clomethiazole is specifically contraindicated for unsupervised home detox because of its addictiveness, tendency to rapidly induce drug tolerance and dangerously high risk of death when mixed with alcohol.[40] The pills were also prescribed by a new doctor, Dr. Geoffrey Dymond, who was unaware of Moon's recklessly impulsive nature and long history of prescription sedative abuse. He had given Moon a full bottle of 100 pills, and instructed him to take one whenever he felt a craving for alcohol (but not more than 3 per day). The police determined there were 32 pills in his system, with the digestion of 6 being sufficient to cause his death, and the other 26 of which were still undissolved when he died.[7]
Moon died shortly after the release of Who Are You. On the album cover, he is seated on a chair back-to-front to hide the weight gained over three years (as discussed in Tony Fletcher's book Dear Boy); the words "NOT TO BE TAKEN AWAY" appear on the back of the chair.
Turns out his wife Kim was also killed in a car accident:
Wikipedia (21 Sep 11) Wrote:She died on 2 August 2006 in a traffic accident in Travis County, Texas, aged 57. Her car was hit by a truck and she was pronounced dead at the scene.[4] She is survived by husband Ian McLagan, daughter Amanda (Mandy) Jane Moon DeWolf and granddaughters Jessica and Samantha.
Keith Moon was cremated later that month at Golders Green Crematorium in London and his ashes scattered in its Gardens of Remembrance.
This is bizarre. The two themes of "getting hit by a car" and "commitment to a mental institution" along with a suicide appear AGAIN!?
RE: Yadda Yadda - Tenet Nosce - 09-21-2011
Now this is interesting... the last channeling from Hatton before a three year siesta appears to be 15 Jan 95, after the penultimate contact from Yadda, and 14 years to the DATE of Session One of the Law of One:
Quote:Group question: We have been sitting and talking about things we have been affected by in our past, things we are looking forward to in the future and planning for, and adjusting our present according to, and realizing the value of all these things. We are just wondering if there might be some way of focusing more on the present moment and what it really means to be here right now, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
Hatonn is next mentioned by Q'uo in the 19 Feb session. The link follows, but look at the opener!!
Quote:The question this week has to do with the “Who am I?” question that each seeker asks.
Sounds like a query for Yadda!! LOL!
Hatonn is back on the minds of L/L when the Summer 1995 letter goes out:
Quote:Group question: We would like information this afternoon about the nature of our spiritual seeking in general and perhaps the role that those such as Q’uo and Hatonn have to play in that seeking. How are you a service to us, and how might we be of service to each other in this seeking?
(Hatonn, March 27, 1994)
On 03 Sep 95, Q'uo bears greetings from both Oxal and Hatonn:
Quote:We are those of the principle of Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. May we say how happy we are to speak to this group this day. It has been some time since we have spoken with you and your presence delights us. We thank you for the privilege of being a part of this circle. We bear greetings also from those of Hatonn and those of Oxal, for they wish, as well as we, to thank each who has asked us to meditate with them in the period during which there were no formal meetings held. This also is a great privilege for us and we count it as a substantial part of that service which we have come here to offer you.
Over the next years, there are some sessions in which it is noted that Hatonn is present, but it looks like Hatonn doesn't actually give another message until 11 Sep 98. Right about when the pole shift was originally slated to happen.
Quote:Questioner: Hatonn, hi, it’s been awhile. I’ve been reading a book in which it states that a man named Timothy Leary has said that the discovery of DNA was a very, very important scientific and spiritual discovery. I wonder if you could comment on its importance and non-importance?
Q'uo on Hatonn (03 Jan 99):
Quote:Carla: Yes. I noted that you spoke of the two social memory complexes involved, and for a while I felt that there was a third one involved, namely Hatonn, and that that entity had come on board with the principle in order to deal with some of the needs of some of the members of the circle at that time, and when that entity left perhaps Hatonn left also. Is this correct?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. And though this supposition upon your part has its correctness it is not simply enough to say that that is correct, for there are many entities of the social memory complex nature which have been attracted to and have spoken to this group in its history, as you would say. When such a commitment and communication has been made it is never broken but remains as a link so that when this group gathers in its circle of seeking there are many who are drawn to it and do not participate directly in the spoken communication but which lend their vibratory presence to this circle of seeking, and any of this group of entities may be called upon by any in your circle of seeking for special communication, shall we say, that is, the calming effect that one group may have for a certain entity, the inspirational effect that one group may have for another entity. In general, there is much support that is available to this circle of seeking from those of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator.
Q'uo on Hatonn and Cayce (23 Sep 2000):
Quote:R: You speak with us of the entities that are gathered with this particular group, the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow, and you have mentioned that you can be present with us in our personal meditations. Can you speak about that topic a bit?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Those of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Creator who have been members, shall we say, of this group’s circle of seeking are always, in some degree, aiding in the conducting of these sessions of seeking. Those of Hatonn, who were the first contact with this group many of your years ago, are more of what you would call the elder statesmen, lending their vibrations without dividing them into words. Those of Laitos, who have worked with many of the new instruments who have moved through this group, also have lent their vibration at this time and at any time that this group meets. There are those of Oxal, who have rarely in recent times been part of this group’s activities in the sense of the telepathic channeling, yet who also lend their blessings and their vibrations to the seeking and the service within this group. There are others within the Confederation of Planets who have offered themselves over the years of this group’s history in a manner which may be seen as sending the basic vibration of love that aids in each heart’s opening in some degree to the messages offered by other members of the Confederation. Some there are who have not chosen what you call the naming, who are unseen and unnamed, who have had their influence and continue to do so within this group’s circle of seeking. Each entity is available upon the mental request of any in this circle of seeking to join that seeker in the private meditation, not to speak or to communicate in words, but simply to lend the conditioning vibration which aids in the deepening of the meditation of those who call. This is our privilege and our honor, to aid each entity who calls in the meditative state. It is a steadying influence which brings a more focused approach for the seeker to the listening to the silence, to the one Creator, to the heart of the self.
Is there another query at this time?
K: Does the entity known as Edgar Cayce who passed from this life in January of 1945 live again?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother, and we would answer in the affirmative. Is there a final query at this time?
Q'uo on Hatonn and Oxal (06 Jan 01):
Quote:We are known to you as those of the Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, whom we serve. It is a great privilege to join this circle of seeking, and we greet each of you, thanking you for your great thirst for the truth, for all that has brought you to this meeting. It is a very special time for us when we are able to communicate with this group. We welcome each of you. Those in our principle known to you as those of Hatonn and those of Oxal wish especially to greet the one known as Kyra and to greet all of those who are new to this group. For each of you has your unique and beautiful music that you embody in your energy, and we greatly enjoy sharing this meditation with the beautiful harmony that you make together.
Here Hatonn comes back in again (01 Apr 01):
Quote:We are those known to you as Hatonn, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is our privilege and our blessing to be called to your group this afternoon, and we thank you for this blessing. We send each of you our love and our blessing as well. We ask that each of you discriminate carefully in listening to what we have to say, taking what is good to you and leaving behind the rest. We travel with you as companions, not as authorities, and would not be a stumbling block in any way.
We almost hesitated to begin speaking because the meditation was quite beautiful to us, and we know that our words are not as full of meaning or beauty as the silence. But you have asked for some information about how to end a relationship when the ending must be done by one and not the other. And so we must use words to offer our opinion on that interesting subject. This instrument requests that we express why we are here instead of those of Q’uo. It is the nature of this particular question that has brought forth the energy of our social memory complex of Hatonn. We are of the love vibration, and truly there are some concerns that are addressed through the totally open heart rather than through wisdom or any mix of love and wisdom.
Q'uo on "Ascension". The whole gang is here (04 Feb 01):
Quote:We find that this day we experience not only those of Latwii and those of Ra, but also those of Hatonn and those of Oxal. The constitution of the principle varies somewhat from meeting to meeting, depending upon the vibrations and the needs of those who are attending the circle. As always, we ask that each use discrimination in listening to what we have to say, for we are as fallible and error-prone as any seeker on the spiritual path. We do not consider ourselves or put ourselves forward as authorities but simply as those who may have a slightly different point of view and one that might be helpful. For we are those who have taken a few steps more while upon the path that you are now engaged in navigating.
Q'uo on Hatonn (29 Aug 01)
Quote:We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. We are a slightly different voice than the Q’uo [that] normally speaks through this instrument because the vibrational characteristics of this particular question and group seem to be better met if the brothers and sisters of Hatonn take the position of speaking for the principle which includes those of Hatonn, those of Latwii, and those of Ra. Normally, we speak with this group through the brothers and sisters of Latwii. However, each session of working has its own dynamics and this particular group seems to call forth the strengths of the brothers and sisters of Hatonn. If there are any differences, they are probably due to this unique voice.
Q'uo on blending with Hatonn (20 Jan 02):
Quote:S: I am just kind of curious as to where Q’uo spent its third-density experience. What can you tell us about it?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. As you may be aware we of the principle of Q’uo are a principle because we are of more than one source or origin. Those of Latwii, who are of the density of light, have joined with those of Hatonn, of the density of love, and also have joined with those of Ra, of the density of unity. Those of Ra, as you are aware, experienced their third density upon the planet which you call Venus and were honored to have a most efficient experience within the third density of Venus. The many entities which formed the eventual social memory complex of Venus had a most harmonious third density upon that planetary sphere and moved quickly, shall we say, through that experience with a significant portion achieving graduation within the first cycle of 25,000 years, a larger portion achieving graduation during the second cycle, and the third cycle saw the joining of the social memory complex by all of the population of that sphere. Those of Hatonn and those of Latwii had somewhat similar third-density experiences upon planets which are distant from this solar system and which are as yet undiscovered by your astronomers. Thus the name or place of such is meaningless, yet each social memory complex has found the third-density experience to be that which has produced the tempering of seeking, and the fire of the testing was intense and true. And we have been privileged to become that which you call Q’uo for the purpose of these transmissions at this time. Is there another question, my brother?
More Q'uo on blending with Hatonn (27 Nov 2002)
Quote:Questioner: What has Q’uo’s experience been in the evolution through the cosmos? Was there a third-density experience that was experienced?
We are those known to you as Q’uo and are aware of your query, my brother. The Q’uo principle is made up of three entities: one of fourth density, the identity being that known to this instrument and this group as Hatonn; one from fifth density, that entity being the one known as Latwii; and one from sixth density, that entity being known as Ra. These three social memory complexes comprise this voice. The entities are of this galactic system. One of the entities is of the energy known as Venus, the other two experienced third density within other star systems. All experienced third density in a unique way, each in their own refinement of that experience. Each has had a markedly easier third-density experience than those of your particular planet. This is because the planet of which you are a part has been peopled with those who have been repeating this grade; some of them since before the last seventy-five thousand-year cycle. This is a particularly confused group of entities whose great length of experience has not yet brought them to a clear choice amongst all the variations from service to others to service to self and [so they go] swinging back [and forth] in a random and unfocused fashion. The lack of will amongst those of your peoples can be traced to this history of many, many incarnations which, in some, have not added either to graduation in the positive sense or graduation in the negative sense.
More Q'uo on blending with Hatonn (06 Apr 03):
Quote:J: Yeah, I have a quick question, Q’uo. Do you express yourself in other groups such as this one, in this world?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We of Q’uo are privileged to speak to this group using the verbalization technique of channeling, as you have called it, but restrict our contact with other groups or individuals to a more personalized sense of blending our vibrations with theirs. There are, however, portions of our principle, such as those of Hatonn, which do speak to other groups and have for a great many of your years. The mind-to-mind contact that produces the channeling phenomenon is one which is difficult for most to initiate and more difficult yet to maintain. So even though there have been attempts to make this kind of contact with other groups, for the most part they have been short-lived. However, we do not measure our success at service by the channeling type of contact which we now enjoy with this group, for we find it is possible to reach with our hearts in love and light to all the creation and are pleased to feel the loving response of the great majority of the creation with which we are one.
"J" thanks Hatonn and an interesting exchange (17 Jul 03):
Quote:G: I certainly do. Thank you Ra, Hatonn and Latwii for being such loving guides to me during my own journey. My first question is: can you tell me what the splintering agent is that you mentioned in my last reading and what I can do to heal myself of its effects. Is there anything I can do to heal myself of its effects besides engaging in daily meditation, so that I may become whole again, restoring the vision and restoring the sight?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The splintering effect of which we spoke at our previous meeting is a point of view, shall we say, an attitude, which you have adopted or had adopted for yourself in your past. We find that your current experience is one which has caused you to change much of that point of view. There has been much healing of your fractured viewpoint concerning various aspects of yourself and how you would be able to accept these aspects in your daily round of activities. Thus, our recommendation remains that which it was then: to meditate and to consider carefully your point of view as regards the self and the self’s interactions with others.
Is there another query, my brother?
G: Am I by any chance an indigo child or a wanderer of the type with the dual-activated body, or both?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We would go to the limits of our ability to respond without infringing upon your free will by suggesting that your nature, at its core, is more attuned with the status of one who seeks to serve as a wanderer to distant areas of consciousness. Thus, you are one who has journeyed to a distant point of your own thinking, which is now symbolized by this planetary sphere.
More Q'uo on blending with Hatonn (07 Sep 03):
Quote:G: If the instrument still has energy, I have another one. Q’uo, in the Law of One series Ra says that “… our very being is hopefully a poignant example of both the necessity and the near-hopelessness of attempting to teach.” I was wondering if you could expound upon that any further?
We are aware of your query, my brother. As that known to you as Q’uo, we encompass a great deal of teaching. The energies of the ones known as Hatonn have long taught; the energies of the ones known as Latwii and those known as Ra, have long taught. And indeed those of Hatonn and those of Latwii accept as their teacher those of Ra. Consequently, we have bonds of teaching and of learning even within our principle. And our entire beau geste as a principle is to teach and yet, if we were to use this instrument’s slang, we would say, “LOL.” It is to laugh, it is to chuckle, for how can we teach? What do we know? We know only opinion. We can only toss our words into the wind and hope that some helpful aspect transfers from creation to creation, for we speak across worlds.
We gaze at each of you in your creation. You are masters. Few of you know it. We hope to encourage you to be aware of your nature, yet we have only a simple story to tell. We have only one basic thought to share. You are one, we are all one and that one thing is love. We attempt to be creative, we use channels such as this one so that we may flash all of the colors of that channel’s personality and weave such tales as that person’s energy and personality shell have to give. Yet our story is the same, and it is inadequate to fuel the realization and the transformation of a single entity.
Yet we shine out our light and we ask you to shine your light, to tell your shining truth when you feel it within. And when your shining truth is that you know nothing, let that shine, let that be a good thing to shine. For it is in our way of perceiving, an excellent thing. So we teach those who are already masters and who have forgotten. You who are learning could take our places, were the veil to drop. Yet you have placed yourself in this darkness which you experience, so that you can change.
Consequently to teach is almost hopeless and yet, what else does a human or the spirit have to share? The rest is love and has no words. When there is the attempt to share, it must be that sharing through the structures and the limitations and the exigencies of logic depending from each structure. These limitations are almost hopeless; that is, they create a hopeless situation in which one throws pebbles at the great eternal truth that is too simple to articulate.
Thanks for Hatonn through Q'uo (21 Mar 04):
Quote:T: No, no thank you, Q’uo. I just want to send my thanks and love to you and also to those of Hatonn.
We are those of Q’uo, and may we say, my brother, that your words are most welcome to those of Hatonn that are with us, as always, at this time.
We thank this group in our hearts for allowing us to be a part of your beautiful nature, your sweet meditation, and your community of seeking. It is such a privilege to us and such a blessing to be able to be of some small service within your patterns. We assure you that you are of tremendous service to us. And we thank you.
More Q'uo on blending with Hatonn (17 May 04):
Quote:This entity is a principle and by that we mean are made up of three distinct social memory complexes: one from the level of love, one from the level of wisdom, and one from the level of unity. We who are speaking to you are those of Latwii, we are fifth-density entities. Our teacher is that entity known to this group as Ra and that entity is also a part of this principle. And the one known as Hatonn is most often with this group as well, not in order to express the self but in order to love and express that unconditional vibration that is so much needed within the Earth plane at this time. So we who speak to you are a principle that is made up of a range of entities, shall we say, a group of those who have learned and taught together for a very long time. Is this information satisfactory, my brother?
Q'uo on Hatonn and higher density sexuality (10 Oct 04):
Quote:The intentions of the creative principle remain a mystery to us but it has been our observation, as gazing at third density from somewhat further along the path of evolution, that the sexual principle is a powerful and lasting one. It continues to be a unifying and celebratory event as the densities move on. We at sixth density, speaking as those of the group of Ra, still experience sexuality in the shape of fusion. We, speaking as Latwii of fifth density, still experience sexuality as we wish to experience it—choosing our form and our expression; yet our choices continue to be those of finding that one entity with whom we are most suited and enjoying a mated life together in the context of group living. And it is true of those who are of the Hatonn group in fourth density as well. We do not have as much choice, in terms of physical vehicles, yet we do have that continuing desire to be companioned and to share an intimate life with that companion. Sexuality is not going to go away because you leave this density; it is a continuing principle within what you may perhaps visualize, as we do, as a continuing series of illusions. So a query concerning sexuality is in no way a shallow one. Nor is it one that we can dispose of by discussing psychology or ways of encouraging various portions of the mind to alter their biases.
More Q'uo on blending with Hatonn (28 Nov 04):
Quote:T1: We know that Q’uo is composed of three entities in the Confederation and I would like to know if there is a major speaker, speaking. Thank you.
We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We are composed, as you said, of three groups, one of fourth density, one of fifth density, and one of sixth density, in this instrument’s and our way of describing our relative position and experience. This particular principle was created because this particular instrument has a certain way of tuning and preparing for contact with the Confederation entities. She prays for contact with the highest and best contact that she may handle in a stable and conscious manner. It is a very precise request. The entity whom she tended to receive upon making this prayer, prior to her contact with those of the Ra group, was the Latwii group and she had received those of Latwii fairly consistently for several years before experiencing the trance contact with those of the Ra group.
As each within this circle is aware, the contact with those of Ra was a very narrow-band contact which was only possible during that window of opportunity when the ones known as Don, Jim and Carla were all in the circle and when the one known as Don passed from this third-density experience, the possibility of further contact with this particular entity was ended. However, this instrument continued to tune and pray in the same manner and those of Latwii and others within the Confederation, including those of Hatonn and those of Ra, felt that perhaps the creation of a principle would best respond to this instrument’s very real desire for the highest and best contact of which she was capable. Since those of Ra could not speak with this instrument in a conscious and stable manner, there was no possibility for that social memory complex being the speaker. However, both those of Hatonn and those of Latwii had previously enjoyed sharing the thoughts of those of Ra in a teach/learning circle and the three groups decided that they would blend into one principle, with the ones known as Hatonn being responsible simply for projecting a vibration of love, of which I feel sure that each of you is aware as we speak. The ones known as Latwii took the responsibility for speaking to this instrument and the ones known as Ra were part of the process of defining just how to respond to the question that was presented to the principle of Q’uo. So, as those of Q’uo speak, it is those of Latwii who are creating the concepts which this instrument receives and translates into words.
Q'uo on Hatonn (17 Apr 05):
Quote:We have little to say but we would say a bit before we ask for the first query. First of all, this instrument was concerned earlier because the one known as Hatonn, which is part of our group, had expressed itself in that she had caught the quality of the word, “Hatonn” [when challenging], and we would express that there is within this group the calling for unconditional love in its purity and that is the service which the one known as Hatonn so joyfully provides. We would at this time pause that the one known as Hatonn may express its nature in the silence between all of you and ourselves.
Hatonn speaks, and startles Carla (06 Apr 03):
Quote:The instrument was somewhat startled to discover that those of Hatonn were going to speak rather than those of Latwii this day. For it has been many years since those of Hatonn have been that entity of the three that was most appropriate to speak. However, this query concerns the heart in a special and unique way that calls forth the energies appropriate for the one known as Hatonn to intercept. Therefore, this instrument was forgetful in squeezing the hand of the one known as Jim and we apologize for startling this instrument and disturbing the beginning of the session.
Hatonn speaks on Christmas (15 Dec 07):
Quote:We wish to say to the one known as R that the part of the principle of Q’uo which is speaking through this instrument this evening is the Brothers and Sisters of the Hatonn group. The subject is unconditional love, which is this entity’s native vibration. Consequently, we shall express through the one known as Hatonn this evening.
L2 muses on telepathic contact with Hatonn (06 Feb 09):
Quote:L2: I have a query. There are times when I am daydreaming that I will ask myself a philosophical question, and then I will muse, “What would Q’uo or Hatonn say about this question?” And I continue to muse and think they might say something like this or that and I form a little answer in my head. I would like to know if I am at that time channeling or just having an amusing daydream/
We are those of Laitos, and are aware of your query, my sister. The names that we use create a sense of personhood and it is easy to use those names to trigger the process of guidance being called upon. In actuality there is a cross-over between the channeled entities such as we and your guidance because of the fact that, as a wanderer, your higher self is a portion of one of the several planetary sources with which you have a channel. That is to say, your guidance system, being your higher self, is also in your future a part of those of the Confederation. This is quite common among wanderers.
In order to avoid triggering those prophecies which prepare you for doing outer channeling work, my sister, it would be well in your contemplations to wonder what your highest and best self might say about such and such a point upon which you are musing. That is a subtle difference, the difference between naming an outer source and naming an inner source, when the sources are congruent. However, it represents your acknowledgment of the appropriateness of retaining private conversation, when there is not a channeling circle to support you, as being that between yourself within incarnation and your higher or larger self. You are not having an idle daydream, my sister, but accessing information in a very appropriate way.
This from Homecoming 2010:
Carla Wrote:That song brings me to Edgar Cayce. Now Cayce didn’t say anything about 2012, he said something about 1998—well, you know, close enough right? He was talking [about a time] quite a bit earlier in the twentieth century. The only reason we have this theory is because somebody paid him to ask questions that weren’t about healing. He [Cayce] was a man with children and responsibilities and he needed money for his readings because they took his energy and time every day all day—his whole life almost. So he had to have income, and he only read for people who paid him. But bless certain people’s hearts, they paid him for “world readings” and that’s how we got this information from Cayce.
Cayce felt that humans would evolve in time into beings with supernatural powers. He described a new era of enlightenment and peace, when the energy within humans would be manifested on the Earth. But before this Kingdom of God would rule the world, Cayce foresaw world events that can only be described as apocalyptic. He saw a period of purification necessary involving natural disasters that would dramatically alter the face of the Earth.
He called for this to happen in 1998. Interestingly enough, Don [Elkins] asked about this, being a scientist, being aware also as a researcher of the paranormal that Cayce had said this. He was especially aware of it through a book called We Are the Earthquake Generation [2] which I recommend to you. It’s the only book of its kind and may be out of print by now.
The answer that the Ra group gave to Don was that it was possible that this could be averted. Mind you that Don was talking to Ra in 1981, 82, 83 and a little bit in 84—so it hadn’t happened yet and everybody was very nervous about Cayce’s predictions. They (Ra group) said well, it might not have to happen if things change in the thinking on Earth, we can’t go into the future and predict because things happen the way they happen and your free will determines how they all happen. However, he (Cayce) did see that there was not only be the natural disasters, there would be all kinds of wars, there would be economic collapse and socio-political unrest. Certainly he is describing the world that we see with our physical eyes.
Cayce felt, as with Ra, that this could be averted if humanity changed its behavior and this is the purpose for giving prophecies—to warn people to change so that prophecies won’t happen.
Now I’ve done very little prophesying. Don and I, when I first started channeling tried, just once, to do a prophetic reading—and whoever it was I had on the horn, I think it was Hatonn, was asked, “What natural disasters will occur within the next 12 months?”
Also this little tidbit from part two:
Carla Wrote:However, in this regard I always think of Ho-oponopono, which is a Hawaiian healing technique. [2] It involves the person understanding the illness of a subject or a patient, finding that within himself, whatever the damage is, and then healing himself.
RE: Yadda Yadda - Richard - 09-22-2011
I've always wondered if the make-up of the entity/entities called is determined by an..amalgamation of beliefs (or tendencies) of the circle calling?
Yadda said:
There is something called faith which defeats
all laws. It is not in law but in faith that you are able to concentrate upon
the business at hand. The business at hand is your spiritual development. The
business at hand is seeking. The business at hand is learning. There is not
motivation to learn in the law—you simply follow directions. This is a cookbook
life, the law; take a little of Law Number One, take two tablespoons of Law
Number Two, mix carefully with a batch of Laws Six, Seven and Eight and you will
learn?! No, my friends—you will conform.
There is a law for you and for you
only. But this law is personal, intimate and can only be found as a product of
the faith that there is a truth beyond all that you see and hear. Your path is
your law.That which you deem correct is correct for you. Please do not think
we are encouraging you to go out and manhandle some small child. This would be
breaking the law of man but requires no faith whatsoever. So what requires
faith, my friends? You do.
I've always thought that while we can share ideas and thoughts with each other. The meanings therein are going to be different for all of us as they apply to personal lives. Our path...as it were. But the paragraphs above seem (to me) counterpoint to the Law of One philosophies. Makes me wonder who in the group manifested those thoughts..and brought an entity forward to echo them?
On a basic level then..do channelled entities basically tell us what we want to hear? Or are they composing thier information to fit our path..or Law?
RE: Yadda Yadda - Tenet Nosce - 12-24-2011
Quite interesting. I was just reading through DW's latest post and found this:
David Wilcock Wrote:I asked JL if the Elders were the direct descendants of humans who were born on another planet and migrated here. He personally has no knowledge of this, and was told their supernatural lifespan was merely due to diet and herbs.
Other high-level insiders have revealed to me that fully five different groups of extraterrestrial humans have colonized the Earth in the past. The Elders are apparently the living descendants of one of these groups.
The larger Chinese pyramids were apparently built as landing platforms for their ships. I have been told there are still vast networks of crystalline pipes underneath the ground, linking these sites together.
Then I went and re-read this strange session with Yadda:
Contact 28 (04 Aug 88)
Quote:I Yadda. I come in love and light of infinite Creator. We come with thanksgiving too. What would the one known as Yadda—we ask this instrument perhaps to become with this one erect … that work better, the lying down, not working. I Yadda. I now attempt to transfer to the one known as (inaudible). I Yadda.
(Carla channeling)
I Yadda. I again with this instrument. We say, “Hah, we almost got it, we wish he be patient.” We now transfer to one known as R. I Yadda.
(R channeling)
I Yadda. I am with this instrument. This is very interesting. We want to do this really much. Oh, I forgive myself. I come light and love of infinite Creator, and then finally in (inaudible) of Christ. Yadda! Very good! This instrument exercise (inaudible). Hhmm. Long time, long time ago, Yadda walk this Earth. Yadda wish to thank this instrument for patience, for Yadda very anxious (inaudible) waiting, WAITING, WAITING, WAITING! For such a long time. He’s waiting. Sometimes, you know, it gets very hard. Anyway. Ah, we begin.
Maybe I tell you a story, but I don’t quite know how to get into it. This instrument, he … Tell you what, we going to rest this instrument, cause we got GOOD THING HERE. And we be VERY CAREFUL with this one. He good. You know why? Why why? I was waiting why? He like it.
Carla: Your “L’s” are better, Yadda.
You know what? Your “L’s” stink. (Laughter from group.) There really nothing wrong with Yadda “L!” You’re letting “L” just plain, when Yadda got right (inaudible). (Laughter.) This instrument listen. He happy too, but sometime he want to get in and play a little. Have to find a way to put his somewhere. You know what? He say it okay. He did. I not kidding. He say, “Can I say this?”
Yes. HE SAY, (unclear, though very loud, sounds like “transplay!”). She never say this, NEVER! She’s afraid. That’s the reason, but this one not afraid. Yadda protect (sound too loud and too inarticulate to be understood). Yadda almost use words not nice. I don’t know—maybe I do it anyway. Well … It came easy, this one, because he like to swear. But you know why I STOP? Because this one GIVE ME WORD! HAH! I taking no word from this one, I ought as (inaudible) not as prompter. Hah, hah, hah, hah. This very happy business. I like this a lot. You may get very tired of Yadda. Hhmmm.
Please, please understand. This (inaudible) Yadda tell you secret. Yadda come differently to this one than to that one. That one over there, WHOM I LOVE BECAUSE she lets me speak in spite of fear. She knows I’m good, rather just rough. RUFF RUFF RUFF. RUFF. I need a voice like this one because, I tell you something. She right. Yadda … Not this. Cause I tell you, I use it anyway. You being kind. I carry baggage. I don’t wish to say baggage. I carry BAGGAGE. I carry murder, because for LONG TIME, YADDA HATE! HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE! Now Yadda love. Much to learn in this, I think. I didn’t tell you what I hate, I hated the Chinese. The Chinese KILL AND KILL AND KILL AND KILL. Yadda learn how to kill, oh, Yadda very good at this. If you can say good—but it’s not bad, either. Is INSTRUCTIONAL!
Don’t worry—I give it up. I don’t need to do this anymore. And I don’t need to hate the Chinese either. (Very softly.) Love the Chinese. I tell you why I love the Chinese. May I do this? I love the Chinese because Chinese make Yadda hate. And when Yadda hate, Yadda find out what love is. This instrument think that Yadda like Ramtha. Yadda not like Ramtha. Ramtha there. Ramtha think hot stuff! Yadda think think this instrument hot stuff. Because now Yadda can talk, and talk out loud and talk in terms you want to know. Because you speak in this group, Yadda speak. You all speak in this group of the negative … Yadda like. You speak of the negative side, the one who make you hate. Okay, I speak of this, because the side that make you hate, you made service to look like that. YOU MUST LOVE ’EM! (Shouted phrase not understandable.) Must have hate. I get carried away because it was long and hard.
Ohhhh. Think how it feels. Buddha cares. This one challenge not in Buddha’s name, don’t worry, little one, he CHALLENGE SMART CHALLENGE. HE CHALLENGE WITH … He say, I came in fellowship of the eternal truth of the Christ. Christ everywhere. I no problem with Christ! Only with Jee-sus. But I tell you, this one does not know Buddha, so he say, if I challenge with Buddha, I don’t know what (inaudible) I don’t use that word. I give you new word. He (inaudible) this one, because he don’t like making up stuff he never heard before.
(Sounds like) SHUT UP! You know what?
(This is very difficult to transcribe, and it goes on at some length. The delivery is alternatively violently loud and fading completely away into inaudibility, then back to absolute ROARING. This is an unclear recording with lots of background noise on tape. With this, in addition to bombastic and emotional nature of delivery, and the significant loss of sibilant and other consonant sounds, it is just too difficult to transcribe. It has to be listened to to be believed, anyway.)
(Group retunes after Yadda’s explosive closing.)
I wonder if there is some kind of connection between Yadda and those "Elders" DW is talking about...
Looks like Mark Probert previously channeled Yadda (Yada). Here is a link to some transcripts:
For those who don't recall, Mark Probert is mentioned in the Ra Material:
Quote:7.10 Questioner: You mentioned the nine who sit on the Council. Is this “nine” the same nine as those mentioned in this book? (Questioner gestures to Uri.)
Ra: I am Ra. The Council of Nine has been retained in semi-undistorted form by two main sources, that known in your naming, as Mark and that known in your naming as Henry. In one case, the channel became the scribe. In the other, the channel was not the scribe. However, without the aid of the scribe, the energy would not have come to the channel.
7.11 Questioner: The names that you spoke of. Were they Mark Probert and Henry Puharich?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
... and here is a confirmation from L/L in the Fall 1984 Newsletter:
Quote:We did as Yadda suggested, and our research revealed that another contact from Yadda was recorded in a book called THE MAGIC BAG by Mark Probert in the 1950s.
RE: Yadda Yadda - Patrick - 09-07-2012
Excellent thread !
RE: Yadda Yadda - Cyan - 09-08-2012
First lines of the first book I ever wrote to completion called "ramblings on the road of life." are:
Quote:Who are you, beautiful creature?
I am going to start with a simple thought. Who are you? It is perhaps the most used and misused question in the field.
And I have a speech impedement where R's and L's tend to get mixed up and it has been a point of much sorrow for me, so this definently resonated strongly, thank you kindly, i'll remember this thread.
RE: Yadda Yadda - GentleReckoning - 10-16-2012
Big fan of Yadda's tone, delivery, and content. Definitely going to ask for their aid in my future meditations.
RE: Yadda Yadda - Cyan - 10-17-2012
Yadda was so much like me in many ways taht i felt it a bit... uncanny and unnerving.
I liked it in many ways though.
RE: Yadda Yadda - spero - 10-18-2012
whooa thats one crazy channeling session with R....negative greeting much